In this tutorial, I am going to demonstrate how to use Recurrent Neural Nets (RNNs) to generate images with the help of Keras framework. Specifically, we are going to treat each image as a sequence of pixel intensities. We are going to train RNNs to predict the next pixel given all the preceding ones. After the training is complete, we will be able to sample newish images from this network. As a bonus, we will apply the model for an image classification task.
To save computational resources, I will concentrate on using MNIST dataset for that purpose. Without further ado, let's begin.
First, we need to set up the environment. We create a new folder for the project, open a terminal and set the current working directory to be that project's directory
cd /path/to/your/project
We are going to structure our project in the following way.
A "" file will contain configuration options. A "" module will contain common functions used from other modules. A script will be used to train RNN on a MNIST dataset, whereas script "" will generate (hopefully) novel images. We will have a script "classification" to estimate the classification accuracy of our algorithm.
"trained" folder will contain all trained models, whereas "generated" folder will store all images generated by those models. Finally, "requirements.txt" will list all Python libraries that we want to install. Let's create all these files and folders.
mkdir generated
mkdir trained
mkdir trained/mnist_models
touch requirements.txt
Now we create a virtual environment for Python and activate it
which python3
virtualenv --python='/usr/bin/python3' venv
. venv/bin/activate
Next, in the "requirements.txt", we list the following project dependencies
Finally, we install all the dependencies using the following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
Fortunately, we do not need to download the MNIST dataset ourselves. It comes pre-installed with Keras.
Very briefly, the generative model attempts to learn the conditional probability of x given y. In the context of image classification, this translates to calculating the probability of a particular sequence of pixel intensities given that this is an image of a digit "9". After the probability distribution is obtained, we can use a Bayes Rule to calculate the probability of y given x. What makes generative models interesting is that they can be used to generate examples. Among other things, this allows the ML practitioner to see what their models actually learn.
As a reminder, the conditional probability of x given y can be expressed using the Law Of Total Probability. An important note. If we knew that there is no correlation among any elements of a feature vector, then we would only need to know the marginal probabilities for each element of x. For images, this assumption is wrong because nearby pixels are clearly correlated.
In this tutorial, we use a model based on RNN to find those probabilities. Specifically, the model will capture the conditional probability distribution of pixel intensity value given previously encountered intensities.
Now we will begin implementing an RNN model. As a quick reminder, here is how RNNs work. A typical RNN inputs a vector and produces another vector as an output. The output depends not only on the current input but on all the previous inputs. Note that input and output vectors do not need to be of the same length.
Depending on the problem at hand, one might add an additional layer on top of the RNN layer. One would add a linear layer (that is a layer without activation) or "RELU" layer if one wishes to perform regression. Whereas the softmax layer is used for a classification task.
Our model will be relatively shallow. It will only include a Gated Recurrent Layer (GRU) followed by a fully-connected layer with a softmax activation. It will receive a sequence of vectors with one-hot encoding as input and output a sequence of predictions. That is we choose an architecture that produces an output vector for each input vector in the sequence. GRU layer will have 256 units for representing the state. Last fully-connected layer will output a sequence of Probability Mass Functions over possible values of pixel intensities.
Note that for this problem input vectors and output vectors must have the same length. The length of vectors will depend on the maximum intensity parameter that we will specify later. Concretely, if maximum intensity equals to 3, then there are 4 different levels such as 0, 1, 2 and 3. Therefore, one-hot encoding vectors will be of length 4.
Let's write a function that creates this model and creatively name it "create_model". It will have one parameter, specifying the length of vectors in the sequence.
def create_model(one_hot_len):
model = Sequential()
GRU(units=256, input_shape=(None, one_hot_len), return_sequences=True)
return model
A few remarks here. First, to output predictions for every element in the input sequence, the "return_sequences" option for GRU initializer is set to True. Second, to apply a dense layer to each output of the GRU layer, we wrap it in TimeDistributed layer. Finally, notice how input_shape parameter is used. "None" indicates that we'd like our model to process sequences of any size.
