Releases: coingaming/moon
Releases · coingaming/moon
What's Changed
- fix: remove chrome autofill overlay [MDS-250] by @alexisdevtailor in #419
- removing get params [MDS-247] by @phgrey in #418
- fix: align button with React [MDS-255] by @alexisdevtailor in #420
- fix: do some missed alignments with React button [MDS-255] by @alexisdevtailor in #422
- fix: align Breadcrumb docs with React [MDS-254] by @alexisdevtailor in #423
- text-color in table cross-side fix [MDS-230] by @phgrey in #427
- Add testid to div containing ControlsClose in modal.ex by @agrits in #426
- fix: figma importer lists missing vars + fix partners theme by @mxrguspxrtwork in #425
- fix: remove text on code preview button on mobile [MDS-258] by @alexisdevtailor in #428
- Fix partners theme by @mxrguspxrtwork in #429
- Fix partners theme by @mxrguspxrtwork in #430
- fix: Add testid to toast close button by @agrits in #431
- figma importer: duplicate key warning by @phgrey in #432
- fix: Add testid to toast button by @agrits in #434
- fix: fix 6 digit year being inputted on datepicker "date" type input by @alexisdevtailor in #435
- fix z-index by @iamdanchi in #437
- surface version upgrade - MDS 264 by @phgrey in #436
- fix: dropdown issues after upgrade by @mxrguspxrtwork in #438
- fix: fix formatter by @mxrguspxrtwork in #440
- [MDS-264] fixing :field context after surface update by @phgrey in #441
- rendering moon components outside surface templates [MDS-248] by @phgrey in #421
- [MDS-270] minor site polish & code/preview switcher by @phgrey in #443
- Add table to moon by @mxrguspxrtwork in #444
Full Changelog: v2.30.0...v2.31.0
What's Changed
- one more dark theme fix & some minor improvements [MDS-220] by @phgrey in #401
- fix: fix issues in RTL mode [MDS-222] by @alexisdevtailor in #402
- chore: add the new typography page and deprecate the old one [MDS-134] by @alexisdevtailor in #404
- fix: dropdown content improvements and reusability by @mxrguspxrtwork in #398
- fix partners styles & version page [MDS-236] by @phgrey in #405
- Provide fix for ToastStack not using by @agrits in #407
- fix: radio button by @mxrguspxrtwork in #409
- fix: align accordion with the react version [MDS-231] by @alexisdevtailor in #410
- fix: update the avatar component and align with React version [MDS-232] by @alexisdevtailor in #411
- Fix swtch by @mxrguspxrtwork in #412
- feat: add the built in ErrorTag for InputGroup [MDS-251] by @alexisdevtailor in #413
- fix: fix paddings and add size sm to single select [MDS-256] by @alexisdevtailor in #416
Full Changelog: v2.29.0...v2.30.0
What's Changed
- fix: theme switching should affect the entire page including the left menu [MDS-220] by @alexisdevtailor in #384
- chore: hide the brand switcher [MDS-221] by @alexisdevtailor in #383
- fix: replace the checkbox with 2 radio buttons [MDS-224] by @alexisdevtailor in #386
- fix: align the SingleSelect component with Figma [MDS-201] by @alexisdevtailor in #370
- fix: UI fixes for the Icons page [MDS-204] by @alexisdevtailor in #391
- Fix popover (Switch to Popper.js) by @mxrguspxrtwork in #390
- surface version fix by @phgrey in #393
- fix: fix the datepicker automatically submitting the form on button click [MDS-189] by @alexisdevtailor in #395
- adding getting started page [MDS-227] components: PageSection by @phgrey in #396
- fix: Fix popover and multiselect by @mxrguspxrtwork in #392
- fixing site themes [MDS-220] by @phgrey in #399
- adding mobile left menu [MDS-216] by @phgrey in #397
- feat: add RTL switcher to Elixir site [MDS-222] by @alexisdevtailor in #400
Full Changelog: v2.28.0...v2.29.0
What's Changed
- fix: fix unresponsive label on xl textinput [MDS-219] by @alexisdevtailor in #380
- fix: make the Switch work with Form changesets [MDS-224] by @alexisdevtailor in #381
- chore: updated dropdown select icon and content padding by @esl-dev-venkat in #382
- feat: add favicon [MDS-203] by @phgrey in #388
Full Changelog: v2.27.0...v2.28.0
What's Changed
- fix: fix Icon support for TextInput [MDS-219] by @alexisdevtailor in #375
- setted correct z-index value by @iamdanchi in #376
- fix: fix for buttons on text input icons [MDS-219] by @alexisdevtailor in #378
- feat: added render helper functions by @esl-dev-venkat in #377
Full Changelog: v2.26.0...v2.27.0
What's Changed
- feat: add icons support for TextInput [MDS-219] by @alexisdevtailor in #374
Full Changelog: v2.25.0...v2.26.0
What's Changed
- fix: add dynamic version number [MDS-186] by @dkireev in #343
- feat: use changeset if preset to set error state. Use error tag [MDS-187] by @alexisdevtailor in #344
- fix: update version file by @dkireev in #346
- fix: remove VERSION file reading [MDS-186] by @dkireev in #348
- Fix reusability from other modules by @mxrguspxrtwork in #347
- fix: when no value selected, does not force first value by @mxrguspxrtwork in #350
- fix: update version by @mxrguspxrtwork in #351
- chore: added tooltip clicked event and after clicked text by @esl-dev-venkat in #361
- Accordion changes by @iamdanchi in #363
- [MDS-188] Create the InputGroup component by @alexisdevtailor in #358
- fix: create the InputGroup component [MDS-188] (#358) by @alexisdevtailor in #365
- hotfix multiselect value by @iamdanchi in #366
- Feat/partners approve affilaite form by @iamdanchi in #368
- fix: fix missing label on TextInput xl [MDS-217] by @alexisdevtailor in #369
- WIP Fix dropdown by @mxrguspxrtwork in #371
Full Changelog: v2.24.0...v2.25.0
What's Changed
- fix: fix cursor on checkbox [MDS-176] by @alexisdevtailor in #332
- feat: the main content should be able to specify its own theme without affecting the sidebar and other parts of the page [MDS-177] by @alexisdevtailor in #331
- fix: add link to React [MDS-180] by @dkireev in #333
- fix: add render helper component for surface by @mxrguspxrtwork in #336
- fix: Fix reusability from other modules by @mxrguspxrtwork in #337
- fix: fix show password on xl textinput [MDS-183] by @alexisdevtailor in #338
- fix: fix the theme switcher for text input as well as the bg color for the example and code [MDS-184] by @alexisdevtailor in #339
- fix: temporary hide menu items [MDS-186] by @dkireev in #340
- feat: use the breadcrumb component on the doc site [MDS-185] by @alexisdevtailor in #341
Full Changelog: v2.23.0...v2.24.0
What's Changed
- feat: add the import code sample for icons page [MDS-170] by @alexisdevtailor in #330
Full Changelog: v2.22.0...v2.23.0