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jamesemery committed Sep 17, 2019
1 parent 6c4abdd commit 7c91e9a
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Showing 12 changed files with 457 additions and 486 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -30,11 +30,6 @@ public GraphBasedKBestHaplotypeFinder(final BaseGraph<V, E> graph, final Set<V>
super(sinks, sources, graph);

protected BaseGraph<V, E> removeCyclesIfNecessary(BaseGraph<V, E> graph, Set<V> sources, Set<V> sinks) {
return new CycleDetector<>(graph).detectCycles() ? removeCyclesAndVerticesThatDontLeadToSinks(graph,sources,sinks) : graph;

* Constructor for the special case of a single source and sink
Expand All @@ -49,6 +44,11 @@ public GraphBasedKBestHaplotypeFinder(final BaseGraph<V, E> graph) {
this(graph, graph.getSources(), graph.getSinks());

public boolean keepCycles() {
return false;

* Implement Dijkstra's algorithm as described in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,71 +84,4 @@ public List<KBestHaplotype<V, E>> findBestHaplotypes(final int maxNumberOfHaplot
return result;

* Removes edges that produces cycles and also dead vertices that do not lead to any sink vertex.
* @return never {@code null}.
protected BaseGraph<V, E> removeCyclesAndVerticesThatDontLeadToSinks(final BaseGraph<V, E> original, final Collection<V> sources, final Set<V> sinks) {
final Set<E> edgesToRemove = new HashSet<>(original.edgeSet().size());
final Set<V> vertexToRemove = new HashSet<>(original.vertexSet().size());

boolean foundSomePath = false;
for (final V source : sources) {
final Set<V> parentVertices = new HashSet<>(original.vertexSet().size());
foundSomePath = findGuiltyVerticesAndEdgesToRemoveCycles(original, source, sinks, edgesToRemove, vertexToRemove, parentVertices) || foundSomePath;

Utils.validate(foundSomePath, () -> "could not find any path from the source vertex to the sink vertex after removing cycles: "
+ Arrays.toString(sources.toArray()) + " => " + Arrays.toString(sinks.toArray()));

Utils.validate(!(edgesToRemove.isEmpty() && vertexToRemove.isEmpty()), "cannot find a way to remove the cycles");

final BaseGraph<V, E> result = original.clone();
return result;

* Recursive call that looks for edges and vertices that need to be removed to get rid of cycles.
* @param graph the original graph.
* @param currentVertex current search vertex.
* @param sinks considered sink vertices.
* @param edgesToRemove collection of edges that need to be removed in order to get rid of cycles.
* @param verticesToRemove collection of vertices that can be removed.
* @param parentVertices collection of vertices that preceded the {@code currentVertex}; i.e. the it can be
* reached from those vertices using edges existing in {@code graph}.
* @return {@code true} to indicate that the some sink vertex is reachable by {@code currentVertex},
* {@code false} otherwise.
private boolean findGuiltyVerticesAndEdgesToRemoveCycles(final BaseGraph<V, E> graph,
final V currentVertex,
final Set<V> sinks,
final Set<E> edgesToRemove,
final Set<V> verticesToRemove,
final Set<V> parentVertices) {
if (sinks.contains(currentVertex)) {
return true;

final Set<E> outgoingEdges = graph.outgoingEdgesOf(currentVertex);

boolean reachesSink = false;
for (final E edge : outgoingEdges) {
final V child = graph.getEdgeTarget(edge);
if (parentVertices.contains(child)) {
} else {
final boolean childReachSink = findGuiltyVerticesAndEdgesToRemoveCycles(graph, child, sinks, edgesToRemove, verticesToRemove, parentVertices);
reachesSink = reachesSink || childReachSink;
if (!reachesSink) {
return reachesSink;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,57 +17,55 @@
* data off of the list as well as incrementing all of the trees in the list to point at the next element based on the chosen path.
public class JTBestHaplotype<V extends BaseVertex, E extends BaseEdge> extends KBestHaplotype<V, E> {
private JunctionTreeManager treesInQueue; // An object for storing and managing operations on the queue of junction trees active for this path
private JunctionTreeManager junctionTreeManager; // An object for storing and managing operations on the queue of junction trees active for this path
private int decisionEdgesTakenSinceLastJunctionTreeEvidence;

