This repository contains the source code for our paper: View-based Explanations for Graph Neural Networks, SIGMOD 2024, by Tingyang Chen, Dazhuo Qiu, Yinghui Wu, Arijit Khan, Xiangyu Ke, Yunjun Gao
We use the following datasets in our experiments:
- checkpoints: store the trained model.
- config: the parameters of the algorithm and model.
- datasets: datasets used in the experiments.
- and the GVEX algorithms.
- train the model.
- some help functions.
- visualize the explanations.
(For SIGMOD'24 ARI: Step 4 is enough.)
Download datasets
Configure the trainning para meters and run to train the model(stored in checkpoints):
learning_rate: 0.001 weight_decay: 5e-4 milestones: None gamma: None batch_size: 32 num_epochs: 2000 num_early_stop: 0 gnn_latent_dim: - 128 # 128 - 128 - 128 gnn_dropout: 0.0 add_self_loop: True gcn_adj_normalization: True gnn_emb_normalization: False graph_classification: True node_classification: False gnn_nonlinear: 'relu' readout: 'max' fc_latent_dim: [ ] fc_dropout: 0.0 fc_nonlinear: 'relu' concate: False
Config the algorithm parameters in config folder:
dataset_root: 'datasets' dataset_name: 'Mutagenicity' random_split_flag: True data_split_ratio: [0.8, 0.1, 0.1] seed: 2 data_explain_cutoff: -1 budget: 100 threshold: 0.08 gamma: 1 radium: 0.005 k: 5 bounds: [0, 100, 0, 0] num_classes: 2
Run or streaming_algorithm to generate the explanations: