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Releases: cybrxkhan/RICE-for-CK3

1.5.6 "Zhai Fengda" (Released 5/25/22)

26 May 05:43
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Version 1.5.6 "Zhai Fengda"

Released 5/25/22, Compatible with vanilla patch 1.5.X

“This [poem] was written in my youth, when I could hardly manage the way. . . . I was but twenty years when I composed it. This year, happening upon the poem again, I am overcome with shame.”
- Zhai Fengda, cringing at his younger self

Zhai Fengda was a famed 10th century scholar who served as a prominent official under the Cao Dynasty of Dunhuang. The quote comes from one of his poems; when he apparently rediscovered the manuscript as an older man, he jotted the above line as commentary.

Check out my Discord Server and the Official Website for my mods! You can also read the Tarim Basin Flavor Pack Guide for more info on the new additions!

Installation Instructions

DO NOT manually download the master branch unless you know what you're doing as it is a WIP version and not necessarily stable!

  1. Go to and find the latest version you wish to download.
  2. Extract the .zip file to Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\mod
  3. Launch CKIII and select RICE in the launcher.
  4. Enjoy and play!

NOTE: If you are re-installing a mod, delete the old version of the mod first before copy and pasting the new one! While it's not always necessary, it's a good habit to do to prevent any potential issues.


  • Added Turkshahi/Nandin dynasty tamga as their coat of arms
  • Added additional Evenki names, courtesy of Nix
  • Assyrians now have a small change of appearing from Middle Eastern Silk Road Communities
  • All activities will now automatically expire after some time in case of weird situations where they don’t end
  • Decision to Stage Animal Fights is now available for Tocharian heritage in general or if your capital has a culture of Tocharian heritage (so you don’t need to be descended from Tocharian culture)
  • Mogao Cave Decision can now be taken by anyone whose liege or top liege controls the county of Guazhou (aka Dunhuang)
  • Silk Road Community decision can now be taken in Mesopotamia
  • Steppe and Himalayan community troops now focus on cavalry vs infantry, instead of a mix of both, to provide distinct differences
  • Reduced renown gain across the board for various decisions/interactions/events/etc.
  • Reduced number of troops gained from various SIlk Road community decisions/events
  • Reduced chances of getting large gift of troops from Silk Road community events
  • Reduced chances AI will take the Silk Road Communities decision
  • Reduced chances Silk Road communities will give gifts via event
  • Fixed the Silk Road Communities decision so AI won't always pick East Asians
  • Fixed Diverse Peoples and Cultures dynasty perk reducing instead of increasing the chances of getting gifts from Silk Road Communities
  • Fixed several titular/formable kingdoms/empires missing de jure capitals
  • Fixed duplicate renown gain for Silk Road entertainer interactions
  • Miscellaneous bugfixes

1.5.5 "Silk Road" (Released 5/17/22)

17 May 09:23
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Version 1.5.5 "Silk Road"

Released 5/17/22, Compatible with vanilla patch 1.5.X

“It has not been my fate to see things first hand, traveling with the rapid winds, or enlisting swift horses to view distant vistas. Alas, I have to strain to see the three heavenly bodies [the sun, moon, and stars] but, oh, how my thoughts fly to the eight foreign regions!”

- Yu Huan (c. 4th century), from his commentary on the Western Regions in the Weilüe

Check out my Discord Server and the Official Website for my mods! You can also read the Tarim Basin Flavor Pack Guide for more info on the new additions!

Installation Instructions

DO NOT manually download the master branch unless you know what you're doing as it is a WIP version and not necessarily stable!

  1. Go to and find the latest version you wish to download.
  2. Extract the .zip file to Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\mod
  3. Launch CKIII and select RICE in the launcher.
  4. Enjoy and play!

NOTE: If you are re-installing a mod, delete the old version of the mod first before copy and pasting the new one! While it's not always necessary, it's a good habit to do to prevent any potential issues.


  • Added Tarim Basin Flavor Pack: Cities of the Silk Road
  • Added 13 Chinese themed soundtracks
  • Added German translations for much of RICE, thanks to Dillo for the hard work!
  • Added Hephthalite namelist
  • Added new COA for Zunbil and Turkishahi/Nandin dynasties
  • Bedouin Honor Code and Bedouin Oral Poetry are now locked to the Arabic heritage
  • Tweaked AI for character interactions
  • Reduced opinion bonus from Kalymnian sponge interaction
  • RICE’s Sinosphere scripted trigger now correctly includes various cultures it didn’t before
  • Nerfed the negate health penalty effect for some modifiers
  • Added Hubal as the high god name for Hubalists (will expand on deity list in the future)
  • Fixed England Charter Fair event from triggering again even after it already happened
  • Fixed Ibn Tulun starting with two education traits
  • Fixed missing localization for “Old” versions of Semitic faiths
  • Fixed messy borders in Egypt if playing with Ibn Battuta's Legacy
  • Miscellaneous bugfixes

1.5.4 "Philae" (Released 3/27/22)

28 Mar 01:58
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Version 1.5.4 "Philae"

Released 3/27/22, Compatible with vanilla patch 1.5.X

"Before Mandulis, son of Horus, by the hand of Nesmeterakhem, son of Nesmeter, the Second Priest of Isis, for all time and eternity. Words spoken by Mandulis, lord of the Abaton, great god."

- Nesmeterakhem, Priest of Isis, 394 CE; last recorded hieroglyphic inscription in history

Check out my Discord Server and the Official Website for my mods!

Installation Instructions

DO NOT manually download the master branch unless you know what you're doing as it is a WIP version and not necessarily stable!

  1. Go to and find the latest version you wish to download.
  2. Extract the .zip file to Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\mod
  3. Launch CKIII and select RICE in the launcher.
  4. Enjoy and play!

NOTE: If you are re-installing a mod, delete the old version of the mod first before copy and pasting the new one! While it's not always necessary, it's a good habit to do to prevent any potential issues.


  • Behind the scenes effects now happen before a new game starts, meaning you can see it on the map! Thanks to Celticus for letting me know how it works
  • Popup event to choose to play Thabit ibn Qurra or his descendant Ibn Nabhan will now only trigger for the Caliph or whoever has Harran at game start
  • RICE New Playable Characters game rule renamed to RICE Starting Flavor Events
  • Added several playable historical Egyptian characters for 867 CE, including Tulunid officials and various rebels active at the time, and tweaked the starting situation
  • Integrated Honor Codes and Desert Poetry traditions from Henry's Better Bedouin Culture mod - many thanks to Henry for generously offering me the code!
  • Added Himyarite namelist
  • Gave Ibn Tulun a few more children
  • Shukayr and Ibn Muddabir now start off as allies
  • Ibn Tulun starts off with the “Emmity Towards Ruthless Egyptian Officials” opinion modifier towards Shukayr and Ibn Muddabir, which allows him to imprison them and revoke titles
  • Shukayr and Ibn Muddabir start off with more gold, giving them both a chance to resist Ibn Tulun and to reflect their ruthless tax measures
  • Yeniseian culture now also has Forest Folk tradition
  • Peristani and Burusho cultures now have the Frequent Festivities traditions
  • Reduced bonuses for Children of the Nile tradition
  • Changed a few counties and rulers in the Pamir region from Mahayana to Theravada (based on historical Chinese sources): Wakhan, Khuttal, East and West Tokharistan, Kapisi
  • Moved Amazigh holy site of Ahaggar to Djanet due to it potentially causing inheritance issues
  • Miscellaneous bugfixes

1.5.3 "Nile" (Released 3/15/22)

15 Mar 21:38
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Version 1.5.3 "Nile"

Released 3/15/22, Compatible with vanilla patch 1.5.X

“Hail flood! Emerging from the earth, arriving to bring Egypt to life, hidden of form, the darkness in the day….”

- Opening lines of an ancient Egyptian Hymn to the Nile flood

Check out my Discord Server and the Official Website for my mods! You can also read the Rhodes Flavor Pack Guide and Upper Egypt Flavor Pack Guide for more info on the new additions! This update was also a collab with the fine folks from The Fallen Eagle - RICE has always been compatible with TFE, but now it is even more so, with new RICE content unique to the TFE setting, so be sure to check it out!

Installation Instructions

DO NOT manually download the master branch unless you know what you're doing as it is a WIP version and not necessarily stable!

  1. Go to and find the latest version you wish to download.
  2. Extract the .zip file to Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\mod
  3. Launch CKIII and select RICE in the launcher.
  4. Enjoy and play!

NOTE: If you are re-installing a mod, delete the old version of the mod first before copy and pasting the new one! While it's not always necessary, it's a good habit to do to prevent any potential issues.


  • Added two flavor packs:
    • Rhodes: Shadow of the Colossus
    • Upper Egypt: Children of the Nile
  • Added 2 Mediterranean themed tracks and 5 Egyptian themed tracks
  • Added flavor for TFE start dates to make up for removed flavor:
    • Stop Funding the Neoplatonist Academy in Constantinople
    • Give Neoplatonists a New Home in Harran
    • Organize Red Sea Ferries for Hajj pilgrims to enable building of the Red Sea Ferries and decisions
    • Attract Settlers to Sijilmasa
    • Investigate Bibi Fatima Springs
  • RICE flavor disabled to fit the TFE start dates:
    • Charlemagne decisions and pilgrimage (Aachen Flavor Pack)
    • St. John of Beverley decisions and pilgrimage (York Flavor Pack)
    • Tuyuhun Kingdom decision (Tuyuhun Flavor Pack)
    • Restore Idol of Zun decision (as modifier exists normally at those dates; Mount Aruna and Dokhtar-i Noshirwan decision are still available) (Pamir and Zunist Flavor Pack)
  • Added Hephthalite culture to 867 and made Zunbils Hephthalite
  • Added new tradition: White Huns (for Hephthalites)
  • Added decisions to Reclaim the Hephthalite Homeland and Restore the Hephthalite Empire, available to Hephthalite or Hephthalite descended cultures, or Zunist faiths
  • Erect a Calvary Sculpture decision now requires the Plenary Assemblies innovation
  • Expand Yazd’s decision Infrastructure now requires being in the early medieval period
  • Visit Bibi Fatima springs and Chinir Festival decisions are now available to everyone in the Duchies of Pamir and Badakhshan
  • Claim Pithipati Title decision now requires the being in the early medieval period and having the Hereditary Rule innovation
  • Revitalize Neoplatonic Academy decision can only be taken after 850 CE (only affects TFE start dates)
  • Renamed Kordofan religion to Kemetic (Kordofan makes little sense, as none of the Kushitic faith cultures in-game speak Kordofan languages)
  • Brahui courtier spawn will now always be your faith
  • Eastern Faiths can no longer destroy the Temple to the Moon
  • Renamed Idol of Zun Restored to Idol of Zun
  • Spawned Harranian courtiers have a chance of knowing Latin as well
  • Updated some Siwa events to use new Egyptian temple event backgrounds
  • Increased the fort level of the Siwa oasis county modifier
  • Miscellaneous bugfixes

Version 1.5.2.b Hotfix for "Mount Teide"

11 Mar 03:26
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Version 1.5.2.b Hotfix

Released 3/10/22, Compatible with vanilla patch 1.5.X

Check out my Discord Server and the Official Website for my mods!

Installation Instructions

DO NOT manually download the master branch unless you know what you're doing as it is a WIP version and not necessarily stable!

  1. Go to and find the latest version you wish to download.
  2. Extract the .zip file to Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\mod
  3. Launch CKIII and select RICE in the launcher.
  4. Enjoy and play!

NOTE: If you are re-installing a mod, delete the old version of the mod first before copy and pasting the new one! While it's not always necessary, it's a good habit to do to prevent any potential issues.


  • Updated to vanilla patch 1.5.1
  • Removed decision to change Xwedodah for Zurvanites
  • Himyarite is present in one county in 1066
  • Holy site of Giza now gives building construction cost reduction instead
  • Himyarite’s Culture Blending tradition replaced with Ancient Miners
  • Saka given Linguist tradition
  • Tocharian given Musical Theorist tradition
  • Miscellaneous bugfixes

Version 1.5.2.a Hotfix for "Mount Teide"

24 Feb 07:05
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Version 1.5.2.a Hotfix

Released 2/23/22, Compatible with vanilla patch 1.5.X

Check out my Discord Server and the Official Website for my mods!

Installation Instructions

DO NOT manually download the master branch unless you know what you're doing as it is a WIP version and not necessarily stable!

  1. Go to and find the latest version you wish to download.
  2. Extract the .zip file to Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\mod
  3. Launch CKIII and select RICE in the launcher.
  4. Enjoy and play!

NOTE: If you are re-installing a mod, delete the old version of the mod first before copy and pasting the new one! While it's not always necessary, it's a good habit to do to prevent any potential issues.


  • Himyarite culture now starts with Qanat innovation
  • Fixed Sadeh festival decision bugging out for non-Zoroastrian rulers of Yazd

1.5.2 "Mount Teide" (Released 2/20/22)

21 Feb 06:18
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Version 1.5.2 "Mount Teide"

Released 2/20/22, Compatible with vanilla patch 1.5.X

Mount Teide is a volcano on Tenerife in the Canary Islands, and the highest point above sea level out of any island in the Atlantic Ocean. A sacred site for the Guanches, the indigenous peoples of the Canaries, it was associated with a number of myths and legends.

Check out my Discord Server and the Official Website for my mods!

Installation Instructions

DO NOT manually download the master branch unless you know what you're doing as it is a WIP version and not necessarily stable!

  1. Go to and find the latest version you wish to download.
  2. Extract the .zip file to Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\mod
  3. Launch CKIII and select RICE in the launcher.
  4. Enjoy and play!

NOTE: If you are re-installing a mod, delete the old version of the mod first before copy and pasting the new one! While it's not always necessary, it's a good habit to do to prevent any potential issues.


  • Added Himyarite culture with Arabic heritage (see Red Sea Flavor Pack for more info)
  • Added silver mines of Al-Radrad in western Yemen
  • Added new tradition, Cichiciquitzo, which unlocks the Cichiciquitzo MAA (courtesy of BlackEmperor’s Africa Plus mod)
  • Added Guanche language for Guanches
  • Guanche culture now has the Cichiciquitzo tradition
  • Sindhi culture now has the Practiced Pirates tradition
  • Swahili now has Parochialism tradition
  • Changed South Arabian traditions to Maritime Mercantilism, Seafarers, Dexterous Fishermen, Quarrelsome, and Ubiquity of Poetry to be more consistent with the Muslim Enhancements mod
  • Changed Ubiquity of Poetry tradition bonuses - diplomacy bonuses removed, replaced with bonuses to different culture/faith opinion and cultural acceptance
  • Neoplatonist Academy and Temple of Sin in Harran will actually be properly destroyed now when their respective events/decisions happen
  • Characters will immersively become naked if visiting certain hot springs
  • Changed icon for Ubiquity of Poetry tradition
  • Sogdian now exists in 1066 in a few counties (based on Encyclopedia Iranica)
  • Saka is now Bureaucratic rather than Bellicose ethos
  • Iranian and Scythian languages renamed to more “accurate” Western Iranian and Eastern Iranian languages respectively
  • Decisions to form the Kingdom of Socotra and Unite the Canaries no longer has a renown requirement to be in line with vanilla kingdom decisions, and now instead gives renown
  • Lowered renown requirements by one level for decisions to exhume Charlemagne and commission his bust
  • Increased prestige level requirement by one level for the decision to Restore the Tuyuhun Kingdom but it now also gives renown
  • Collaborate with Indian Ocean Pirates decision no longer nonsensically costs and gives you prestige at the same time - it now solely costs prestige
  • Gift Qinghaicong Horses interaction now costs a flat 50 gold
  • Ubiquity of Poetry tradition for South Arabian culture is now added via hidden effect for better compatibility with the Muslim Enhancements mod
  • Hidden effects to add new special buildings at game start now checks if there are already pre-existing special buildings, to work better with other mods that add special buildings
  • Changed several modifier icons to use vanilla's new ones
  • Removed Korean localization files from mod at the request of Korean translators (If you want to play in Korean, please use this mod:
  • Fixed missing English placeholder names for new hybrid/divergent cultures, and culture prefixes
  • Fixed Fomba Gasy wealth god being the Peristani wealth god Mahandeo in the localization, changed it to Ratovantany
  • Miscellaneous bugfixes

1.5.1 "Faxian" (Released 2/12/22)

13 Feb 05:53
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Version 1.5.1 "Faxian"

Released 2/12/22, Compatible with vanilla patch 1.5.X

Faxian was a Chinese pilgrim, monk, and translator who started his journey from China to India in 399 CE at the old age of 60. He traveled to many Buddhist centers of learning and pilgrimage in India and Central Asia, returning to China in 412 CE to spend the final years of his life translating Buddhist scriptures he brought back from India. His memoir of his travels, A Record of Buddhist Kingdoms, has proven to be a valuable eyewitness account of Indian and Central Asian communities in Late Antiquity.

Check out my Discord Server and the Official Website for my mods! You can also read the Magadha Flavor Pack Guide for more info on the new additions!

Installation Instructions

DO NOT manually download the master branch unless you know what you're doing as it is a WIP version and not necessarily stable!

  1. Go to and find the latest version you wish to download.
  2. Extract the .zip file to Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\mod
  3. Launch CKIII and select RICE in the launcher.
  4. Enjoy and play!

NOTE: If you are re-installing a mod, delete the old version of the mod first before copy and pasting the new one! While it's not always necessary, it's a good habit to do to prevent any potential issues.


  • Added several new potential hybrid and diverging culture names
  • Tweaked Sinosphere trigger slightly and it now also accounts for descendant cultures
  • Some Middle Eastern and Indian soundtracks will now also play if you are in the Tarim Basin
  • Several decisions and events that had requirements of being a certain culture are now also available to cultures derived or hybridized from such cultures - for example the decision to Unite the Canary Islands is also available to cultures diverged from or hybridized with Guanche
  • Some Siberian content will no longer happen nonsensically in the Tarim Basin
  • Fixed Azur Jamshid not starting as independent after Royal Court
  • Fixed Mahabodhi bonuses given to the owner of Gaya even when they are not the Pithipati or Buddhist
  • Fixed Tuyuhun culture being unable to reform their traditions until 50 years passes from the start of the game
  • Fixed Nasir Khusraw from leaving Asad ibn Ali’s court, and Jataylotu and Garg from Azur Jamshid’s court, at their respective start dates (maybe… this old bug is hard to reproduce)
  • Miscellaneous bugfixes

1.5.0 "Nalanda" (Released 2/8/22)

08 Feb 17:47
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Version 1.5.0 "Nalanda"

Released 2/8/22, Compatible with vanilla patch 1.5.X

“[Nalanda] is surrounded by a brick wall, which encloses the entire convent from without. One gate opens into the great college, from which are separated eight other halls standing in the middle (of the Sangharama) [monasteries]. The richly adorned towers, and the fairy-like turrets, like pointed hill-tops are congregated together. The observatories seem to be lost in the vapors of the morning, and the upper rooms tower above the clouds.”

- Xuanzang, 7th century Chinese monk and pilgrim, describing Nalanda University

Check out my Discord Server and the Official Website for my mods! You can also read the Magadha Flavor Pack Guide for more info on the new additions!

Installation Instructions

DO NOT manually download the master branch unless you know what you're doing as it is a WIP version and not necessarily stable!

  1. Go to and find the latest version you wish to download.
  2. Extract the .zip file to Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\mod
  3. Launch CKIII and select RICE in the launcher.
  4. Enjoy and play!

NOTE: If you are re-installing a mod, delete the old version of the mod first before copy and pasting the new one! While it's not always necessary, it's a good habit to do to prevent any potential issues.


