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Cantù Lab @ UC Davis - Annotation Pipeline - EVM based

This Git repository contains the whole pipeline used to generate the structural and functional gene annotation of a grape genome. The pipeline for the assembly of the genome of interest is not included here but is a prerequisite.





The following tools are required. Some options and compatibilities might depend on the software version. We successfully ran the pipeline using the versions described below.

Folder structure

Most of the tools are assumed to be installed in the PATH. If not, the absolute PATH to the Tools directory is given.

├── 2_0-External_evidences
│   ├── 2_0_1-Proteins
│   └── 2_0_2-mRNAs
│       ├── 2_0_2_1-External_databases
│       ├── 2_0_2_2-RNAseq
│       │   ├── 2_0_2_2_1-RNAseq_reads
│       │   └── 2_0_2_2_2-RNAseq_assembly
│       └── 2_0_2_3-IsoSeq
│           ├── 2_0_2_3_1-IsoSeq_reads
│           └── 2_0_2_3_2-IsoSeq_polishing
├── 2_1-Training
│   ├── 2_1_1-Training_set
│   │   └── pasa_run.log.dir
│   └── 2_1_2-Predictor_training
│       ├── 2_1_2_1-Augustus
│       ├── 2_1_2_2-Genemark
│       └── 2_1_2_3-SNAP
└── 2_2-Prediction
    ├── 2_2_1-Repeats
    ├── 2_2_2-
    ├── 2_2_3-Prediction
    │   ├── 2_2_3_1-BUSCO
    │   ├── 2_2_3_2-Augustus
    │   ├── 2_2_3_3-Genemark
    │   ├── 2_2_3_4-SNAP
    │   └── 2_2_3_5-PASA
    ├── 2_2_4-Transcript_mapping
    ├── 2_2_5-Protein_mapping
    ├── 2_2_6-EVM
    ├── 2_2_7-Annotation_polishing
    ├── 2_2_8-Filtering
    └── 2_2_9-Functional_annotation


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  • Wu TD, Watanabe CK (2005) GMAP: a genomic mapping and alignment program for mRNA and EST sequences. Bioinformatics 21: 1859–1875


Cantù Lab @ UC Davis - Annotation pipeline - EVM based






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