// NOTE, this constructor is used by JunctionTreeKBestHaplotypeFinder, in both cases paths are chosen by non-junction tree paths
public JTBestHaplotype(final JTBestHaplotype<V, E> previousPath, final List<E> edgesToExtend, final double edgePenalty) {
super(previousPath, edgesToExtend, edgePenalty);
treesInQueue = new JunctionTreeManager(previousPath.treesInQueue);
decisionEdgesTakenSinceLastJunctionTreeEvidence = treesInQueue.hasJunctionTreeEvidence() ? 0 : previousPath.decisionEdgesTakenSinceLastJunctionTreeEvidence;
junctionTreeManager = new JunctionTreeManager(previousPath.junctionTreeManager);
decisionEdgesTakenSinceLastJunctionTreeEvidence = junctionTreeManager.hasJunctionTreeEvidence() ? 0 : previousPath.decisionEdgesTakenSinceLastJunctionTreeEvidence;

// Constructor to be used for internal calls from {@link #getApplicableNextEdgesBasedOnJunctionTrees()}
private JTBestHaplotype(final JTBestHaplotype<V, E> previousPath, final List<E> chain, final int edgeMultiplicity, final int totalOutgoingMultiplicity, final boolean thisPathBasedOnJT) {
super(previousPath, chain, computeLogPenaltyScore( edgeMultiplicity, totalOutgoingMultiplicity));
treesInQueue = new JunctionTreeManager(previousPath.treesInQueue);
treesInQueue.traverseEdgeForAllTrees(chain.get(chain.size() - 1));
junctionTreeManager = new JunctionTreeManager(previousPath.junctionTreeManager);
junctionTreeManager.traverseEdgeForAllTrees(chain.get(chain.size() - 1));
// I'm aware that the chain is only an estimate of the proper length, especially if we got here due to being under the weight threshold for a given tree... the chain lenght is a heuristic as it is...
decisionEdgesTakenSinceLastJunctionTreeEvidence = thisPathBasedOnJT ? 0 : previousPath.decisionEdgesTakenSinceLastJunctionTreeEvidence + 1;

// JTBestHaplotype constructor for construction an entirely new haplotype builder.
public JTBestHaplotype(final V initialVertex, final BaseGraph<V,E> graph) {
super(initialVertex, graph);
treesInQueue = new JunctionTreeManager();
junctionTreeManager = new JunctionTreeManager();
decisionEdgesTakenSinceLastJunctionTreeEvidence = 0;

public boolean hasJunctionTreeEvidence() {
return treesInQueue.hasJunctionTreeEvidence();
return junctionTreeManager.hasJunctionTreeEvidence();

//TODO this needs to be the same logic as the blow method, this is temporary
// returns true if there is a symbolic edge pointing to the reference end or if there is insufficient node data
public boolean hasStoppingEvidence(final int weightThreshold) {
int currentActiveNodeIndex = 0;
JunctionTreeLinkedDeBruinGraph.ThreadingNode oldestTree = !treesInQueue.hasJunctionTreeEvidence() ? null : treesInQueue.get(currentActiveNodeIndex);
int totalOut = getTotalOutForBranch(oldestTree);

// Keep removing trees until we find one under our threshold TODO this should be in a helper method
while (oldestTree != null && totalOut < weightThreshold) {
// We remove old branches from the tree only if they no longer have any evidence, otherwise we look at younger branches
if (totalOut <= 0) {
} else { // Otherwise look at the next tree in the list

// Traverse the non-empty trees until we find one with evidence over our threshold. If we ever find a symbolic end vertex then we stop.
for (JunctionTreeLinkedDeBruinGraph.ThreadingNode tree : junctionTreeManager.removeEmptyNodesAndReturnIterator()) {
int totalOut = getTotalOutForBranch(tree);

// Are any of these vertexes symbolic stops?
if (tree.getChildrenNodes().values().stream()
.anyMatch(JunctionTreeLinkedDeBruinGraph.ThreadingNode::isSymbolicEnd)) {
return true;
if ( totalOut >= weightThreshold) {
return false;
oldestTree = currentActiveNodeIndex >= treesInQueue.size() ? null : treesInQueue.get(currentActiveNodeIndex);
totalOut = getTotalOutForBranch(oldestTree);

return oldestTree == null || oldestTree.getChildrenNodes().values().stream()
// None of our junction trees cover the stop vertex, close it
return true;

