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Checkpoint of necessary changes for DRAGEN v3.7.8 concordance (#8083)
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Added a new mode to HaplotypeCaller: --dragen-378-concordance-mode
- Rewrote the pileup-detection code to support DRAGEN based heuristics for filtering out pileup alleles
- Extended pileup-detection code to support both insertions and deletions.
- Added a new HMM model, the "PDHMM" or the "Partially Determined" HMM. This new model treats only one allele at a time as "determined" and everything else in a region is a wildcard that allows for no-penalty passage through the HMM matrix for reads with any wildcard allele represented, greatly reducing the combinatorial complexity at messy assembly regions.
- Added a class for managing the construction of PDHaplotypes from the union (plus filtering) of both assembly alleles and pileup-detection alleles. 
- Added a series of extra debugging arguments to the HaplotypeCaller and PDHMM to facilitate future development.
  • Loading branch information
jamesemery authored Mar 21, 2023
1 parent e68f066 commit 9afa998
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Showing 36 changed files with 3,834 additions and 287 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ public class AlignmentAndReferenceContext {

private final AlignmentContext alignmentContext;
private final ReferenceContext referenceContext;
private double activityScore = 0.0;

public AlignmentAndReferenceContext(final AlignmentContext alignmentContext,
final ReferenceContext referenceContext) {
Expand All @@ -29,4 +30,12 @@ public AlignmentContext getAlignmentContext() {
public ReferenceContext getReferenceContext() {
return referenceContext;

public double getActivityScore() {
return activityScore;

public void setActivityScore(double activityScore) {
this.activityScore = activityScore;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -137,14 +137,18 @@ private AssemblyRegion loadNextAssemblyRegion() {
final SimpleInterval pileupInterval = new SimpleInterval(pileup);
final ReferenceContext pileupRefContext = new ReferenceContext(reference, pileupInterval);
final FeatureContext pileupFeatureContext = new FeatureContext(features, pileupInterval);
if (pendingAlignmentData!=null) {
pendingAlignmentData.add(new AlignmentAndReferenceContext(pileup, pileupRefContext));

final ActivityProfileState profile = evaluator.isActive(pileup, pileupRefContext, pileupFeatureContext);
logger.debug(() -> profile.toString());

if (pendingAlignmentData!=null) {
AlignmentAndReferenceContext alignmentAndRefContext = new AlignmentAndReferenceContext(pileup, pileupRefContext);

// A pending region only becomes ready once our locus iterator has advanced beyond the end of its extended span
// (this ensures that we've loaded all reads that belong in the new region)
if ( ! pendingRegions.isEmpty() && IntervalUtils.isAfter(pileup.getLocation(), pendingRegions.peek().getPaddedSpan(), readHeader.getSequenceDictionary()) ) {
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Expand Up @@ -31,8 +31,11 @@
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.genotyper.SampleList;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.haplotype.Haplotype;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.haplotype.HaplotypeBAMWriter;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.haplotype.PartiallyDeterminedHaplotype;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.locusiterator.LocusIteratorByState;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.logging.OneShotLogger;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.pileup.PileupBasedAlleles;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.pileup.ReadPileup;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.smithwaterman.SmithWatermanAligner;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,6 +75,8 @@ public final class AssemblyBasedCallerUtils {
// get realigned incorrectly. See
public static final int MINIMUM_READ_LENGTH_AFTER_TRIMMING = 10;

public static final OneShotLogger haplotypeDeletionWarningLogger = new OneShotLogger(AssemblyBasedCallerUtils.class);

// Phase group notation can be interpreted as a representation of the alleles present on the two phased haplotypes at the site:
// "0": REF or '*'; "1": site-specific alt allele
enum PhaseGroup {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,8 +268,7 @@ public static ReadLikelihoodCalculationEngine createLikelihoodCalculationEngine(
final boolean handleSoftclips,
final ReadLikelihoodCalculationEngine.Implementation implementation) {
//AlleleLikelihoods::normalizeLikelihoods uses Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY as a flag to disable capping
final double log10GlobalReadMismappingRate = likelihoodArgs.phredScaledGlobalReadMismappingRate < 0 ? Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
: QualityUtils.qualToErrorProbLog10(likelihoodArgs.phredScaledGlobalReadMismappingRate);
final double log10GlobalReadMismappingRate = getGlobalMismatchingRateFromArgs(likelihoodArgs);

switch ( implementation) {
// TODO these constructors should eventually be matched so they both incorporate all the same ancilliary arguments
Expand All @@ -284,6 +288,14 @@ public static ReadLikelihoodCalculationEngine createLikelihoodCalculationEngine(

