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Bio Reactor

Z4OLLIEZ4 edited this page May 28, 2023 · 2 revisions

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The Bio Reactor is an energized machine that can be used to turn biological material into energy through the process of aerobic respiration.



A Bio Reactor can be crafted using the following items:

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A Bio Reactor can accept energy through conduits.

A Bio Reactor can store up to 10000 units of energy.

Energy Values

Below is a table displaying the items that can be put within a Bio Reactor, along with their energy values

Material Energy Value
Rotten Flesh 50
Red Mushroom 30
Brown Mushroom 30
Warped Fungus 40
Cactus 20
Vine 25
Birch Sapling 30
Jungle Sapling 30
Spruce Sapling 30
Oak Sapling 30
Dark Oak Sapling 30
Acacia Sapling 30
Birch Leaves 30
Jungle Leaves 30
Spruce Leaves 30
Oak Leaves 30
Dak Oak Leaves 30
Acacia Leaves 30
Sea Pickle 40
Bone Meal 20
Melon Slice 10
Melon Block 90
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