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1.5.6 "Zhai Fengda" (Released 5/25/22)

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@cybrxkhan cybrxkhan released this 26 May 05:43
· 1392 commits to master since this release

Version 1.5.6 "Zhai Fengda"

Released 5/25/22, Compatible with vanilla patch 1.5.X

“This [poem] was written in my youth, when I could hardly manage the way. . . . I was but twenty years when I composed it. This year, happening upon the poem again, I am overcome with shame.”
- Zhai Fengda, cringing at his younger self

Zhai Fengda was a famed 10th century scholar who served as a prominent official under the Cao Dynasty of Dunhuang. The quote comes from one of his poems; when he apparently rediscovered the manuscript as an older man, he jotted the above line as commentary.

Check out my Discord Server and the Official Website for my mods! You can also read the Tarim Basin Flavor Pack Guide for more info on the new additions!

Installation Instructions

DO NOT manually download the master branch unless you know what you're doing as it is a WIP version and not necessarily stable!

  1. Go to and find the latest version you wish to download.
  2. Extract the .zip file to Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\mod
  3. Launch CKIII and select RICE in the launcher.
  4. Enjoy and play!

NOTE: If you are re-installing a mod, delete the old version of the mod first before copy and pasting the new one! While it's not always necessary, it's a good habit to do to prevent any potential issues.


  • Added Turkshahi/Nandin dynasty tamga as their coat of arms
  • Added additional Evenki names, courtesy of Nix
  • Assyrians now have a small change of appearing from Middle Eastern Silk Road Communities
  • All activities will now automatically expire after some time in case of weird situations where they don’t end
  • Decision to Stage Animal Fights is now available for Tocharian heritage in general or if your capital has a culture of Tocharian heritage (so you don’t need to be descended from Tocharian culture)
  • Mogao Cave Decision can now be taken by anyone whose liege or top liege controls the county of Guazhou (aka Dunhuang)
  • Silk Road Community decision can now be taken in Mesopotamia
  • Steppe and Himalayan community troops now focus on cavalry vs infantry, instead of a mix of both, to provide distinct differences
  • Reduced renown gain across the board for various decisions/interactions/events/etc.
  • Reduced number of troops gained from various SIlk Road community decisions/events
  • Reduced chances of getting large gift of troops from Silk Road community events
  • Reduced chances AI will take the Silk Road Communities decision
  • Reduced chances Silk Road communities will give gifts via event
  • Fixed the Silk Road Communities decision so AI won't always pick East Asians
  • Fixed Diverse Peoples and Cultures dynasty perk reducing instead of increasing the chances of getting gifts from Silk Road Communities
  • Fixed several titular/formable kingdoms/empires missing de jure capitals
  • Fixed duplicate renown gain for Silk Road entertainer interactions
  • Miscellaneous bugfixes