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Cranium: Bashing CLI arguments

Because I'm sick of writing argparse.

The idea is to

  1. Write argument parsing documentation using docopt (in Python)
  2. Use Python docopt to parse the arguments and save them as JSON and
  3. Read the JSON file in the shell script


apt-get install jq  # `brew install jq` for Mac OS
apt-get install pip # `brew install pip` for Mac OS
pip install docopt

Usage (TL;DR)

Writes a Python script with docopt to parse your arguments, e.g. see

$ python
Usage: FILE [-g BASHLVL] [-e HASTELVL] [-d] [-n] (-h | --help) --version

Make the Python script output a JSON file with the variable-value pairs, e.g.

$ python ancientscroll.txt -g 5 -n -d
{"dagger": true, "version": false, "nether_strike": true, "greater_bash": "5", "FILE": "ancientscroll.txt", "empower_haste": "1", "help": false}

$ python ancientscroll.txt -g 5 -n -d > arguments.json

$ cat arguments.json
{"dagger": true, "version": false, "nether_strike": true, "greater_bash": "5", "FILE": "ancientscroll.txt", "empower_haste": "1", "help": false}

In your shell script pass the "$@" arguments to the Python script to output a json.


python "$@" > arguments.json

while read -r name value; do
   declare "$name=$value"
done < <(cat arguments.json | jq -r 'to_entries[] | "\(.key) \(.value)"')

echo $dagger
echo greater_bash
echo empower_haste

Et voila!

$ bash ancientscroll.txt -g 5 -n -d

Usage (In Long)

Step 1:

Create a Python file with arguments options and usage definitions that follows the Python docopt style guide, e.g. in

Usage: FILE [-g BASHLVL] [-e HASTELVL] [-d] [-n] (-h | --help) --version

  -g --greater-bash=BASHLVL     Sets the level to knocking back enemies [default: 0].
  -n --nether-strike            Shifts into elemental realm and reappearing up close to the enemies.
  -e --empower-haste=HASTELVL   Increases speed and inspires nearby allies to keep up the pace [default: 1].
  -d --dagger                   Use the dagger to teleport a short distant.
  --version                     Show version.
  -h --help                     Show this screen.

Step 2:

Copy+paste the main() function below into the Python file as such:

from __future__ import print_function
import json

from docopt import docopt

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Remeber to change the version measge and name =)
    arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='Barathrum Example for - version 0.0.1')
    argdict = {}
    for k, v in arguments.items():
        if k.startswith('--'):
            k = k[2:].replace('-', '_')
        argdict[k] = v

Step 3:

In your shell script, use the "$@" operator to pass all the arguments to the Python script with docopt you've previously written:

# Input the arguments into a JSON file as specified by ``
python "$@" > arguments.json

Then, you can read the variables individually as such:

# Initialize the arguments according.
dagger=$(cat arguments.json | jq -r '.["dagger"]')
greater_bash=$(cat arguments.json | jq -r '.["greater_bash"]')

echo $dagger
echo $greater_bash

Or initialize them all at one go (Credit goes to @chepner):

while read -r name value; do
   declare "$name=$value"
done < <(cat arguments.json | jq -r 'to_entries[] | "\(.key) \(.value)"')

echo $empower_haste
echo $greater_bash


Q: Why don't you use the docopt for bash directly?

A: Cos I don't want to retype what's in the docstring and initialize the arguments individually. Also, I find it really ugly to have #? and ##? on every line of comment (my personal preference, no offense intended).

Q: Why don't you use argparse-bash that also uses Python?

A: Cos I can't write my arguments --help message in the docstring.

Q: Is there really a need to ask Bash to call Python to use docopt just to convert the arguments to JSON and read it through jq in shell?

A: Nope, no need to but I just prefer to read JSON files as opposed to writing argparse in shell.

Q: Don't we still have to write the docopt docstring in Python to read our customized arguments options?

A: Yes, doesn't that make your arguments parsing and the --help messages more beautiful?

Similar / Related to

  • argparse-bash: Use python's argparse module in shell scripts
  • docopt: Command-line interface description language
  • jq: Lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor


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