// Tally the total outgoing weight for a particular branch
Expand All @@ -92,22 +90,18 @@ private static int getTotalOutForBranch(final JunctionTreeLinkedDeBruinGraph.Thr
//TODO for reviewer - is this the best way to structure this? I'm not sure how to decide about end nodes based on this, passing them back seesm wrong
public List<JTBestHaplotype<V, E>> getApplicableNextEdgesBasedOnJunctionTrees(final List<E> chain, final Set<E> outgoingEdges, final int weightThreshold) {
Set<MultiSampleEdge> edgesAccountedForByJunctionTrees = new HashSet<>(); // Since we check multiple junction trees for paths, make sure we are getting
Set<MultiSampleEdge> edgesAccountedForByJunctionTrees = new HashSet<>(); // Since we check multiple junction trees for paths, keep track of which paths we have taken to adding duplicate paths to the graph
List<JTBestHaplotype<V, E>> output = new ArrayList<>();
int currentActiveNodeIndex = 0;
JunctionTreeLinkedDeBruinGraph.ThreadingNode oldestTree = !treesInQueue.hasJunctionTreeEvidence() ? null : treesInQueue.get(currentActiveNodeIndex);
while (oldestTree != null) {
int totalOut = getTotalOutForBranch(oldestTree);
for ( JunctionTreeLinkedDeBruinGraph.ThreadingNode tree : junctionTreeManager.removeEmptyNodesAndReturnIterator()) {
int totalOut = getTotalOutForBranch(tree);

// If the total evidence emerging from a given branch

//TODO add SOME sanity check to ensure that the vertex we stand on and the edges we are polling line up
for (Map.Entry<MultiSampleEdge, JunctionTreeLinkedDeBruinGraph.ThreadingNode> childNode : oldestTree.getChildrenNodes().entrySet()) {
for (Map.Entry<MultiSampleEdge, JunctionTreeLinkedDeBruinGraph.ThreadingNode> childNode : tree.getChildrenNodes().entrySet()) {
if (!outgoingEdges.contains(childNode.getKey())) {
throw new GATKException("While constructing graph, there was an incongruity between a JunctionTree edge and the edge present on graph traversal");

// Don't add edges to the symbolic end vertex here at all, thats handled elsewhere, also don't add the same edge again if we pulled it in from a younger tree.
// Don't add edges to the symbolic end vertex here at all, that's handled by {@link #hasStoppingEvidence()}, also don't add the same edge again if we pulled it in from a younger tree.
if (!childNode.getValue().isSymbolicEnd() && // ignore symbolic end branches, those are handled elsewhere
!edgesAccountedForByJunctionTrees.contains(childNode.getKey())) {
Expand All @@ -118,17 +112,10 @@ public List<JTBestHaplotype<V, E>> getApplicableNextEdgesBasedOnJunctionTrees(fi

// If there isn't enough outgoing evidence, then we
if (totalOut < weightThreshold){
// We remove old branches from the tree only if they no longer have any evidence, otherwise we look at younger branches
if (totalOut <= 0) {
} else { // Otherwise look at the next tree in the list
oldestTree = currentActiveNodeIndex >= treesInQueue.size() ? null : treesInQueue.get(currentActiveNodeIndex);
} else {
// We know that the eldest tree had enough weight to ignore younger trees
// If there isn't enough outgoing evidence, then we poll the next oldest tree for evidence
// This is done to alleviate the problem that the oldest junction tree may have little evidence and drop connectivity
// information better represented by one of the younger trees in the path.
if (totalOut >= weightThreshold) {
return output;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,7 +162,7 @@ public int getDecisionEdgesTakenSinceLastJunctionTreeEvidence() {
* @param junctionTreeForNode Junction tree to add
public void addJunctionTree(final JunctionTreeLinkedDeBruinGraph.ThreadingTree junctionTreeForNode) {
if (treesInQueue.addJunctionTree(junctionTreeForNode)) {
if (junctionTreeManager.addJunctionTree(junctionTreeForNode)) {
decisionEdgesTakenSinceLastJunctionTreeEvidence = 0;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,12 +201,17 @@ public boolean addJunctionTree(final JunctionTreeLinkedDeBruinGraph.ThreadingTre

// method to handle incrementing all of the nodes in the tree simultaneously
public void traverseEdgeForAllTrees(E edgeTaken) {
activeNodes = -> {
if (!node.getChildrenNodes().containsKey(edgeTaken)) {
return null;
return node.getChildrenNodes().get(edgeTaken);
}).filter(Objects::nonNull).filter(node -> !node.hasNoEvidence()).collect(Collectors.toList());
activeNodes =
.filter(node -> node.getChildrenNodes().containsKey(edgeTaken))
.map(node -> node.getChildrenNodes().get(edgeTaken))
.filter(node -> !node.hasNoEvidence())

// Returns an iterable list of nodes that have sufficient data in the tree (performs pruning of empty nodes)
public Iterable<JunctionTreeLinkedDeBruinGraph.ThreadingNode> removeEmptyNodesAndReturnIterator() {
activeNodes = -> getTotalOutForBranch(node) > 0).collect(Collectors.toList());
return activeNodes;

private JunctionTreeLinkedDeBruinGraph.ThreadingNode get(int i) {
Expand All @@ -230,7 +222,7 @@ private int size() {
return activeNodes == null ? 0 : activeNodes.size();

private void removeEldestTree() {
private void removeOldestTree() {

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