Let's use React Native Plug And Play, very simple.
This boilerplate is a simple react native application with realmjs database, redux-peach state manager, router-flux and nativebase UI component.
Download or clone repository
$ clone GIT_REPOSITORY [project-name]
Install node modules
$ npm install
Before run application you need to upgrade, run this command
$ react-native upgrade
# link libraries
$ react-native link
After upgrade
$ react-native run-ios
# not tested on android
Main part of project is src
directory, this directory contain main codes of project.
Components directory contains project components that can use every where(maybe other project) and they don't have dependency to other components.
Container contains project screen or part of screen that mean boundle of component that has relation with each other.(action, view, models and etc)
helper for redux state manager, it's easy to use and you can handle your complex states with this library.
Powerfull database system for mobile applications, We use it in this project, Before loading application we truncate database and after that insert fixtures.
an UI component, that support almost every thing that you need.You can easily change your application theme in native-base-theme directory in root of project.
This library inspect react components like chrome inspector.
Show every changes in redux-store. Log every actions and you can see state changes.
Test with jest, Write your test cases and then run npm test