Because I'm sick of writing argparse
The idea is to
- Write argument parsing documentation using
(in Python) - Use Python
to parse the arguments and save them as JSON and - Read the JSON file in the shell script
apt-get install jq # `brew install jq` for Mac OS
apt-get install pip # `brew install pip` for Mac OS
pip install docopt
Writes a Python script with docopt to parse your arguments, e.g. see
$ python
Usage: FILE [-g BASHLVL] [-e HASTELVL] [-d] [-n] (-h | --help) --version
Make the Python script output a JSON file with the variable-value pairs, e.g.
$ python ancientscroll.txt -g 5 -n -d
{"dagger": true, "version": false, "nether_strike": true, "greater_bash": "5", "FILE": "ancientscroll.txt", "empower_haste": "1", "help": false}
$ python ancientscroll.txt -g 5 -n -d > arguments.json
$ cat arguments.json
{"dagger": true, "version": false, "nether_strike": true, "greater_bash": "5", "FILE": "ancientscroll.txt", "empower_haste": "1", "help": false}
In your shell script pass the "$@"
arguments to the Python script to output a json.
python "$@" > arguments.json
while read -r name value; do
declare "$name=$value"
done < <(cat arguments.json | jq -r 'to_entries[] | "\(.key) \(.value)"')
echo $dagger
echo greater_bash
echo empower_haste
Et voila!
$ bash ancientscroll.txt -g 5 -n -d
Step 1:
Create a Python file with arguments options and usage definitions that
follows the Python docopt
style guide, e.g. in
Usage: FILE [-g BASHLVL] [-e HASTELVL] [-d] [-n] (-h | --help) --version
-g --greater-bash=BASHLVL Sets the level to knocking back enemies [default: 0].
-n --nether-strike Shifts into elemental realm and reappearing up close to the enemies.
-e --empower-haste=HASTELVL Increases speed and inspires nearby allies to keep up the pace [default: 1].
-d --dagger Use the dagger to teleport a short distant.
--version Show version.
-h --help Show this screen.
Step 2:
Copy+paste the main()
function below into the Python file as such:
from __future__ import print_function
import json
from docopt import docopt
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Remeber to change the version measge and name =)
arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='Barathrum Example for - version 0.0.1')
argdict = {}
for k, v in arguments.items():
if k.startswith('--'):
k = k[2:].replace('-', '_')
argdict[k] = v
Step 3:
In your shell script, use the "$@"
operator to pass all the arguments to the
Python script with docopt
you've previously written:
# Input the arguments into a JSON file as specified by ``
python "$@" > arguments.json
Then, you can read the variables individually as such:
# Initialize the arguments according.
dagger=$(cat arguments.json | jq -r '.["dagger"]')
greater_bash=$(cat arguments.json | jq -r '.["greater_bash"]')
echo $dagger
echo $greater_bash
Or initialize them all at one go (Credit goes to @chepner):
while read -r name value; do
declare "$name=$value"
done < <(cat arguments.json | jq -r 'to_entries[] | "\(.key) \(.value)"')
echo $empower_haste
echo $greater_bash
Q: Why don't you use the docopt
for bash directly?
A: Cos I don't want to retype what's in the docstring and initialize the arguments individually. Also, I find it really ugly to have #?
and ##?
on every line of comment (my personal preference, no offense intended).
Q: Why don't you use argparse-bash
that also uses Python?
A: Cos I can't write my arguments --help
message in the docstring.
Q: Is there really a need to ask Bash
to call Python
to use docopt
just to convert the arguments to JSON
and read it through jq
in shell?
A: Nope, no need to but I just prefer to read JSON files as opposed to writing argparse
in shell.
Q: Don't we still have to write the docopt
docstring in Python to read our customized arguments options?
A: Yes, doesn't that make your arguments parsing and the --help
messages more beautiful?
- argparse-bash: Use python's argparse module in shell scripts
- docopt: Command-line interface description language
- jq: Lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor