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Brian Cavalier edited this page Mar 1, 2012 · 15 revisions

Factories are responsible for creating component instances. Wire.js has several builtin factories, and plugins can provide additional factories that allow specialized creation of components, or allow you to create components the builtin factories can't already create.

Builtin Factories


The create factory loads an AMD module and uses it to create a component instance by calling the module either as a constructor using new, or as a regular function.

Full Syntax

myComponent: {	
	create: {
		// Load my/app/ModuleA and call it as a constructor or function
		module: 'my/app/ModuleA',
		// Optional: Pass these args when calling my/app/ModuleA
		// If not supplied, module will be called with no args
		args: [arg1, arg2, arg3...],
		// Optional: You'll probably NEVER need this, srsly.
		// Force calling the module as a constructor using new.
		// See isConstructor Option Notes section below.
		isConstructor: true, // or false

Short Syntax

// This shorter syntax loads my/app/ModuleA and calls it with no args
myComponent: {	
	create: 'my/app/ModuleA'

isConstructor Option Notes

The create factory uses a set of simple heuristics to determine automatically whether to call the module as a constructor using new, or as a regular function.

There is a situation where the heuristics will guess incorrectly. If you have a module that returns a constructor function with an empty prototype, there is no reliable way to determine if that function is a constructor. For example:

define('my/app/ModuleWithConstructor', function() {

	// This is a constructor function, but has an empty prototype.
	// The create factory will guess incorrectly that this is a
	// regular function, and will call it without using new.
	// Specify isConstructor: true to ensure it is called as a constructor
	function ThisIsAConstructor() { = "Bob";
	// Defining an empty prototype or no prototype at all will have the
	// same outcome.  In either case, isConstructor: true is the answer.
	// ThisIsAConstructor.prototype = {};
	return ThisIsAConstructor;


The module factory loads an AMD module, but does not call it. The module is used directly as the component.


myComponent: {	
	module: 'my/app/ModuleA'


The wire factory provides a way of creating child contexts. This allows you to modularize your wire specs, so that they can be mixed and matched. It also allows you to modularize your application by wiring sections of your application into existence when needed, and destroying them once they are no longer needed.

The defer option (see below) provides an especially powerful mechanism for modularizing applications.


// childContext will be a promise for the wired child context
childContext: {
	// Wire a my/child/spec as a child context of the current context
	wire: {
		// This is the module ID of the spec to be wired
		spec: 'my/child/spec',

		// Note that defer and waitParent are mutually exclusive.
		// If both are set to true, defer will win.
		// Wire the child immediately
		defer: false /* default is false */

		// If true, don't allow the child to begin wiring until after the parent
		// has fully completed.
		waitParent: false /* default is false */

Short Syntax

// childContext will be a promise for the wired child context
childContext: {
	// Wire a my/child/spec as a child context of the current context
	// This is the module ID of the spec to be wired
	// By default, defer === false
	wire: 'my/child/spec'

Why is childContext a Promise?

Due to the parent-child relationship between contexts, a child cannot finish until its parent has finished wiring. When using the wire factory, the current context is the parent. Since it is currently being wired, it has not finished (obviously!), and the child context created by the wire factory cannot finish. So the wire factory returns a promise for the child context.

So, to use components in the child context from the parent, you must wait for the promise to resolve. The promise is a CommonJS Promises/A compliant promise, so you can use its then() method:

childContext.then(function(wiredChildContext) {

waitParent Option

NOTE: The waitParent and defer options are mutually exclusive. If both are set to true, defer will win.

When the wire factory creates a child context, it will allow the child to begin wiring as soon as possible, while still maintaining guarantees about parent/child references. However, the child may not finish until after the parent (See "Why is childContext a Promise", above).

Sometimes you may need to guarantee that the child will not even start wiring until after the parent has fully completed. For example, you may need for some components in the parent to do some startup work, such as setting up application security options, before any of the components in the child are even created. In those situations, set waitParent: true, and child wiring will be guaranteed not to start until after the parent has fully finished wiring.

defer Option

NOTE: The waitParent and defer options are mutually exclusive. If both are set to true, defer will win.

Instead of wiring a child context immediately, the defer option allows you to inject a function that, when called, will wire the child context.

For example, you might choose to create a wire spec for the user preferences area of your application. You might use the defer option to inject a function into a controller:

myController: {
	// Load my/Controller and create an instance
	create: 'my/Controller',
	// Inject properties
	properties: {
		startPrefs: {
			wire: {
				spec: 'my/specs/preferences',
				defer: true
		// ... more properties

When myController is wired, it's startPrefs property will be a function, that, when called, will wire the my/specs/preferences spec into a child context, and will return a (CommonJS Promises/A compliant) promise, which will resolve to the child context once wiring has finished.

