A simple tool that can be used to keep track of daily household expenses, made using basic OOPs features in C++ and a little bit of file handling
- For Windows users: firstly install
for executingmakefile
, from this link; - For Linux users:
generally comes pre-installed;- if not, then run the following command:
sudo apt-get install make
- if not, then run the following command:
- Now, run the following commands:
- for building executable file:
make all # universal;
- for executing it:
make run # universal;
- for deleting executable file:
make clean # for linux/macOS; make clean(win) # for windows;
- rendered by mermaid
direction RL
class ExpenseManager{
-$map~long long, Expense~ expenses
-$map~long long, string~ commodityTypes
+$addExpense(Expense) void
+$removeExpense(Expense) void
+$getExpenseDetails() Expense
+$calculateExpenditure() void
+$printExpenses() void
+$addCommodityType(string) void
+$removeCommodityType(string) void
+$getCommodityType() string
+$printCommodityTypes() void
+$readFromCSV() void
+$writeToCSV() void
class Expense{
-long long id
-Date date
-Commodity commodity
-double quantity
-double amount
+Expense() void
+Expense(long long, Date, Commodity, double, double) void
+setId(long long) void
+setDate(Date) void
+setCommodity(Commodity) void
+setQuantity(double) void
+setAmount(double) void
+getId() long long
+getDate() Date
+getCommodity() Commodity
+getQuantity() double
+getAmount() double
+inputDetails() void
+printDetails() void
+$printDetails(vector~Expense~) void
class Commodity{
-string name
-string type
-double rate
+Commodity() void
+Commodity(string, string, double) void
+setName(string) void
+setType(string) void
+setRate(double) void
+getName() string
+getType() string
+getRate() double
+inputDetails() void
+printDetails() void
class Date{
-int day
-int month
-int year
+Date() void
+Date(int, int, int) void
+setDay(int) void
+setMonth(int) void
+setYear(int) void
+getDay() int
+getMonth() int
+getYear() int
+inputDetails() void
+printDetails() void
+stringToDate(string) void
+dateToString() string
+value() int
+validateDate() bool
ExpenseManager *-- Expense
Expense *-- Commodity
Expense *-- Date
link ExpenseManager "https://github.com/code-chaser/expense-manager/blob/main/include/ExpenseManager.hh" "click to see declaration"
link Expense "https://github.com/code-chaser/expense-manager/blob/main/include/Expense.hh" "click to see declaration"
link Commodity "https://github.com/code-chaser/expense-manager/blob/main/include/Commodity.hh" "click to see declaration"
link Date "https://github.com/code-chaser/expense-manager/blob/main/include/Date.hh" "click to see declaration"
- C++