* Exposed so that PDHMM can be constructed outside of this class
public static double getGlobalMismatchingRateFromArgs(LikelihoodEngineArgumentCollection likelihoodArgs) {
return likelihoodArgs.phredScaledGlobalReadMismappingRate < 0 ? Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
: QualityUtils.qualToErrorProbLog10(likelihoodArgs.phredScaledGlobalReadMismappingRate);

public static Optional<HaplotypeBAMWriter> createBamWriter(final AssemblyBasedCallerArgumentCollection args,
final boolean createBamOutIndex,
final boolean createBamOutMD5,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,7 +332,6 @@ public static VariantContext makeMergedVariantContext(final List<VariantContext>
* for further HC steps
public static AssemblyResultSet assembleReads(final AssemblyRegion region,
final List<VariantContext> forcedPileupAlleles,
final AssemblyBasedCallerArgumentCollection argumentCollection,
final SAMFileHeader header,
final SampleList sampleList,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -397,10 +408,6 @@ public static AssemblyResultSet assembleReads(final AssemblyRegion region,


if (!forcedPileupAlleles.isEmpty()) {
processPileupAlleles(region, forcedPileupAlleles, argumentCollection.pileupDetectionArgs.snpAdajacentToAssemblyIndel, argumentCollection.maxMnpDistance, aligner, refHaplotype, assemblyResultSet, argumentCollection.pileupDetectionArgs.numHaplotypesToIterate, argumentCollection.pileupDetectionArgs.filteringKmerSize, argumentCollection.getHaplotypeToReferenceSWParameters());
return assemblyResultSet;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -429,15 +436,76 @@ private static int determineFlowAssemblyColapseHmer(SAMFileHeader readsHeader) {
return result;

* Helper method that handles the actual "GGA-like" Merging of haplotype alleles into an assembly result set.
* First this method will filter out haplotypes that contain alleles that have failed the pileup calling filtering steps,
* Then the list will attempt to poke into the haplotype list artificial haplotypes that have the found alleles present.
* @param region
* @param argumentCollection
* @param aligner
* @param refHaplotype
* @param assemblyResultSet
* @param pileupAllelesFoundShouldFilter
* @param pileupAllelesPassingFilters
* @return
public static AssemblyResultSet applyPileupEventsAsForcedAlleles(final AssemblyRegion region, final AssemblyBasedCallerArgumentCollection argumentCollection,
final SmithWatermanAligner aligner, final Haplotype refHaplotype,
final AssemblyResultSet assemblyResultSet, final List<VariantContext> pileupAllelesFoundShouldFilter,
final List<VariantContext> pileupAllelesPassingFilters, final boolean debug) {
List<Haplotype> haplotypesWithFilterAlleles = new ArrayList<>();
// IF we find pileup alleles that we want to filter... AND we are not generating the partially determined haplotypes,
// we resort to a messy approach where we filter alleles by throwing away every haplotype supporting an allele. This is
// very dangerous since this could easily destroy phased variants with the haplotype.
if (!pileupAllelesFoundShouldFilter.isEmpty() && !argumentCollection.pileupDetectionArgs.generatePDHaplotypes) {
// TODO this is a bad algorithm for bad people
for(VariantContext delVariant : pileupAllelesFoundShouldFilter) {
for (Haplotype hap : assemblyResultSet.getHaplotypeList()) {
if (hap.getEventMap()==null) {
// NOTE: This check should be a reasonable sanity check on the inputs. However, there edge cases in the assembly engine + SW realignment that can cause
// haplotypes to re-merge into the reference and end up with an empty event map. (Also the event map code explicitly expects to fail in some instances)
// thus we can't enforce that the haplotypes no variants.
// if (!hap.isReference()) {
// //throw new RuntimeException("empty event map for haplotype" + hap);
// }
} else {
if (hap.getEventMap().getVariantContexts().stream().anyMatch(v -> v.getStart() == delVariant.getStart()
&& delVariant.getReference().equals(v.getReference())
&& delVariant.getAlternateAllele(0).equals(v.getAlternateAllele(0)))) {
if (argumentCollection.pileupDetectionArgs.debugPileupStdout) System.err.println("Flagging hap " + hap + " for containing variant " + delVariant);
// TODO removing haplotypes whole-cloth is messy and will likely lead to errors and dropped variants in this code
if (!haplotypesWithFilterAlleles.isEmpty()) {
if (debug) System.out.println("Found Assembly Haps with filtered Variants:\n""\n")));

haplotypeDeletionWarningLogger.warn(() -> "Haplotypes from Assembly are being filtered by heuristics from the PileupCaller. This can lead to missing variants. See --"+PileupDetectionArgumentCollection.PILEUP_DETECTION_FILTER_ASSEMBLY_HAPS_THRESHOLD+" for more details");

for (Haplotype hap : haplotypesWithFilterAlleles) {
if (!pileupAllelesPassingFilters.isEmpty()) {
processPileupAlleles(region, pileupAllelesPassingFilters, argumentCollection.maxMnpDistance, argumentCollection.pileupDetectionArgs.snpAdajacentToAssemblyIndel, aligner, refHaplotype, assemblyResultSet, argumentCollection.pileupDetectionArgs.numHaplotypesToIterate, argumentCollection.pileupDetectionArgs.filteringKmerSize, argumentCollection.getHaplotypeToReferenceSWParameters(), debug);
return assemblyResultSet;

