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BilliAlpha edited this page Jan 16, 2023 · 1 revision


Manages the current time (time of day and date) and seasons. Season month and daylength required to create a calendar type

TODO : AQL Calendar API : open issue



Calendar Structure

CalendarType : the structure of time of a defined calendar WorldCalendar : current state of time of a world

A WorldCalendar has :

Name Type Description
name string the name of the calendar
year int the year number. For instance "1789"
monthId int the current monthId
day int day of the month
seasonId int current seasonId

Time tree description

    WorldCalendar ||--|| CalendarType : "described by"
    WorldCalendar {
        int id
        string name 
        int year "current year"
        int monthId "current month"
        int day "current day of the year"
        int seasonId "current season"
    CalendarType ||--|{ Month : has
    CalendarType ||--|{ Season : has
    CalendarType {
        int id
        int seasonDaysOffset
        int dayLength "in ticks"
    Season ||--|{ Month : has
    Season {
        int id
        int index "order of the season"
        int name "name of the season"
        float dayLengthRatio "duration of the day for this season"
    Month {
        int id
        int index "order of the month in the year"
        int days "number of days in month"


/ch list

Displays a list of the channels

/ch (ban/unban) <joueur> <channel>

Ban/unban a player from channel.

/ch join <channel>

Allows to join (subscribe) to a channel

/ch <channel>

Alias to join a channel and speak in this channel (for instance switching to whispering...)

/ch leave <channel>

Allow to leave (unsubscribe) a channel. (Useful to leave a general channel during an event, but useless when leaving the local channel during an event...)

/<channel> <message>

When speaking in a previously selected channel, broadcast this message in another. (Useful to scream in a crowd, while whispering to your neighbor).

/qmsg <player> <msg>


[root] .join .read .speak .leave .format .ban

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