The CPU Datapath Web App is an open-source graphical simulator of the path that data follows within a CPU. Available at
More information on CPU datapaths can be found here:
This project was built using go.js.
- Go to in a browser. (phone browser does not display correctly)
- Click on any of the instructions listed in the nav bar.
- Click and drag from point to point from each component, if it is a valid connection for the instruction it will stay.
- Click a different instruction to load a new one, or the same one to reload the current instruction.
- Add/Subtract, Load, Store and Branch instructions
- Indexed Addressing: Load and Store
Aaron Elam | Daniel Carpenter | Zachary Boemer |
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- Big thanks to former TXST students Jacob M. Hope & Connor Reid for their CPU Sim iOS App
- Go.js documentation can be found here.
- Hosted on Digital Ocean's Droplet-based Cloud