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Getting the source code

jaboto edited this page Oct 6, 2020 · 3 revisions

Clone the repository including submodules (this might take a while depending on your Internet connection).

From the console execute the following command :

If using SSH:

$> git clone --recurse-submodules

If using HTTPS:

$> git clone --recurse-submodules

Note: git allows cloning a smaller portion of the repository to reduce the number of commits. Check the shallow option: if you want to reduce the amount of data downloaded and/or if you are not interested in having the whole history of the project.

At this moment you should have a folder structure similar to the one presented in the image below which contains the three main components of the DHIS2 Android App:

The three components

The App

The App is the DHIS2 Android application itself which allows you to use DHIS2 offline for collecting tracker, events and aggregate data.


The SDK contains the core part of the application and it is the one that interacts with the DHIS2 server by implementing the API calls according to the official documentation. It can be forked to create other DHIS2 based applications.

The Rule Engine

The Rule Engine is the part of the code used to compute Program Rules. At the moment the Android and the web project are not fully aligned so Program Rules might behave differently in both systems. The idea is that they align in the near future.