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Roadmap & Governance

Alexandre Segura edited this page Nov 19, 2019 · 3 revisions

To limit the number of tools & mental charge, we use GitHub for project management.


The smallest unit of work are issues.
If you find a bug or want to request a feature, make sure to open an issue, so that it is not lost.
Please try to write a short, meaningful title when opening issues. You can use the description to provide further details (screenshots, videos)

Project boards

We use project boards to group issues into "themes". This allows to have a high-level overview of the whole project.


On regular basis, we try to define the next milestones.

Each milestone lasts a month. We try our best, however there is no guarantee that all issues in a milestone will be closed.
Milestones are defined together with the users & the contributors.

Learn more about milestones

How issues are prioritized

There are lots of features everybody wants to see in the platform, unfortunately the resources are limited.

An issue has higher priority when:

  • It makes users lose time every day, generating frustration
  • It would allow to acquire new customers
  • It can be shared by several users

Please bear in mind that you are not using the platform alone, so be patient if your priorities do not match.

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