Write the following code in the "" file.
target_size = 10
max_intensity = 6
num_classes = max_intensity + 1
factor = 256 / max_intensity
We create here a few configuration variables that can be accessed from other modules. "target_size" variable defines the width of the image after shrinking it. "max_intensity" variable limits a range of pixel intensities. For instance, if it is set to 6, all pixels will fall in range 0-6 instead of 0-255. "num_classes" variable can be computed from "max_intensity" and it sets the length of one-hot vector encodings for each pixel. Finally, the "factor" variable is used to divide each pixel intensity so that intensities fall into range 0-"max_intensity".
The work can be split into 3 steps: pre-processing, training and inference/sampling.
First, we are going to shrink images to a manageable size and quantize their intensities. This will both speed up the learning process and increase prediction accuracy. Next, we will unroll all images into 1-dimensional vectors of the same size. After that, we will convert those vectors into sequences of one-hot encoded vectors. For instance, if there are 4 possible values for pixel intensity, then value 2 will be represented as a vector [0, 0, 1, 0]T.
The objective of the model is to output probability distribution over the next element given the prefix (and the prefix can be of arbitrary length). The question is how to prepare training examples for the model to learn. There is more than one way to do this. For instance, one could create training data by getting all possible pairs of prefixes and targets per sequence. E.g. the sequence "word" would generate examples as follows ("start of input", "w"), ("w", "o"), ("wo", "r"), ("wor", "d"), ("word", "end of input"). Note that the target consists of only one element, therefore the neural net has to be designed to only output a single prediction for any input sequence.
Another way is to leave all input sequences as they are and produce output sequences by shifting input sequences by one to the left. In other words, output sequences equal to input sequences without the first element. However, because both sequences need to be of the same length, the output sequence should include the additional element at the end. This type of element is called sentinel. With this method targets become sequences of the same length as the input sequences. The neural net has to be designed accordingly to accommodate this.
Any of these two approaches can be used to convert images into training pairs of sequences (x, y).
After examples are created, training is performed in a usual supervised manner.
Once we train the model, it can be used to classify the image. The classification consists of 3 ingredients.
The first ingredient involves finding the prior (unconditional) probability distribution over image classes. In practice, those probabilities can be interpreted as fractions of all images associated with a given class. Note that MNIST dataset is very well balanced and the (unconditional) probability to get an image with any digit is close to 1/10. In fact, we do not need priors at all for datasets like this. However, it is important to account for priors in more skewed cases.
Next ingredient involves computing the conditional probability of an image given y, for all y in 0,1,2...,9, where y is a candidate for a correct class. This probability can be calculated using the law of total probability and with the help of the RNN model.
The final ingredient is a Bayes Rule. The Bayes Rule can be used to calculate the posterior distribution of y given x. The classification problem reduces to finding y that maximizes the posterior probability. If we are only interested in classification rather than probability estimates, there is an additional short cut that we can take. Namely, we can get rid of the denominator in the Bayes Rule formula and work only with the numerator.
We keep adding functions to the "" file. First, we create a "shrink" function.
def shrink(im, size):
return img_as_ubyte(transform.resize(im, (size, size)))
It takes an image represented as a Numpy array with 2 dimensions and a target size of the image. It returns the image shrunk to the target size.
Second, we create a "shrink_all" function.
def shrink_all(x, size):
resized = []
for i in range(len(x)):
im = shrink(x[i], size)
return np.array(resized)
It is similar to "shrink" function we just implemented. The only difference is that it takes and returns a collection of images.
Lastly, we create a function "pre_process".
def pre_process(images):
import config
images = shrink_all(images, config.target_size)
images = np.array(np.round(images / config.factor), dtype=np.uint8)
h, w = images[0].shape
m = len(images)
xs = to_categorical(images, num_classes=config.num_classes).reshape(
-1, h ** 2, config.num_classes
xs = np.hstack(
(np.zeros((m, 1, config.num_classes)), xs[:, 0:, :])
return xs
The function takes a Numpy array of images and returns a sequence of one-hot vector representations.
Let's create a function train_model in the file. This function will create a Keras model, fit it on the data and return it back to the caller.