* Handle pileup detected alternate alleles.
static void processPileupAlleles(final AssemblyRegion region, final List<VariantContext> givenAlleles, final int maxMnpDistance,
static void processPileupAlleles(final AssemblyRegion region, final List<VariantContext> pileupVC, final int maxMnpDistance,
final int snpAdjacentToIndelLimit, final SmithWatermanAligner aligner, final Haplotype refHaplotype,
final AssemblyResultSet assemblyResultSet, final int numHaplotypesPerIteration, final int hapFilteringKmerSize,
final SWParameters haplotypeToReferenceSWParameters) {
final SWParameters haplotypeToReferenceSWParameters, final boolean debug) {
final int activeRegionStart = refHaplotype.getAlignmentStartHapwrtRef();
final Map<Integer, VariantContext> assembledVariants = assemblyResultSet.getVariationEvents(maxMnpDistance).stream()
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(VariantContext::getStart, Collectors.collectingAndThen(Collectors.toList(), AssemblyBasedCallerUtils::makeMergedVariantContext)));
Expand All @@ -455,7 +523,7 @@ static void processPileupAlleles(final AssemblyRegion region, final List<Variant
Map<Kmer, Integer> kmerReadCounts = getKmerReadCounts(region.getHardClippedPileupReads(), hapFilteringKmerSize);

// Remove SNPs that are too close to assembled indels.
final List<VariantContext> givenAllelesFiltered = -> vc.isIndel() || -> vc.withinDistanceOf(indel, snpAdjacentToIndelLimit))).collect(Collectors.toList());
final List<VariantContext> givenAllelesFiltered = -> vc.isIndel() || -> vc.withinDistanceOf(indel, snpAdjacentToIndelLimit))).collect(Collectors.toList());

for (final VariantContext givenVC : givenAllelesFiltered) {
final VariantContext assembledVC = assembledVariants.get(givenVC.getStart());
Expand All @@ -470,6 +538,7 @@ static void processPileupAlleles(final AssemblyRegion region, final List<Variant

final List<Haplotype> newPileupHaplotypes = new ArrayList<>();
for (final Allele givenAllele : unassembledNonSymbolicAlleles) {
if (debug) System.out.println("Processing new Haplotypes for Pileup Allele that was not in the assembly: "+givenVC);
for (final Haplotype baseHaplotype : baseHaplotypes) {
// make sure this allele doesn't collide with a variant on the haplotype
if (baseHaplotype.getEventMap() == null || baseHaplotype.getEventMap().getVariantContexts().stream().noneMatch(vc -> vc.overlaps(givenVC))) {
Expand All @@ -490,7 +559,9 @@ static void processPileupAlleles(final AssemblyRegion region, final List<Variant

baseHaplotypes.addAll(filterPileupHaplotypes(newPileupHaplotypes, kmerReadCounts, numHaplotypesPerIteration, hapFilteringKmerSize));
Set<Haplotype> refactoredHaps = filterPileupHaplotypes(newPileupHaplotypes, kmerReadCounts, numHaplotypesPerIteration, hapFilteringKmerSize);
if (debug) System.out.println("Constructed the following new Pileup Haplotypes after filtering:\n""\n")));

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -556,7 +627,8 @@ private static List<Allele> getAllelesNotPresentInAssembly(VariantContext givenV
ReferenceConfidenceVariantContextMerger.remapAlleles(assembledVC, longerRef));
final Set<Allele> givenAlleleSet = new HashSet<>(longerRef.length() == givenVCRefLength ? givenVC.getAlternateAlleles() :
ReferenceConfidenceVariantContextMerger.remapAlleles(givenVC, longerRef));
unassembledGivenAlleles = -> !assembledAlleleSet.contains(a)).collect(Collectors.toList());
//We must filter out the Ref alleles here to protect against edge cases and undexpected behavior from the pileupcalling code
unassembledGivenAlleles = -> !assembledAlleleSet.contains(a)).filter(a -> !a.isReference()).collect(Collectors.toList());
return unassembledGivenAlleles;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -856,6 +928,10 @@ public static Map<Allele, List<Haplotype>> createAlleleMapper(final VariantConte

for (final Haplotype h : haplotypes) {

// Partially determined haplotypes know at what position they are determined, only determined position haps should be considered for genotyping
if (h.isPartiallyDetermined() && ((PartiallyDeterminedHaplotype) h).getDeterminedPosition() != loc) {
final List<VariantContext> spanningEvents = h.getEventMap().getOverlappingEvents(loc);

if (spanningEvents.isEmpty()) { //no events --> this haplotype supports the reference at this locus
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