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Dignifiedquire edited this page Dec 8, 2012 · 1 revision


The files array determines wich files are loaded, watched and served by Testacular.

Warning The order in which the files are defined, determines the load order!


The first thing you usually need is an adapter. The following adapters are bundled with Testacular

  • Mocha
  • Jasmine
  • QUnit (0.5.5)
  • RequireJS (0.5.1)

If you want to use any of these you add LIBRARY and LIBRARY_ADAPTER to your files list. So for example if you want to use Mocha you have the following in your config file.

files = [

Pattern matching and basePath

All files that come from you and are not bundled with Testacular can get included via glob patterns. For example you can just write myFile.js or something more elaborate like test/unit/**/*.spec.js. These files get resolved to absolute paths using the basePath options, so if we set basePath = '../' and our configuration is in the folder projectRoot/config, our files get resolved to

  • myFile.js --> `/projectRoot/myFile.js``
  • test/unit/**/*.spec.js --> /projectRoot/test/unit/**/*.spec.js

and then they are matched using minimatch against the file system.

Included, served, watched

Since version 0.5.2 there is the ability to configure the patterns more closely. If you define them like before a simple pattern like 'test/unit/*.js' gets expanded internally to the following

  {pattern: 'test/unit/*.js', watched: true, included: true, served: true}


  • Description. The pattern to use for matching.


  • Type. Boolean
  • Default. true
  • Description. If autoWatch is true all files that have set watched to true will be polled for changes.


  • Type. Boolean
  • Default. true
  • Description. Should the files be included into the loading process of the files into the browser.


  • Type. Boolean
  • Default. true
  • Description. Should the files be served by Testaculars webserver.

Finished example

Here is a complete example showing the different options that are possible.

files = [
  // Adapter
  // simple patterns to load the needed testfiles
  // this file gets served but will be ignored by the watcher
  {pattern: 'compiled/index.html', watched: false},
  // this file only gets watched but otherwise ignored
  {pattern: 'app/index.html', included: false, served: false}
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