The function has a few parameters. "xs" represents the Numpy array of pixel sequences with shape (number of images, sequence length, maximum intensity + 1). "num_classes" represents the size of the one-hot encoded vectors in the sequence (it equals to maximum intensity + 1). "batch_size" controls the number of examples in the batch for a Gradient Descent algorithm. Finally, "epochs" controls the number of training epochs.
def train_model(xs, num_classes, batch_size=32, epochs=50):
model = create_model(num_classes)
m = len(xs)
ys = np.hstack(
(xs[:, 1:, :], np.zeros((m, 1, num_classes)))
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='categorical_crossentropy',
model.summary(), ys, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs)
return model
The function starts with creating a model. It then prepends a zero vector to every sequence in "xs". Then it creates a batch of output sequences by shifting all input sequences by one element. It additionally adds a zero vector serving as a sentinel to every output sequence. Finally, it fits a model using an advanced optimizer called Adaptive Momentum (or Adam). Because the output is a categorical variable we use the cross-entropy loss.
Now it's time to write a function that performs classification of a batch of images into K = 10 classes. The function name is "classify". It takes 2 parameters: a path to the directory containing generative models for each digit, and a Numpy array of images of shape (number of images, height, width). The function returns an array of class predictions, one class per image.
def classify(models_dir, images):
xs_extra = pre_process(images)
xs = xs_extra[:, 1:, :]
pixels = np.array(np.argmax(xs, axis=2), dtype=np.uint32)
m, Tx, n = xs.shape
K = 10
image_indices = np.array([[i] * Tx for i in range(m)], dtype=np.uint32)
sequence_indices = np.zeros((m, Tx), dtype=np.uint32)
sequence_indices[:] = np.arange(Tx)
prob_x = np.zeros((K, m))
for k in range(K):
path = os.path.join(models_dir, 'model_{}.h5'.format(k))
model = load_model(path)
pmf_seqs = model.predict(xs_extra)
probabilities = pmf_seqs[image_indices, sequence_indices, pixels]
prob_x[k] =, axis=1)
return np.argmax(prob_x, axis=0)
This function makes heavy use of vectorization to optimize computation, therefore it is harder to read. First, the function pre-processes the images and turns them into sequences of one-hot vectors. Then it prepends each sequence with zero vector for the reasons explained earlier. Then, it creates 2 arrays of indices and initializes array for storing a matrix of likelihoods. A kth row of the matrix contains likelihoods of each image under the assumption that the image belongs to class k.
The code in the loop may seem especially difficult to understand. Basically, it computes the conditional probability of a certain pixel in the image given its prefix for all possible prefix length. Then those probabilities are multiplied to estimate the likelihood of the image if it came from class k. This vectorized implementation allows computing likelihoods of all images at once. Once the function computes likelihoods using all K models, for each image it picks a class for which the likelihood is the highest.
Let's implement the "sample" function. It takes 3 parameters: model, image_size and num_classes.
def sample(model, image_size, num_classes):
pixels = np.zeros((image_size ** 2, 1), dtype=np.uint8)
for i in range(1, image_size ** 2):
prefix = to_categorical(
pixels[:i].reshape(1, i), num_classes=num_classes
).reshape(1, i, num_classes)
probs = model.predict(prefix)[0][-1]
indices = list(range(num_classes))
pixels[i] = np.random.choice(indices, p=probs)
return pixels
We start by initializing a Numpy array of shape (image_size * image_size, 1) and fill it with zeros. Then we use the intensity of the first pixel (which is zero), turn it into a sequence consisting of one-hot vector, feed it into our model and get probability distribution over the next pixel intensity. Then we randomly sample the intensity of the next pixel according to the probability distribution we just got. This sampled integer value gets stored in the array.
Then, we use the first 2 predicted pixels to predict the next pixel. Then we use the first 3 predicted pixels to predict 4th pixel. We repeat this process to predict all the remaining pixels and return the array.
Now all that is left to do is to write a code that calls the functions implemented earlier to train the model, classify images and sample digits.
