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Artem Babaian edited this page Jun 13, 2020 · 5 revisions

Serratus is under active development, these steps are the most recent but subject to change.

0) Dependencies

AWS account

  1. Sign up for an AWS account (you can use the free tier)
  2. Create an IAM Admin User with Access Key. For Access type, use Progammatic access.
  3. Note the Access Key ID and Secret values.
  4. Create a EC2 keypair in us-east-1 region. Retain the name of the keypair and the .pem file. Configure your ssh for easy AWS access(change serratus.pem to your identity file).

~/.ssh/config: Add these lines

Host * * aws_*
     User ec2-user
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/serratus.pem
     StrictHostKeyChecking no
     UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null


  1. Download Packer as a binary. Extract it to a PATH directory (~/.local/bin)


  1. Download Teraform (>= v0.12.24) as a binary. Extract it to a PATH directory (~/.local/bin)

1) Build Serratus AMIs with Packer

Pass AWS credentials to pipeline via environmental variables

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your_access_key"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your_secret_key"

Use packer to build the serratus instance image (AMI)

cd serratus/packer
/path/to/packer build docker-ami.json
cd ../..

This will start up a t3.nano, build the AMI, and then terminate it. Currently this takes about 2 minutes, which should cost well under a penny. The final line of STDOUT will be the region and AMI. Retain this information

Current stable AMI: us-east-1: ami-04c1625cf0bcb4159

2) Build Serratus resources with Terraform

Set Terraform variables

Open terraform/main/terraform.tfvars in a text editor. Set these variables

  • dev_cidrs: Your public IP, followed by "/32". Use: curl; echo
  • key_name: Your EC2 key pair name
  • dockerhub_account: (optional). Change this to your docker hub account to build your own images. Default images are in serratusbio organization.

Create Serratus resources

Navigate to the top-level module and run terraform initialization and apply. Retain the scheduler DNS address (last output line).

cd terraform/main
terraform init
terrafform apply
cd ../..

At the time of writing, this will create:

  • a t3.nano, for the scheduler, with an Elastic IP
  • an S3 bucket, to store intermediates
  • an ASG for serratus-dl, using c5.large with 50GB of gp2.
  • An ASG for serratus-align, using c5.large
  • An ASG for serratus-merge, using t3.small
  • Security groups and IAM roles to tie it all together.

All ASGs have a max size of 1. This can all be reconfigured in terraform/main/

At the end of tf apply, it will output the scheduler's DNS address. Keep this for later.

3) Open SSH tunnel to the scheduler

The scheduler exposes ports 3000/8000/9090. This port is not exposed to the public internet. You will need to create an SSH tunnel to allow your local web-browser and terminal to connect.


Open a web browser for UI: Status Page: http://localhost:8000/jobs/ Grafana: http://localhost:3000/jobs/ http://localhost:8000/jobs/ Prometheus: http://localhost:8000/jobs/

May take a few minutes to boot. Make tea.

5) Loading SRA Accessions into Serratus

Once the scheduler is online, you can load SRA accession data in the form of a SraRunInfo.csv file (NCBI SRA > Send to: File) with the upload script

./ my_SraRunInfo.csv

This should respond with a short JSON indicating the number of rows inserted, and the total number in the scheduler.

In your web browser, refresh the status page. You should now see a list of accessions by state. If ASGs are online, they should start processing immediately. In a few seconds, the first entry will switch to "splitting" state, which means it's working.

6) Launch cluster nodes

With data loaded into the scheduler, get the config.json which controls cluster size via the scheduler.

curl localhost:8000/config | jq > serratus-config.json

You can control the number of serratus-dl, serratus-align and serratus-merge instances and the rate at which they are created with this file. Once updated with the parameters you would like to run upload it back into the scheduler

# Re-upload config file
curl -T serratus-config.json localhost:8000/config

Monitor the performance and throughput of the cluster with the Grafana interface (localhost:3000). You can adjust cluster metrics with the config file and re-upload it to update the cluster.


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