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Web Explorer
Brandon edited this page Nov 14, 2024
3 revisions
Localization strings: https://github.com/darklinkpower/PlayniteExtensionsCollection/blob/master/source/Generic/WebExplorer/Localization/en_US.xaml
Plugin source name: WebExplorer
Name | Description |
BrowserHostViewControl | Standard web view |
BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl | Web view without navigation controls and bookmarks visible. Intended for fullscreen themes so they can implement their own controls. |
These properties are intended to be used by themes to implement support for the controls. They can be accessed by binding to the control Content
Property | Type | Default | Description |
IsControlVisible | bool | false | Indicates if the control is visible |
BrowserCommands | ThemesWebHostControlCommandsForwarder | - | Object with public commands to control browser navigation |
BrowserInformation | ThemesWebHostControlInformationForwarder | - | Object with browser information |
BookmarksWithCommand | List<BookmarksWithCommand> | - | Bookmarks that include a command to browse to its address |
- If the browser is blurry, set
SnapsToDevicePixels="True" UseLayoutRounding="True"
to its parent panel. - A
must be set to the controls
<StackPanel Name="WebExplorerPanel"
Visibility="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostViewControl, Path=Content.IsControlVisible, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}, TargetNullValue=Collapsed, FallbackValue=Collapsed}">
<Label Content="Web" />
<ContentControl x:Name="WebExplorer_BrowserHostViewControl"
Margin="0,10,0,0" />
<StackPanel Visibility="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl, Path=Content.IsControlVisible, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}, TargetNullValue=Collapsed, FallbackValue=Collapsed}"
SnapsToDevicePixels="True" UseLayoutRounding="True">
<Grid Name="Header">
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<DockPanel Grid.Row="0" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="5,35,5,5" >
<ButtonEx DockPanel.Dock="Left"
Command="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl, Path=Content.BrowserCommands.GoBackCommand, TargetNullValue={x:Null}, FallbackValue={x:Null}}"
Width="40" Margin="5">
<TextBlock Text="" FontFamily="{DynamicResource FontIcoFont}" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<ButtonEx DockPanel.Dock="Left"
Command="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl, Path=Content.BrowserCommands.GoForwardCommand, TargetNullValue={x:Null}, FallbackValue={x:Null}}"
Width="40" Margin="5">
<TextBlock Text="" FontFamily="{DynamicResource FontIcoFont}" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<ButtonEx DockPanel.Dock="Right"
Command="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl, Path=Content.BrowserCommands.OpenAddressExternallyCommand, TargetNullValue={x:Null}, FallbackValue={x:Null}}"
Width="40" Margin="5">
<TextBlock Text="" FontFamily="{DynamicResource FontIcoFont}" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<ButtonEx DockPanel.Dock="Right"
Command="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl, Path=Content.BrowserCommands.ReloadCommand, TargetNullValue={x:Null}, FallbackValue={x:Null}}"
Width="40" Margin="5">
<TextBlock Text="" FontFamily="{DynamicResource FontIcoFont}" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<ButtonEx DockPanel.Dock="Right"
Content="" FontFamily="{DynamicResource FontIcoFont}"
Command="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl, Path=Content.BrowserCommands.NavigateToCurrentAddressCommand, TargetNullValue={x:Null}, FallbackValue={x:Null}}"
Width="40" Margin="5">
<TextBlock Text="" FontFamily="{DynamicResource FontIcoFont}" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<Viewbox Width="40" Height="20" Margin="5" VerticalAlignment="Center"
Visibility="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl, Path=Content.BrowserInformation.IsLoading, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}, TargetNullValue=Collapsed, FallbackValue=Collapsed}"
<Path Stroke="White" Fill="White" StrokeThickness="0.0"