Open "" file in the editor. First, we import the necessary modules at the top of the file. Then we write a function "train". The function loads the MNIST dataset. Then it takes a subset of images with the digit. Then it turns images into sequences, trains the model on those sequences and saves it in the file. We also write additional boilerplate code to allows us to execute the script from the command line and pass arguments.
from keras.datasets import mnist
import config
from util import train_model, pre_process
def train(digit=0, num_images=100, epochs=50):
(x_train, y_train), _ = mnist.load_data()
x_train = x_train[(y_train == digit)]
x_train = x_train[:num_images]
xs = pre_process(x_train)
model = train_model(xs, config.num_classes, epochs=epochs)'trained/mnist_models/model_{}.h5'.format(digit))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--digit', type=int, default=0)
parser.add_argument('--num_images', type=int, default=100)
parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=50)
parser.add_argument('--all_digits', type=bool, default=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.all_digits:
for i in range(10):
train(digit=i, num_images=args.num_images, epochs=args.epochs)
print('Model for digit {} is finished'.format(i))
train(digit=args.digit, num_images=args.num_images, epochs=args.epochs)
Now switch to the "" file in the editor. Again, we import all of the required modules. We now implement a function "generate". The function draws a grid of sampled images containing a particular digit and shows using Pillow library.
To create each image, this function calls the "sample" function that we wrote earlier. The resulting image pixels are multiplied by a certain factor to bring pixel intensities back to the 0-255 range. Finally, the array is reshaped, converted into an actual image and added to the grid. Once again, we add a little more code to conveniently run the script from the command line.
from util import sample, shrink
from keras.models import load_model
from keras.preprocessing.image import array_to_img
import config
import numpy as np
from PIL import ImageDraw, Image
def generate(digit=0, output_size=32, grid_size=5):
model = load_model('trained/mnist_models/model_{}.h5'.format(digit))
a = np.zeros((output_size * grid_size, output_size * grid_size),
im = Image.fromarray(a, mode='L')
canvas = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(im)
for i in range(grid_size):
for j in range(grid_size):
pixels = sample(model, config.target_size, config.num_classes)
a = np.array(pixels * config.factor, dtype=np.uint8)
a = a.reshape((config.target_size, config.target_size, 1))
image = array_to_img(shrink(a, size=output_size))
canvas.bitmap((j * output_size, i * output_size), image, fill=255)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--digit', type=int, default=0)
args = parser.parse_args()
Finally, switch to the "" file. Import the necessary modules and implement the function "estimate_accuracy". As its name suggests, the function estimates classification accuracy of the ML pipeline on MNIST test dataset. In our case, we need the whole fleet of models, one for each digit.
This is the easiest one. The function loads MNIST test data and calls the "classify" function. It then compares the vector of predictions with a vector of ground true classes and computes the fraction of correctly classified images. And once again, there is a simple boilerplate code to allow users to call the code from the command line.
import numpy as np
from keras.datasets import mnist
from util import classify
def estimate_accuracy(num_images):
_, (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
x_test = x_test[:num_images]
y_test = y_test[:num_images]
predictions = classify(models_dir='trained/mnist_models', images=x_test)
return np.mean(y_test == predictions)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--num_images', type=int, default=100)
args = parser.parse_args()
accuracy = estimate_accuracy(args.num_images)
print('Classification accuracy on a test set:', accuracy)
Finally, we are going to see our code in action. Let's train a model for a digit "0". To get faster results we are going to use only 100 images of the digit and train it for 100 epochs.
python --digit=0 --num_images=100 --epochs=100
Now let's use the model and generate a few sampled images from it.
python --digit=0
This is what I got:
Let's repeat the same process for a digit "2".
python --digit=2 --num_images=100 --epochs=100
python --digit=2
And here are images for a digit 2 generated by the model.
Now we are going to train all 10 models, one per each digit. We will train them on all available training data for 12 epochs.
Depending on your hardware, this might take a few hours to train it on the CPU. To save you the trouble, I have provided the trained models in the repository. But feel free to experiment with different training options and train it longer.
python --all_digits=True --num_images=60000 --epochs=12
And those are a few samples for digits "0" and "2" generated by updated models. As you can see, these images look much better than previous ones.
Finally, we are going to see how well are we doing on the classification task. Let's run this command to get a classification accuracy on all 10000 MNIST test images. This might take a few minutes to run. If you want to quickly get a less accurate estimate, you may test it on 500 - 1000 examples instead.
python --num_images=10000
We got the result: 0.9754. Alas, this is below the state-of-the-art network's performance. However, there are many potential ways for future improvement. For instance, we could further increase accuracy by training longer, by using hyperparameter tuning, by using deeper architectures, etc.
In this tutorial, I have shown how to build generative models on the base of recurrent nets, and how to use those models for sampling new images and perform classification.
Thank you, reader, for reading this article. I hope you found this material useful.