Recommend Anime using Alternating Least-Squares algorithm and more
This is a repo for distributing a part of a Anime recommender project I'm involved in.
This is currently a work in progress. We're expecting to add more recommendation algorithms for better performance.
This project provides
- A fully functional MySQL database manager that can store and speedily retrieve user/anime rating data
- An ALS algorithm that supports numpy batch computing
- Test ALS algorithm
- Make ALS training distributed
- Add more recommendation algorithms
Data We retrieved data from MyAnimeLists Kaggle dataset.
Trying out
- UserList.csv
- anime_cleaned.csv
- animelists_cleaned.csv
from MyAnimeLists Kaggle Dataset.
UserList is csv file for the users table in sql database anime_cleaned.csv is csv file for the animes table in sql database animelists_cleaned.csv is csv file for ratings table in sql database
run to create a MySQL friendly ratings csv file, which replaces user names and anime ids with primary keys.
In, run createUserAnimeDatabase() and completeInitialize(...) with the necessary parameters.
In, run ALSTrain.