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Getting Started

Albert Tregnaghi edited this page Oct 12, 2018 · 9 revisions
This page is currently under construction and will describe how you can start easily with a new document. etc.


The editor is just an editor, but with some nice toolbar actions, code completion, syntax highlighting and .. last but not least a great preview function.


Please see FAQ

How to use

HINT: You can use the editor in any perspective or project you like!

Simple standalone files

See YouTube Video for a short intro how to create simple standalone asciidoc files with editor

Professional agile project documentation

When you want to document your software project in a modern and agile way (IMHO) this is the correct setup:

  • Use same repository as your software project for code and documentation. So when you check out a tag /version of your code you will always get the corresponding documentation for it…​

  • Document always only in a text format and do NOT use any binary format (e.g. word etc.). Of course I prefer asciidoctor.

  • Integrate documentation into your CI tool chain. For asciidoctor I prefer

  • Use an editor which does a fast preview which is nearly the same as your documentation outcome of your builde chain (asciidoctor editor does this)

  • Use multi project structures and create an own sub project containing documentation only. Maven and Gradle are giving great support for it.

  • Use includes and seperate at least chapters into own files. If you want to have a very good template you can try out . Look into the download section for the asciidoc variant. Just unzip the files and you got full structured documentation setup ready to start

EGradle New Project Wizard with Asciidoctor Support

With EGradle 2.5 there is a new template introduced : java-full-multiproject-with-asciidoctor (see #346 for details)

Using EGradle New project wizard with this template you will have a full working, out-of-the-box multi project setup with chapters, includes, examples and also a full working gradle setup.

How to use the documentation project

Just call gradlew asciidoctor and you got the generated output - you will find the content inside `build/


Generated documentation project
41840557 5c2cb5e4 7866 11e8 80c4 ed912e80245c
Figure 1. Screenshot of documentation project generated by EGradle

when callling gradlew asciidoctor you got following result:

41840928 446dd63a 7867 11e8 9ff3 beddfe0182a4
Figure 2. Screenshot of documentation project build result