Config and environment files for atf_nav_tests
to run the simulation using ATF
Run the
bash script. It will show a green progress bar:
'######################################## (100%)'
The listed files will be copied to the right directory for msh
- and cob
- env-configs
- navigation configs
Dependencies: ROS package has to be installed, otherwise rospack find
won't work.
starts the automated testframework and starts all possible testcases.
The testcases are:
- line_passage
- line_passage_obstacle
- line_passage_person_moving
- line_passage_spawn_obstacle
- narrow_passage_2_cone
- t_passage
- t_passage_obstacle
The script provides some shell commands:
./start_testcases -c 2 -n 1 [-s 140]
Command Line Argument | Description |
-h | help |
-c | number of PCs on which the simulation is run --> splits the testcases equally |
-n | number of the PC on which the simulation is run --> starts the corresponding set for this PC |
-s | start value for config files (i.e. start test at 140 instead of 0 / default: 0 ) |
Each testcase starts the corresponding atf_nav_pkg
(Link) using the commandline to execute catkin_make atf_$ATF_PKG$
Only edit the files in the atf_nav_test_config
directory and copy them using
. This will ensure that there is only one file directory that needs editing, and not dozens of different files in each directory.
Pros | Cons |
+ easy to setup new environments | - bash script has to be updated everytime a new package is created |
+ much easier workflow | - CI not easily possible |
+ direct github repo for all files | - call to is needed everytime |
+ files are needed in different directories are easily distributed |
script takes a path as input argument (you get asked for it... no hurry) and creates a Heatmap- and Errorbar-Plot for the results ATF has generated and where saved using the
To get everything running, you have to install the requirements for python using the requirements.txt
in the scripts
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
The scripts are written using those requirements, and will maybe crash if you update any of those (e.g. matplotlib
.. I tried it and everything crashed, even the IDE).
Best timing for 2 subscribed topics in
for goal_metrics
Timing with rospy.sleep()
is necessary because otherwise there will be a threading error. The bagfile includes
the topics needed for goal_metrics
topics: /atf/testblock_nav/api 2 msgs : atf_msgs/Api
/atf/testblock_nav/trigger 2 msgs : atf_msgs/TestblockTrigger
/base_pose_ground_truth 1143 msgs : nav_msgs/Odometry
/move_base/goal 1 msg : move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionGoal
detailed example is shown below.
class Application:
def __init__(self):
rp = RvizPublisher()
filepath = '/home/flg-ma/git/catkin_ws/src/msh/msh_bringup/launch/t_passage.launch'
rp.main(filepath, True, False, 2.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0)
rospy.sleep(.2) # improved speed with localisation
self.atf = ATF()
def execute(self):
# necessary to catch goal published on topic /move_base/goal
sss.move("base", [4.0, 0.0, 0.0])
The errorlog shown below occurs often and stops ATF
from exiting normally. Therefore no
bagfile is written and no output can be generated using the provided metrics
except TypeError as te: self._check_types(ValueError("%s: '%s' when writing '%s'" % (type(te), str(te), str(locals().get('_x', self)))))
File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/", line 331, in _check_types
check_type(n, t, getattr(self, n))
File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/", line 253, in check_type
check_type(field_name+"[]", base_type, v)
File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/", line 263, in check_type
check_type("%s.%s"%(field_name,n), t, getattr(field_val, n))
File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/", line 263, in check_type
check_type("%s.%s"%(field_name,n), t, getattr(field_val, n))
File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/", line 253, in check_type
check_type(field_name+"[]", base_type, v)
File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/", line 263, in check_type
check_type("%s.%s"%(field_name,n), t, getattr(field_val, n))
File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/", line 229, in check_type
raise SerializationError('field %s must be of type str'%field_name)
SerializationError: field nodes[].interface.subscribers[].type must be of type str
The Error can be preventend when the lines below in the file /home/flg-ma/git/catkin_ws/src/msh/msh_bringup/launch/application.xml
are included! The
is necessary to complete the writing of the output in a bagfile
<!-- sensorring -->
<machine name="$(arg s1)" address="$(arg s1)" env-loader="$(arg env-script)" default="true" timeout="30"/>
<include ns="people_detection_sensorring" file="$(find cob_people_detection)/ros/launch/people_detection.launch">
<arg name="camera_namespace" value="sensorring_cam3d_upright"/>
<arg name="launch_head_detector" value="true"/>
<arg name="launch_face_detector" value="true"/>
<arg name="launch_face_recognizer" value="false"/>
<arg name="launch_detection_tracker" value="false"/>
<arg name="launch_face_capture" value="false"/>
<arg name="launch_coordinator" value="false"/>
<arg name="display_results_with_image_view" value="false"/>
<!--necessary, otherwise error occurs: SerializationError: field nodes[].interface.subscribers[].type must be of type str-->
<node pkg="msh_bringup" type="" name="robot_status" output="screen"/>
<include file="$(find msh_bringup)/launch/poi.launch">
<arg name="robot" value="$(arg robot)"/>
<node pkg="zbar_ros" type="barcode_reader_node" name="barcode_reader" output="screen">
<remap from="image" to="/sensorring_cam3d/rgb/image_raw"/>
The errorlog shown below occurs when the robot can't find a path on the global costmap.
[ WARN] [1509019721.735995968, 7.195000000]: Path Segment ps 12 has partially blocked check the costmap. Illegal point idc: 15
[ INFO] [1509019721.736094996, 7.195000000]: The blocked parts were cleared
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): map::at
[move_base-85] process has died [pid 6139, exit code -6, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/lib/move_base/move_base cmd_vel:=/base/twist_mux/command_navigation odom:=/base/odometry_controller/odometry __name:=move_base __log:=/home/flg-ma/.ros/log/4ca1f794-ba46-11e7-ad95-782bcbad4e67/move_base-85.log].
log file: /home/flg-ma/.ros/log/4ca1f794-ba46-11e7-ad95-782bcbad4e67/move_base-85*.log
To fix this error, the path_segments.yaml
has to be renewed, using roslaunch ipa_navigation_bringup config_gui.launch pkg_env_config:=
rospack find msh_env_config robot_env:=$ROBOT_ENV$
where $ROBOT_ENV$
is the desired robot_env.
- ... (if more environments were added later...)
Copy modified files:
The modified files path_segments.yaml
or line_maps/laserline.yaml
have to be copied in the atf_nav_test_env_config/envs/
directory, into the matching package.
- added
- now all necessary files are copied into the
- first push