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dwalt edited this page Apr 28, 2017 · 24 revisions

#List of Features

##Developer Support

  • Support for application branding via CSS, editing of Ember template
  • Global, customizable theme support via Bootstrap CSS
  • MVC-style architecture supporting reusable components
  • Plugins, support custom UI components without need to edit core application
  • Support for persisting application user settings (Yes for Auto Save)
  • Support dynamic component rendering
    • via templates(based on organization or data type)

##Loading/Population of mdEditor


  • Required
    • mdEditor Native JSON
  • Desired
    • ScienceBase JSON
    • XML (NOTE: NKN feels strongly that this should be a requirement at least for ISO-19115-2)
      • ISO-19115-2
      • ISO-19115-1
      • FGDC CSDGM
      • This will require parsing the XML by:
        • Client-side Javascript library (preferred)
        • Ajax request to an external service


  • Required
    • User enters metadata via a series of web forms.
    • User loads an existing metadata record (partial or complete) into the online mdEditor by from their local machine.
      • Form upload
      • Drag-n-Drop
  • Desired
    • User loads an existing metadata record (partial or complete) by providing a URL
    • Generate report that identifies which elements were not mapped/transferred upon import

##Output of mdEditor


  • Required
    • mdEditor Native JSON
    • XML
      • ISO-19115-2
      • This will require generating the XML using the mdTranslator
  • Desired
    • ScienceBase JSON
    • XML
      • ISO-19115-1
      • FGDC CSDGM
      • This will require generating the XML using the mdTranslator


  • Required
    • User save/exports a stand-alone metadata file to their local system.
    • Back-up configuration to local system.
    • Export contacts to local file system.
    • Export "data package"(metadata, contacts, configuration) to local file system.
  • Desired
    • User save/exports a stand-alone metadata file via an external webservice.

##General User Interface

  • Layout
    • Support collapsible components, e.g. optional or more complex sections.
    • Support highlighting of required and/or recommended elements.
    • Support for default field values where appropriate.
    • Ability to view all fields at once (i.e., don't have to complete one section before can see next section).
    • Filling out the form can be driven by a series of user questions or a user can decide to only view template(s).
  • Help
    • Support inline tooltips to inform users how particular elements in the mdEditor should be populated.
    • Identify mandatory fields/sections.
    • Support for context-sensitive documentation
    • Comprehensive user/developer guides(via GitBook?)
  • Workflow
    • Support for user selectable configuration templates, e.g. project, data, spatial, etc.
    • Support for user specified rules templates, e.g. required and recommended fields, codelist control.
    • Capture relationship between metadata records, i.e. project <=> data.
    • Support reuse of elements, e.g. contacts, that occur multiple times within a record
    • Support saving/restoring application state (NOTE: be able to store locally or through a repository API).
    • Guided "Metadata Wizard"
    • Support for offline use
    • Dynamically validate against the ADIWG JSON schema to assess for completeness/compliance.
    • Dynamic feedback about "metadata quality" based on configurable metrics
    • Ability to submit ISO XML to a data repository using a standard API (to be developed as part of this project).
    • Map widget for defining bounding points, lines, and polygons
    • Independent forms that can be operated by the user through menu picks, or be scripted in multiple ways, such as a wizard tool

##Web Services

  • Support GCMD Keyword web service, implementation examples here and here.
  • Support for other USGS hosted vocabularies.
  • Support for Contact webservice
    • Per instance configuration, point the mdEditor at your Contacts service.
    • Defined API for compatible webservice
  • ITIS support
    • Support selection of ITIS taxa from list/tree/search
    • Taxonomic section ‘auto build’ from ITIS service based on TSN selection, see here
    • Components such as organization standard use restrictions should be accessible as a service


  • Auto-build spatial reference/extent section from local or linked file
    • GeoJSON
    • WKT
    • Shapefile
    • KML
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