I'm Adrien Martineau, web and mobile developer using mostly Node.js, NestJS, Angular, Ionic, React, AWS and Terraform. I participate in projects and libraries alone or in a group in theses languages / frameworks.
- BooksMemory : Web service using NestJS and AWS (API Gateway and Lambda for the web scraper), which allows to developers to retrieve information about books by search or directly by ISBN.
- MyBooksMemory : Mobile and web app using NestJS, Ionic, Angular, which allows to user to manage owned books and discover new books. Also, the application allows to know the bookstores around the user.
- SAM-Arduino-matrix : Arcade terminal project using an Arduino as well as an RGB matrix.
Heroes-Team: Web app using Lightwork-API and AngularJS, which help recruitment in Heroes of the Storm with an algorithm of proposition. There was also a Discord BOT nammed "Heroes-Team-BOT" using Node.js with Discord.js. [No longer maintained]
- ngx-http-helper (NPM public registry) : Helper for HTTP calls on Angular (auth Interceptor, auth Guard, API Client, ...)
- Url-Builder (NPM public registry) : TypeScript library to easy build URLs
- Url-Builder (Packagist public repository) : PHP library similar to previous Url-Builder [Patch but no longer active maintenance]
- winston-mongodb (NPM public registry) : A easy to use TypeScript MongoDB transport for winston
- winston-pg (NPM public registry) : TypeScript PostgreSQL transport for winston [Patch but no longer active maintenance]
[PHPCollection (https://github.com/WaZeR-Adrien/PHPCollection)(Packagist public repository) : PHP library which includes the basics of collections in Java and lists in JavaScript [No longer maintained]Lightwork-API: PHP lightweight framework for training / beginners [No longer maintained]
- NPM Dependency Check : Web app to simplify updating a dependency and its plugins