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Tutorial Scheduler Modals
A modal is a layout that is shown in front of the main UI; one of its main use cases is creating popups. A modal is always created from a Layout template created in an .ez file. In other words, you first define what the modal looks like in the .ez file, and then you spawn it from code.
You can spawn a popup anytime you have access to the scheduler (i.e. when initializing the UI, from a callback, or from a scheduled task). Only one modal can exist at any time; if a modal is opened when another one already exists, the existing one is dismissed first. The ID of a modal will always be 'modal'. The full path of a modal will always be '/root/modal'. Any widgets defined inside of the template layout will have their own IDs, e.g. '/root/modal/my_popup_label'.
The modal is spawned in the root layout, so size hints and position hints will size and position the modal relative to the root layout. Modals can be dismissed from the scheduler. If you want a button in your modal that dismisses it, you need to bind a callback to the button in the modal that calls the dismiss_modal method of the scheduler. Modals can be dragged across the screen by the user (as long as they click on an empty part of the modal); if you want to disable this behavior set 'can_drag' to false in the layout template used to spawn the modal. Lastly, when a modal is open only widgets in the modal can be selected or clicked; events do not reach the main UI when a modal is open.
Let's look at an example. We want to create a popup that appears when we click a button. The popup should be half the size of the terminal and appear in the center. It should have some text and a dismiss button that allows the user to close the popup.
First, we define the layout template in an .ez file; we will use this to spawn the popup later. We'll also create a button in the main UI, which will spawn the popup:
- Layout:
mode: float
- Button:
id: create_button
text: Create popup
auto_scale: true, true
pos_hint: center, middle
- <MyPopup@Layout>:
mode: box
orientation: vertical
size_hint: 0.5, 0.5
pos_hint: center, middle
border: true
- Label:
text: This is my popup!
size_hint_y: none
height: parent.height - parent.dismiss_button.height
auto_scale_width: true
halign: center
- Button:
id: dismiss_button
text: Close popup
auto_scale_height: true
We now have a template we can use to spawn the popup. Note that you can only use Layout templates to spawn modals, widget templates won't work. Now we'll write callbacks to create and dismiss the popup:
use ez_term::*;
let (root_widget, mut state_tree, mut scheduler) = load_ui();
let create_popup_callback = |context: Context| {
let dismiss_popup_callback = |context: Context| {
context.scheduler.open_modal("MyPopup", context.state_tree);
let callback_config = CallbackConfig::from_on_press(Box::new(dismiss_popup_callback));
context.scheduler.update_callback_config("dismiss_button", callback_config);
let callback_config = CallbackConfig::from_on_press(Box::new(create_popup_callback));
scheduler.update_callback_config("create_button", callback_config);
run(root_widget, state_tree, scheduler);
Now when the create button is pressed, the popup will open. When the dismiss button is pressed from the modal, it will close again. Note that we referred to the template name when opening the popup; this is separate from any ID, it comes from the line: "- MyPopup@Layout:". Note also that we bind the dismiss callback to the modal button from inside of the callback where we spawn the modal. We cannot bind the dismiss callback when initializing the UI, because the modal does not exist at that time. It only exists after the "open_modal" method of the scheduler is called.
The general tutorial continues with: Managing widgets programmatically.
Tutorial-Project-StructureMinimal example
EzLang basics
EzLang Templates
Ezlang Layout modes
EzLang Box mode layouts
EzLang Stack mode layouts
EzLang Table mode layouts
EzLang Float mode layouts
EzLang Tab mode layouts
EzLang Screen mode layouts
EzLang Layout Scrolling
EzLang Layout Views
EzLang Widget overview
EzLang Label
EzLang Text Input
EzLang Button
EzLang Checkbox
EzLang Radio button
EzLang Dropdown
EzLang Slider
EzLang Canvas
EzLang Property Binding
EzLang Sizing
EzLang Size hints
EzLang Auto scaling
EzLang Maths Sizing
EzLang Manual Sizing
EzLang Positioning
EzLang Layout Mode Positioning
EzLang Position Hints
EzLang Position Maths
EzLang Manual Position
EzLang Adjusting Position
EzLang Keyboard Selection
Widget States and the State Tree
The Scheduler Object
Managing callbacks
Callback Structure
Callback Configs
Callback: On keyboard enter
Callback: On Left Mouse Click
Callback: On Press
Callback: On Select
Callback: On Deselect
Callback: On Right Mouse Click
Callback: On Hover
Callback: On Drag
Callback: On Scroll Up
Callback: On Scroll Down
Callback: On Value Change
Callback: Custom Key Binds
Callback: Global Key Binds
Callback: Property Binds
Scheduled Single Exectution Tasks
Scheduled Recurring Tasks
Threaded Tasks
Custom Properties
Programmatic Widgets
Updating widgets
Managing selection
Default global (key)binds
Layout: Box Mode NestedLayout: Box Mode Size Hints
Layout: Stack Mode
Layout: Table Mode Dynamic
Layout: Table Mode Static
Layout: Float Mode Manual
Layout: Float Mode Position hints
Layout: Screen Mode
Layout: Tab Mode
Layout: Scrolling
Layout: Views
Widget: Label
Widget: Text input
Widget: Button
Widget: Checkbox
Widget: Radio Button
Widget: Dropdown
Widget: Slider
Widget: Progress Bar
Widget: Canvas
Scheduler: Schedule Once
Scheduler: Schedule Once Callback
Scheduler: Schedule Recurring
Scheduler: Schedule Recurring Callback
Scheduler: Threaded Task State Tree
Scheduler: Threaded Task Custom Property
Scheduler: Create Widgets
Scheduler: Modal Popup
WidgetsCommon Properties
Text Input
Radio button
Schedule once
Schedule Recurring
Schedule Threaded
Cancel Task
Cancel Recurring Task
Create Widget
Remove Widget
Select Widget
Deselect Widget
Update Widget
Force Redraw
Open Modal
Dismiss Modal
Bind Global Key
Remove Global Key
Clear Global Keys
Bind Property
Create Custom Properties
Get Property
Get Property Mut
Overwrite Callback Config
Update Callback Config