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Dignifiedquire edited this page Dec 9, 2012 · 3 revisions


First, you need to install Node.js. There are installers for both Macintosh and Windows. On Linux, we recommend using NVM.



$ npm install -g testacular


or install in a local folder (you have to create symlinks to binaries on your own)

$ npm install testacular

Without NPM

You can install Testacular even without NPM, just get the latest package and create symlinks:

# replace x.y.z with latest version
$ curl | tar -xvz && mv package testacular

# create symlinks (optional)
cd testacular
$ sudo ln -s $PWD/bin/testacular /usr/local/bin/testacular

Basic Setup

Go into your project and create a testacular configuration. Basically you need to specify the source files that you want to execute.

For an example configuration, see test/client/testacular.conf.js which contains most of the options.

# create config file (testacular.conf.js by default)
$ testacular init

# start server
$ testacular start

# open browsers you want to test (if testacular is not configured to do it for you)
$ open http://localhost:8080

# if you want to run tests manually (without auto watching file changes), you can:
$ testacular run
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