  • Updated to vanilla patch 1.5 “Fleur de Lis”
  • Added Magadha Flavor Pack: Diamond Throne of Buddhism
  • Updated cultures added in RICE to have traditions, languages, etc (respective guides and/or in-game will be updated with details)
  • Added new East Bantu and Siberian cultural heritages (based on old culture groups)
  • Added new languages for some RICE cultures as appropriate
  • Added new cultural traditions, some connected to existing features:
    • Siberian Survivalists - unlocks Siberian Hunters MAA
    • Swahili Contacts - unlocks Swahili Sailors MAA
    • Ubiquity of Poetry - unlocks Host Poetry Contest decision
    • Xianbei Scions - unlocks Nadun Festival and Restore the Tuyuhun Kingdom decisions
  • Renamed Helleno-Semitic religion to plain old Semitic and added (flavorless) Aksumite, South Arabian, and Central/North Arabian paganism to ensure future compatibility with TFE and BAP
  • Removed Heliopolitanism (might be a modern scholarly artificial construct; if I find more information in the future confirming it as a distinct tradition, I’ll add it back in)
  • Harranian characters now produce actual book artifacts when composing Harranian treatises, not just modifiers
  • Maritime Trade legacy is now available if the dynasty head owns any coastal county in the Indian Ocean region, instead of a coastal province; also fine-tuned geographical region requirement
  • Decision to Network with Trans-Saharan Merchants is no longer available if you already have the relevant Trans-Saharan merchant modifiers
  • Rebalanced chances of RICE music playing and modified what cultures they trigger for in some cases
  • Zunbil ruler now starts off with a little gold, prestige, and piety at the 867 start
  • Thabit ibn Qurra starts off knowing several languages
  • Speaking of which, there is a chance Harranian courtiers in general will know several languages
  • Changed Dusharist holy site from Athens to Harran
  • Decision to build a new Qanat is now also available if your capital is in Iberia or Sicily (you still need to meet other requirements first)
  • Removed a few unused modifiers
  • Fixed Repair Watchposts of Karakoram decision being available even if you have less than 80 gold
  • Fixed being able to take decision to Network with Trans-Saharan Merchants more than once even if you don’t have the dynasty perk requirements
  • Fixed several of RICE’s pagan faiths using Hades as their localization of hell
  • Fixed Neoplatonist philosophers from getting pruned
  • Fixed several flavor events not triggering
  • Fixed Thabit ibn Qurra’s fictional sister being friends with the future Caliph Al-Mu'tadid
  • Miscellaneous bugfixes (a lot of them, whew)

1.4.6 "Dhow" (Release 1/16/22)

16 Jan 10:00
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Version 1.4.6 "Dhow"

Released 1/16/22, Compatible with vanilla patch 1.4.X

The Dhow is a type of sailing vessel traditionally used throughout the Indian Ocean by many peoples, such as the Arabs, Persians, Swahili, Sindhi, and more. Over the centuries, thousands of sailors, merchants, pilgrims, slaves, adventurers, and more traveled the so-called maritime Silk Road in these dependable ships.

Check out my Discord Server and the Official Website for my mods!

Installation Instructions

DO NOT manually download the master branch unless you know what you're doing as it is a WIP version and not necessarily stable!

  1. Go to and find the latest version you wish to download.
  2. Extract the .zip file to Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\mod
  3. Launch CKIII and select RICE in the launcher.
  4. Enjoy and play!

NOTE: If you are re-installing a mod, delete the old version of the mod first before copy and pasting the new one! While it's not always necessary, it's a good habit to do to prevent any potential issues.


  • Added two new faiths (that only appear with random character spawn from the Socotra Flavor Pack): Fomba Gasy (Malagasy), and Mwarism (Shona)
  • Added decision to Restore the Necropolis of El-Bagawat for Christian rulers of Kharga
  • Added a secret, optional decision to renovate Shri Badat’s palace instead of razing it, at the cost of losing the ability for anyone to celebrate Tumshiling forever (only available to characters who meet certain trait requirements)
  • Added historical context tooltips to give brief overviews of the histories of Thabit ibn-Qurra, ibn Nabhan, the Banijurids, Azur Jamshid, Zunbils, and the various counts of Badakhshan in 867
  • Assyrian and Mizrahi cultures now start the game with the Qanat innovation
  • Iberian culture group and Sicilian and Sephardi cultures can now discover the Qanat innovation (but do not start the game with it)
  • Runaway slave courtiers spawned in the Indian Ocean now sometimes have an appropriate religion matching their culture, rather than the potential employer’s religion
  • Darkened icons for most pagan faiths in RICE to be more consistent with vanilla icons
  • Increased chances AI will take the decision to Raze Shri Badat’s palace
  • Miscellaneous bugfxies as usual