2.1.0 (2024-07-10)
add indexedDB cleaner, fix lost geometries in streamer (30e8ef0 )
clipping fills highlight (09b464d )
core: adds ModelIdMap and its conversion to/from FragmentIdMap (55258be )
core: adds name to SimpleWorld and creation events to Worlds (9c39280 )
core: updates classifier to allow spatial structure grouping (038629e )
core: updates IfcMetadataReader (704f45b )
expose streamer objects (988f92e )
improves some methods (55b802a )
move volume computation logic to core (d2a4ed3 )
update fragments to support globalId (3401fb2 )
Bug Fixes
add guard check for clipping planes object materials (8edc0cc )
add support for decimeters and centimeters (722e8cb )
core: updates package to auto get wasm on IfcLoader (b187466 )
correct camera and grid disposal logic (fead481 )
correct culler when displaying coordinated models (471e8f2 )
correct hider hide all / show all logic (782a0b3 )
correct marker bug for working with multiple worlds (54834e8 )
correct multiple streamed model coordination (a5220a7 )
correct world event disposal logic (ee5c0fb )
FaceMeasurement: handle world.isDisposing when setting visibility (#416 ) (68b40c1 )
front: custom highlighter colors were overwritten by select and hover (d95e168 )
make classifier take ifc spaces into account for spatial structure (e54e13b )
properties-utils: fix decimiter units (#440 ) (3c83e02 )
remove incorrect import extension (682a325 )
solve clip planes deletAll infinite loop (8e40173 )
solve postproduction custom pass quality degradation when resizing (2506de6 )
substitute "pointermove" by "cursormove" for touchscreens (9e4a126 )
updates MeasurementUtils to only return volume (79b252c )
You can’t perform that action at this time.