Interoperator Release v0.18.0
New features/Bug fixes
- Inhibited updation of up-to-date instances when AutoUpdateInstances is enabled in sfplan (#1459)
- Added support for custom metadata in catalog (#1455)
- Bug fixes (#1443, #1444, #1445)
- Security updates (#1442)
Supported K8S Version
- v1.18.x
- v1.19.x
- v1.20.x
How to deploy Interoperator
Interoperator requires helm version >= 3.0.0, and is not supported by helm 2.
To add service fabrik interoperator helm chart repo
helm repo add interoperator-charts
helm repo update
Deploy SF Interoperator using helm
helm install --set< clusterdomain > --namespace interoperator --version 0.18.0 interoperator interoperator-charts/interoperator
should be within the 63 character limit.
Deploy SFClusters, SFServices and SFPlans and Register with Interoperator
Please create sfcluster CRs and add reference to secret which contains the its kubeconfig.
For multi-cluster support, all corresponding sfcluster CRs need to be created and their kubeconfig needs to be supplied in the corresponding secret.
Please note that sfcluster, sfservice and sfplans need to be deployed in the same namespace where SF is deployed (default is interoperator
Upgrade from the earlier releases(special handling, downtime if any)
To add service fabrik interoperator helm chart repo if not already added
# Assuming the repo name is chosen as interoperator-charts
helm repo add interoperator-charts
helm repo update
Helm upgrade should take care of upgrading to the latest release.
# Assuming current helm release name is interoperator
helm --namespace interoperator upgrade -i --wait --set< clusterdomain > --version 0.18.0 interoperator interoperator-charts/interoperator
Refer detailed upgrade docs for more info.