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Brian Cavalier edited this page May 8, 2012 · 3 revisions

One of the main things you'll do when assembling any application, whether you're doing it programmatically in pure Javascript, or declaratively using wire, is to create instances of components--from primitive Javascript types, like Numbers and Strings, to more elaborate things like DOM-based views and Javascript controllers.

Wire provides a declarative, extensible, Domain Specific Language (DSL) for describing what components need to be created in order to assemble your application.

NOTE: The examples use AMD module syntax, but wire also supports CommonJS module environments, such as Node and RingoJS. In those environments, you can use equivalent CommonJS module syntax.

Simple types

To "create" simple types (Strings, Numbers, Booleans, Dates, RegExps, and even Arrays), just declare them. For example, the following simple wire spec has 3 components, each of which is a basic Javascript type:


	// Each top-level key is the name of a component, which can be any valid
	// Javascript identifier, or any string, if quoted.  In other words, component
	// names are like variables--you can name them whatever you want.

	// A simple component that is just a string
	aComponentName: 'This is a component that is just a string',

	// Quoted component names work, but should be avoided unless absolutely necessary
	// This component is just a Number
	'a quoted component name': 123,

	// This component is just an Array of Numbers
	anotherComponentName: [1, 2, 3]

	// ... more components

More interesting components

For creating instances of more sophisticated components, such as Javascript objects that have a constructor, or begetting new instances from a prototype, wire uses factory plugins. Wire includes 5 factories, and other plugins may provide additional factories. The 5 included are:

  1. module - loads an AMD module
  2. create - loads an AMD module, which should be a constructor or plain function, and invokes the constructor/function to create an instance
  3. prototype - uses an existing object or component instance as a Javascript prototype, begetting a new component instance from it
  4. literal - wire will not parse the right-hand side, but rather use it verbatim as a component
  5. wire - recursively invokes wire on another wire spec

Full documentation on the included factories

To create a component using a factory, declare a component as an object literal and include the factory name and options as a property.


	// Load an AMD module and use the module itself as the component
	aModule: {
		module: 'myapp/moduleid'

	// Load the module myapp/Controller and invoke it as a constructor
	// to create an instance
	anInstance: {
		create: 'myapp/Controller'

	// The create factory can also accept arguments, which it will pass
	// to the constructor.  The arguments are a plain Array of anything that
	// wire understands, such as primitive types (Numbers, Strings, etc.),
	// references ($ref, covered later), or other components
	// Load the module myapp/Controller and invoke it as a constructor
	// to create an instance, passing the supplied arguments
	anotherInstance: {
		create: {
			module: 'myapp/Controller',
			// Pass 4 arguments to the constructor: a Number, a String,
			// a reference to some other component, and a new instance
			// of another component.
			args: [
				"a string, too",
				{ $ref: 'someOtherComponentName' },
				{ create: 'myapp/anotherComponent' }

	// The prototype factory allows you to beget new instances from a prototype
	// Create a new instance by begetting from an existing component, in this
	// case the component named 'anInstance'.
	// This can be extremely useful for creating one-off components.
	aComponentCreatedFromAPrototype: {
		prototype: { $ref: 'anInstance' }

	// The literal factory can be useful when you need to create an object literal
	// that may contain DSL keywords, but you don't want wire to parse it.
	dontParseMe: {
		literal: {
			// Wire will NOT parse this.  If it contains DSL keywords, they will
			// not be processed.  In this case the component named 'dontParseMe'
			// will be whatever is inside these curly brances, without modification


The wire factory is a more advanced topic. You can read its full documentation here

In it's simplest form, the wire factory can be used to wire a child context of the current context.

	// When given the module id of another wire spec, the wire factory will
	// wire the spec as a child of the current context.
	// The component named 'aChildSpec' will be a wire context
	aChildSpec: {
		wire: 'myapp/spec/another-spec'

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