Terminal 1
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$PWD/src/youbot_description/sdf
colcon build
ros2 launch youbot_description rviz.launch.py
Terminal 2
ros2 run youbot_fake_moveit controlArm
Terminal 3
ros2 run youbot_print printer
Terminal 4
ros2 run youbot_fake_moveit controlBase
Robot description in form of SDF, URDF files and meshes
This Youbot robot is a modified version of the Youbot sold by Kuka until 2016 as part of an internship with the University of Ostfalia, Wolfenbüttel.
robot name is: youbot
---------- Successfully Parsed XML ---------------
root Link: world has 1 child(ren)
child(1): virtual_link_xy
child(1): virtual_link_yz
child(1): base_footprint
child(1): base_link
child(1): arm_link_0
child(1): arm_link_1
child(1): arm_link_2
child(1): arm_link_3
child(1): arm_link_4
child(1): arm_link_5
child(1): pen
child(2): base_laser_front_link
child(3): caster_link_bl
child(1): wheel_link_bl
child(4): caster_link_br
child(1): wheel_link_br
child(5): caster_link_fl
child(1): wheel_link_fl
child(6): caster_link_fr
child(1): wheel_link_fr
child(7): plate_link
ROS package to control the Youbot
ROS package for 3D printing