This is a derivative work created by Antony Eagle, based upon Tim Button's 2016 Cambridge version of PD Magnus's forallx (version 1.29). There are pervasive substantive changes in content, theoretical approach, coverage, and appearance – it's fair to say no one will mistake this version for Magnus' original.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The LaTeX source code for this work is available on GitHub at
As of late 2024, this text has reached terminal stability. I do not envisage making substantive further changes beyond those noted below.
I welcome comments and notification of errors and typos: I will update this readme with a list of issues and proposed changes even while teaching from the book, but I will not push major changes to the pdf and source until a given course has been delivered and assessed. (I will tacitly correct typos and small errors.)
Current known issues or proposed changes to the text: none.