Module for projectiles.
- Fireball - Has a health component, is dealt as much damage as it deals.
- Spear - Can be picked up after use
- Grenade
The ProjectileActionComponent is attached to any entity that is meant to be thrown when activated (mouse right-click) and that carries out an action after collision. The collision fires an HitTargetEvent which contains the following properties,
- instigator
- target
- origin
- direction
- hitPosition
- hitNormal
which is intercepted in a CollisionHandler that you can provide specifying custom behaviour on collision. The logic in the default CollisionHandler is as follows
public class ProjectileCollisionHandler extends BaseComponentSystem {
// Set handler to low priority as it contains override-able default behaviour
public void onCollision(HitTargetEvent event, EntityRef entity, ProjectileActionComponent projectile) {
// inflict damage on target
event.getTarget().send(new DoDamageEvent(projectile.damageAmount, projectile.damageType));
//reset ProjectileActionComponent to defaults and drop item
projectile.direction = null;
projectile.currentVelocity = null;
projectile.distanceTravelled = 0;
entity.send(new DropItemEvent(entity.getComponent(LocationComponent.class).getWorldPosition()));
Projectiles are further customised by their prefabs. The various settings and defaults in ProjectileActionComponent can be found here.