A easy to use Winston 3.x transport for PostgreSQL database.
To import the library you just need to run this command :
npm install @innova2/winston-pg
Make sure you have Winston, otherwise run this command :
npm install winston
The table is created automatically in case you don't have a log table.
import { PostgresTransport } from '@innova2/postgres-transport';
const logger = new Logger({
transports: [
new PostgresTransport({
connectionString: 'your connection string',
maxPool: 10,
level: 'info',
tableName: 'winston_logs',
The default table contains :
export class DefaultTable {
id: string;
level: string;
timestamp: string;
context: string;
message: string;
stack: any;
export class MyLogTable {
id: string;
level: string;
timestamp: string;
context: string;
message: string;
stack: any;
input: any;
output: any;
const pgTransport = new PostgresTransport<MyLogTable>({
connectionString: 'your connection string',
maxPool: 10,
level: 'info',
tableName: 'winston_logs',
tableColumns: [
name: 'id',
dataType: 'SERIAL',
primaryKey: true,
unique: true,
name: 'level',
dataType: 'VARCHAR'
name: 'timestamp',
dataType: 'TIMESTAMP'
name: 'message',
dataType: 'VARCHAR'
name: 'context',
dataType: 'VARCHAR'
name: 'stack',
dataType: 'JSON'
name: 'input',
dataType: 'JSON',
name: 'output',
dataType: 'JSON',
const logger = new Logger({
transports: [pgTransport]
You can use the query() method like :
fields: ['level', 'context'],
limit: 20,
page: 3, // Page 4 => first page is 0
where: [
field: 'level',
operator: 'equals',
value: 'info',
field: 'timestamp',
operator: 'lte',
value: '2021-10-12',
order: [
['id', 'DESC'],
Note: the query() method return a Promise with results as PaginatedData if the limit option is filled or array otherwise
Depending on the operator, the type of value can be different. For example :
where: [
field: 'timestamp',
operator: 'between',
value: ['2021-10-11', '2021-10-16'],
The list of operators with value's type :
type EqualsOperator = 'equals' | 'notEquals';
// value can be : string | number | boolean;
type TextOperator = 'like' | 'notLike' | 'ilike' | 'notIlike' | 'rlike';
// value can be : string;
type CalcOperator = 'gt' | 'gte' | 'lt' | 'lte';
// value can be : string | number;
type BetweenOperator = 'between' | 'notBetween';
// value can be : [string, string];
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