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50 lines (31 loc) · 1.26 KB

File metadata and controls

50 lines (31 loc) · 1.26 KB

7 - Filtering

7.0 - Setup

7.0.1 - Define variables

genome genome fasta sequence.

n_jobs number of jobs to run in parallel.

7.0.2 - Set WD

cd 2-Annotation/2_2-Prediction/2_2_8-Filtering/

7.0.3 - Set files

mkdir fasta
mkdir blast

7.1 - Filter

Generate commands.

awk 'BEGIN {getline; id=$1 ;gsub(">","",id); print id ;filename="fasta/"id".fasta"; print $0 >filename } { if ($1~"^>") {id=$1 ; sub(/>/,"",id); filename="fasta/"id".fasta"; print id};  print $0 > filename }' gene_models.protein.fasta | sed 's:\(.*\):\blastp -num_threads 6 -db /DATA/db/RefSeq_protein_Plants/RefSeq_Plants.protein.faa -show_gis -outfmt 5 -query fasta/\1.fasta > blast/\1.xml:' >

Run blast commands in parallel.

parallel -j $n_jobs :::: > log

Run Blast2GO to load xml files and detect models without hits.

Generate the table No_blast.txt.

Filter out unwanted models and correct GFF3 file.

grep -vFf <(less to_remove.txt | cut -f 2 | sed '1,1d' ) gene_models.gff3  > gene_models.filtered.gff3

python /Scripts/ -a gene_models.filtered.gff3 -g $genome -p gene_models.filtered -lscin > gene_models.filtered.log 2> gene_models.filtered.err