This repository is made as supplementary material for a tutorial. The tutorial shows how to use Recurrent Neural Nets as generative models. Specifically, it shows how such a model can be used to sample images and classify them. For more information, see the file "" in the repository.
This repository contains pre-trained generative models. The "trained/minst_models" folder contains all 10 models for each of MNIST digits. Each pre-trained model was trained on MNIST training data for 12 epochs using "Adam" optimizer with a standard set of hyperparameters and a batch size of 32 examples. Cross-entropy was used as a loss function.
Here are a few examples of generated digits:
Clone the repository,
git clone
switch to the project's directory,
cd generative-rnn
create a virtual environment for Python and activate it,
which python3
virtualenv --python='/usr/bin/python3' venv
. venv/bin/activate
finally, install dependencies with pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Generate images of a digit "8"
python --digit=8
Estimate classification accuracy on 500 MNIST test examples
python --num_images=500
Train a model on a digit "8" using 200 MNIST images for 100 epochs
python --digit=8 --num_images=200 --epochs=100
Train all 10 models, one for each digit for 10 epochs on 1000 images
python --all_digits=True --num_images=1000 --epochs=10
This software is licensed under MIT license (see LICENSE).
The software uses third party libraries that are distributed under their own terms (see LICENSE-3RD-PARTY).