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Technical Minutes 2021 07 01
- In attendance: Andreas S, Andrew C, Beate M-F, Craig V, Erwin S, Kor O, Peter B, Thomas D, Thomas P
The group worked through open items from the backlog, with particular focus on issues that could be resolved prior to the release of version 1.2. Some items which could be for a later release might be worth addressing.
1. IcarMilkingVisitEventResource, extend with exemptFromRecording (#220)
There was an extended discussion on exemptForRecording or MilkingRemarks. We agreed to have an additional attribute named milkingRemarks as an array of enumerated values like ['animal sick', 'separated', 'milked separately', 'sampling failed', ...], We should keep the existing numeric flag as well for backward compatibility.
Andreas S to make a pull request and we can add on the enum values.
2. Add "icarQuarterId" in the TreamentEventresources? (#221)
We discussed defining an enumeration for the site where treatment was administered. Erwin S had proposed a list. Andrew C remarked that he had seen two other lists of sites. It was suggested that we start with Erwin's list and if there are more values we could add them over time. This item could be left for the next release. Andrew C to find other lists and compare
3. TreatmentProgramResource? (#219)
We discussed whether treatmentInterval should be in hours or days. The consensus was to specify the interval in hours.
We discussed the error resource exampleErrorResource.json. It probably needs renaming. We agreed to use the structure suggested by Anton in #217 because it is elegant. We will add warnings (similar to errors). Andrew will update the pull request with Anton's suggestion in #217. Then we can create equivalent URL schemes for the other areas.
5. Adding 2 Types in ReproParturitionEventResource (#191)
We had a long discussion on handling the progeny-related parameters like BirthWeight, BirthSize, ChestGirth. Many see that they belong logically in the icarMovementBirthEventResource for the progeny. Or we could put them in the array of progeny in the icarReproParturitionEventResource but in that case we either end up doing it in a way that is not very elegant or we do it in a way that breaks backwards compatibility. BirthEvent is seen by some as just for official registration.
Andrew C will make a note in the issue and we should follow up with our organisations and get some feedback on their preference.
Next meeting scheduled for 15 July 2021 at 8:15am CET