Data="F1 M 13.75 6.875 L 13.75 9.375 C 13.75 9.544271 13.68815 9.690756 13.564453 9.814453 C 13.440755 9.938151 13.294271 10 13.125 10 L 10.625 10 C 10.455729 10 10.309244 9.938151 10.185547 9.814453 C 10.061849 9.690756 10 9.544271 10 9.375 C 10 9.205729 10.061849 9.059245 10.185547 8.935547 C 10.309244 8.81185 10.455729 8.75 10.625 8.75 L 11.875 8.75 C 11.5625 8.359375 11.194661 8.053386 10.771484 7.832031 C 10.348307 7.610678 9.882812 7.5 9.375 7.5 C 9.016927 7.5 8.683268 7.552084 8.374023 7.65625 C 8.064778 7.760418 7.78483 7.908529 7.53418 8.100586 C 7.283528 8.292644 7.062174 8.522136 6.870117 8.789062 C 6.67806 9.05599 6.520182 9.352214 6.396484 9.677734 C 6.344401 9.807943 6.267903 9.912109 6.166992 9.990234 C 6.066081 10.068359 5.94401 10.107422 5.800781 10.107422 C 5.63151 10.107422 5.485026 10.047201 5.361328 9.926758 C 5.23763 9.806315 5.175781 9.661459 5.175781 9.492188 C 5.175781 9.433594 5.185547 9.36849 5.205078 9.296875 C 5.335286 8.847656 5.538737 8.435873 5.81543 8.061523 C 6.092122 7.687175 6.417643 7.364909 6.791992 7.094727 C 7.166341 6.824545 7.574869 6.616211 8.017578 6.469727 C 8.460286 6.323242 8.91276 6.25 9.375 6.25 C 9.960938 6.25 10.525716 6.362305 11.069336 6.586914 C 11.612955 6.811523 12.089844 7.135417 12.5 7.558594 C 12.5 7.5 12.498372 7.438151 12.495117 7.373047 C 12.491861 7.307943 12.490234 7.239584 12.490234 7.167969 C 12.490234 7.057292 12.496744 6.948242 12.509766 6.84082 C 12.522786 6.733398 12.550455 6.635742 12.592773 6.547852 C 12.63509 6.459961 12.698566 6.388347 12.783203 6.333008 C 12.867838 6.27767 12.981771 6.25 13.125 6.25 C 13.294271 6.25 13.440755 6.31185 13.564453 6.435547 C 13.68815 6.559245 13.75 6.705729 13.75 6.875 Z M 13.535156 11.894531 C 13.535155 11.959636 13.522135 12.027995 13.496094 12.099609 C 13.326822 12.542318 13.10384 12.942709 12.827148 13.300781 C 12.550455 13.658854 12.231445 13.963217 11.870117 14.213867 C 11.508789 14.464519 11.113281 14.658203 10.683594 14.794922 C 10.253906 14.931641 9.804688 15 9.335938 15 C 8.75651 15 8.199869 14.88444 7.666016 14.65332 C 7.132161 14.422201 6.660156 14.101562 6.25 13.691406 C 6.25 13.75 6.251627 13.81185 6.254883 13.876953 C 6.258138 13.942058 6.259766 14.010417 6.259766 14.082031 C 6.259766 14.192709 6.253255 14.303386 6.240234 14.414062 C 6.227213 14.52474 6.197917 14.624023 6.152344 14.711914 C 6.106771 14.799805 6.043294 14.869792 5.961914 14.921875 C 5.880534 14.973959 5.768229 15 5.625 15 C 5.455729 15 5.309245 14.938151 5.185547 14.814453 C 5.061849 14.690756 5 14.544271 5 14.375 L 5 11.875 C 5 11.770834 5.024414 11.676433 5.073242 11.591797 C 5.12207 11.507162 5.183919 11.437175 5.258789 11.381836 C 5.333659 11.326498 5.419922 11.28418 5.517578 11.254883 C 5.615234 11.225586 5.712891 11.210938 5.810547 11.210938 C 5.895182 11.210938 5.973307 11.223959 6.044922 11.25 L 8.125 11.25 C 8.294271 11.25 8.440755 11.31185 8.564453 11.435547 C 8.68815 11.559245 8.75 11.705729 8.75 11.875 C 8.75 12.044271 8.68815 12.190756 8.564453 12.314453 C 8.440755 12.438151 8.294271 12.5 8.125 12.5 L 6.875 12.5 C 7.19401 12.910156 7.569986 13.221029 8.00293 13.432617 C 8.435872 13.644206 8.91276 13.75 9.433594 13.75 C 9.759114 13.75 10.061849 13.701172 10.341797 13.603516 C 10.621744 13.505859 10.895182 13.365886 11.162109 13.183594 C 11.461588 12.975261 11.695963 12.755534 11.865234 12.524414 C 12.034505 12.293295 12.184244 12.011719 12.314453 11.679688 C 12.366535 11.55599 12.44466 11.455078 12.548828 11.376953 C 12.652994 11.298828 12.773438 11.259766 12.910156 11.259766 C 13.085938 11.259766 13.234049 11.323242 13.354492 11.450195 C 13.474934 11.577148 13.535155 11.725261 13.535156 11.894531 Z "
<RotateTransform x:Name="LoadingSpinnerTransform" Angle="0"/>
<EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Path.Loaded">
<Storyboard RepeatBehavior="Forever">
From="0" To="360"
Duration="0:0:1" />
<TextBox x:Name="AddressBar"
Text="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl, Path=Content.BrowserInformation.Address, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, TargetNullValue='', FallbackValue=''}"
Margin="5" />
<DockPanel Grid.Row="1" Margin="7,5,10,5">
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl, Path=Content.BookmarksWithCommand, TargetNullValue={x:Null}, FallbackValue={x:Null}}" DockPanel.Dock="Top" Background="Transparent">
<WrapPanel />
<ButtonEx Command="{Binding NavigateToAddressCommand}"
CommandParameter="{Binding Address}"
ToolTip="{Binding Address}"
Padding="0" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Source="{Binding IconPath, Mode=OneWay, Converter={StaticResource ImageStringToImageConverterCached}}"
Width="16" Height="16" Stretch="Uniform" Margin="5"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="5"/>
<ContentControl x:Name="WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl"
Margin="0,10,0,0" />