Pico-W-Go Public
Forked from paulober/MicroPicoPico-W-Go is a Visual Studio code extension designed to simplify and speed up the development of MicroPython projects for the Raspberry Pi Pico and Pico W boards.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 1, 2023 -
linux Public
Forked from Rust-for-Linux/linuxAdding support for the Rust language to the Linux kernel.
fpgasim-rpi-controller Public
Python script for controlling cloud-physical VHDL simulation from the hardware
fpgasim-docker Public
Docker files for cloud-physical VHDL simulation project
netgpio Public
A networked Linux GPIO driver for a cloud-physical VHDL simulation
simctrl Public
An HTTP API for controlling a networked VHDL simulation
fpgasim-cloudformation Public
AWS CloudFormation specification for cloud-physical VHDL simulation project
buffer-overflow-tutorial Public
A tutorial demonstrating various techniques for exploiting buffer overflow vulnerabilities
1 UpdatedJun 21, 2021 -
go-ptrace Public
A simple Linux debugging API implemented using ptrace system calls and written in Go
python-ptrace Public
Forked from vstinner/python-ptracepython-ptrace is a Python binding of ptrace library.
genetic-simulation Public
A cross-platform, multi-threaded population simulation in which organisms make decisions using a neural network and evolve through horizontal gene transfer, replication and mutation
testbench-gen Public
A simple VHDL test bench generator (for combinational logic) written in Python
logic Public
A variety of logic circuits coded with VHDL
security-investigation Public
A report documenting a security investigation undertaken to learn the basics of penetration testing
1 UpdatedJan 23, 2020 -
cnn-adversarial-examples Public
A project exploring the vulnerability of deep learning models, and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in particular, to adversarial examples
poker-machine Public
A poker machine game for the Windows console written in C++
bomb-disarming-puzzle Public
Code for an Arduino-based puzzle box device with a bomb-disarming theme
501-darts-simulator Public
A 501 darts program for the Windows console which can simulate matches based on different strategies as well as allow the user to play interactive games
musician-website Public
A web development project undertaken to learn HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP and MySQL
A C++ implementation and performance comparison of two machine learning algorithms, deep learning and decision tree learning
rust-nn Public
A simple deep learning implementation written in Rust
road-accident-analysis Public
A Shiny web app which uses Dundee City Council open data to enable an exploratory analysis of road traffic accident records
caesar-cipher Public
A simple caesar cipher program written in Python
shiny-data-explorer Public
An exploratory analysis of diamond data packaged as an interactive Shiny app
plotly-demo-gapminder Public
A basic ioslides presentation containing an interactive plot of the gapminder dataset created with plotly in R
causeway-coast-leaflet Public
A simple demo of leaflet for interactive mapping in R which marks some points of interest along the Causeway Coast Way, NI