The child context will have a destroy() method that can be used to destroy the child, and thus your app's preferences area.

The startPrefs function can be called any number of times, and each time it will wire a new child context.

defer Example

This example uses the wire factory and defer option to configure a controller to show and hide the User Prefs area of a simple app. This is based on the Simple Notes Demo app from Dojoconf 2011, and you may want to have a look at that after reading this section.

First, let's create an AMD module for our controller. Let's assume it's _handlePrefsOptionSelected method handles a button click or menu selection and needs to show a User Prefs view.

define(/* 'my/Controller' */, [], function() {
	function noop() {} // do-nothing function, see below
	// Simple constructor
	function MyController() {}
	MyController.prototype = {
		// Button or menu item handler that will be called when
		// the user clicks or selects User Prefs.
		_handlePrefsOptionSelected: function(e) {
			// Hang onto a this ref, since we'll be nesting functions
			var self = this;
			// _showPrefs will have been injected, so we call it
			// to wire the prefs context.  This can bring the entire
			// prefs area of the app into existence.
			self._showPrefs().then(function(prefsContext) {
				// And set our controller's _hidePrefs method
				// to destroy the prefsContext, which will cleanup
				// everything that was created when it was wired.
				self._hidePrefs = function() {

					// Reset _hidePrefs to a noop in case someone
					// calls it.
					self._hidePrefs = noop;
					// Destroy the prefsContext
		// Do-nothing show/hide methods initially
		// _showPrefs will be overwritten with an injected wire function
		// _hidePrefs is overridden with a function to destroy the
		// wired prefs context
		_showPrefs: noop,
		_hidePrefs: noop,
		// ... Other controller methods, etc.
	return MyController;

Now, let's create a wire spec that will create an instance of our controller and setup the _showPrefs method using the wire factory.

// Create our controller
myController: {
	// Shortcut create syntax
	create: 'my/Controller',
	// Set some properties, including the _showPrefs function
	properties: {
		// Whoah! Use the wire factory with the defer option to inject
		// a function that will launch the User Prefs area using
		// another wire spec!
		_showPrefs: { wire: { spec: 'my/specs/prefs-spec', defer: true } }
		// ... other properties

Now, when the user clicks/selects User Prefs, the controller's _showPrefs() method will be called, and will wire the prefsContext into existence.


The prototype factory begets a new component from an existing component, using the Javascript prototype chain. This is useful when you want to create several similar components. You can create a base component, configure it, then beget several components from the base, and specialize their configuration as needed.


// Create a component to use as a prototype.  See create factory above.
myBaseComponent: {
	create: 'my/app/ModuleA',
	// Set its properties
	properties: {
		firstName: 'Bob',
		lastName: 'Smith'

// Beget a second component, using myBaseComponent as the prototype
myComponent1: {
	prototype: 'myBaseComponent',
	// Specialize the firstName, lastName will be 'Smith'
	properties: {
		firstName: 'John'

// Beget another
myComponent2: {
	prototype: 'myBaseComponent',
	// Specialize the firstName, lastName will be 'Smith'
	properties: {
		firstName: 'Harry',
		// Can add new properties
		occupation: 'Javascript guy'

// Can even beget from components that were themselves created using
// the prototype factory, to further specialize.
myComponent3: {
	prototype: 'myComponent2',
	// Specialize the firstName and occupation, lastName will still be 'Smith'
	properties: {
		firstName: 'Mary',
		occupation: 'Javascript gal',
		// And add a new property
		title: 'VP of Javascriptiness'


It can be useful to have object literals in wire specs for various reasons, such as reference data or common configuration shared between several components. Most times, object literals can be declared directly:

// An object literal can be declared directly in a wire spec
myReferenceData: {
	name: "I'm an object literal",
	number: 10
	// ... more properties here

However, if your object literal has a property that is the name of a factory, wire.js will attempt to use that factory to create the component, instead of simply using the object literal. For example:

// An object literal can be declared directly in a wire spec
myReferenceData: {
	name: "I'm an object literal",
	number: 10,
	module: "Bob's module"
	// Oops, wire.js will try to use the module factory to load an AMD
	// module with the id "Bob's module"!

To solve this, use the literal factory. The result will be a component named myReferenceData that has the four properties declared inside the literal.

// An object literal can be declared directly in a wire spec
myReferenceData: {
	// Anything inside this literal will be used as-is
	literal: {
		name: "I'm an object literal",
		number: 10,
		// Using module here is ok, wire.js will not attempt to use
		// the module factory.
		module: "Bob's module"
		// This will also be used as-is.  The literal factory WILL NOT be
		// invoked again.
		literal: 'This is a literal string'

It is also worth noting that if you have a large config object that does not have any references, you should also use the literal factory. In older browsers (IE7) this can shave off upto 7000ms in parsing time (depending on the object size).