Release 202310.01
JTAC Smoke markers offset
Added JTAC configuration settings for the X, Y, and Z offsets of smoke markers for lased targets to enable better visibility through a TGP (PR#92 by Proxy404)
Load crates from menu OR in hover
Add option to show load crate in menu - if set to true, you can load crates with the F10 menu OR hovering, in case of using choppers and planes for example (PR#97 by Queton1-1)
Before this, you could choose to load from hover, or from the menu, but not both at the same time-
New beacons radio transmission mode
Changed the beacons radio transmissions to follow DCS evolutions - no need to restart transmissions every 30 seconds (PR#93 by davidp57)
There is no more a need to restart transmissions every 30 seconds, as the bug has been corrected (see here).
Instead, I made changes to create the transmissions once, with a unique name (now mandatory, see here) and the "loop" parameter activated.
Then, every minute, the updateRadioBeacon function checks if the beacons' batteries are still up, and stops them if they are not. If all is ok, the transmissions are stopped and immediately restarted.
Beacon frequency in the unit names
Added the frequency in the beacon units names (by davidp57)
That way, it's easy to check on the F10 map for the beacon frequencies:
- the DCS group name mainly shows the name of the beacon
- the DCS unit name shows the frequencies