Professionally, I'm a Software Developer 💻 at Walmart Global Tech, India, directly contributing to the tech-powered global retail disruption.
- 👨💻 passionate about coding and other tech-fields
- 🌱 love to face challenges that help me grow and excel
- 💻 currently mastering Data Structures & Algorithms and learning JAVA Spring Boot, ELK Stack
- 😃 fields of interest: Competitive Coding, Game Theory, OOPs, System Design, Backend Programming, Probability & Number Theory
- 😁 always up for a logical puzzle, anytime anywhere
🌟 My Creations (last updated - December 2022):
dex-discord-bot : A multi-purpose discord music bot made using library in Python;
- It has 30+ bot commands using which user can listen to music, get its lyrics, get a random meme, inspirational quote, reddit headlines for given subreddit and a lot more;
- Used by 11000+ discord users on 10+ discord servers;
- (February'22 - Oct'22)
- It has 30+ bot commands using which user can listen to music, get its lyrics, get a random meme, inspirational quote, reddit headlines for given subreddit and a lot more;
expense-manager : Made Using OOPs Features in C++;
- It keeps a record of user's personal expenses in an organized manner;
- (February'22 - February'22)
- It keeps a record of user's personal expenses in an organized manner;
hotel-management-system : Made using OOPs Features, Multi-threading & File Handling in JAVA;
- It's a portal where guests can check availability of, book or checkout from a hotel room and staff can login to manage rooms’ and guests’ details;
- (November'21 - November'21)
- It's a portal where guests can check availability of, book or checkout from a hotel room and staff can login to manage rooms’ and guests’ details;
hospital-management-system : Made using Object Oriented Programming & File Handling in C++;
- It has 30+ basic functions to manage a hospital's records;
- (June'21 - July'21)
- It has 30+ basic functions to manage a hospital's records;
typit : (typing speed & accuracy tester tool/game) : Made using basic C++ and a bit of File Handling;
- Single or multiple players can play on desired difficulty levels to test their typing skills;
- (June'21 - June'21)
- Single or multiple players can play on desired difficulty levels to test their typing skills;
dex-discord-bot : A multi-purpose discord music bot made using library in Python;