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Daniel edited this page Jun 9, 2019 · 7 revisions

This commands require TecTech to be running in debug mode. Debug mode can be enabled in settings.

Give EM

give_em [energy] [amount] [classOrID] ([amount] [classOrID] <)

Spawns Debug EM container containing the defined EM. Last < is optional


/give_em 0 1 a 2 h 1 3 2 5 < 2 h 2 3 1 5 < 2 15

  • 0 - energy level
  • 1 - amount of EM defined below (atom)
  • a - start atom definition
    • 2 - amount of EM defined below
    • h - start hadron definition (neutron)
      • 1 - amount of EM defined below (primitive)
      • 3 - primitive ID: Up quark
      • 2 - amount of EM defined below (primitive)
      • 5 - primitive ID: Down quark
      • < - finish definition
    • 2 - amount of EM defined below
    • h - start hadron definition (proton)
      • 2 - amount of EM defined below (primitive)
      • 3 - primitive ID: Up quark
      • 1 - amount of EM defined below (primitive)
      • 5 - primitive ID: Down quark
      • < - finish definition
    • 2 - amount of EM defined below (primitive)
    • 15 - primitive ID: Electron

/give_em 0 144 h 1 3 2 5

  • 0 - energy level
  • 144 - amount of EM defined below (atom)
  • h - start hadron definition (neutron)
    • 1 - amount of EM defined below (primitive)
    • 3 - primitive ID: Up quark
    • 2 - amount of EM defined below (primitive)
    • 5 - primitive ID: Down quark

/give_em 1 1 27

  • 1 - energy level
  • 1 - amount of EM defined below (atom)
  • 27 - primitive ID: Photon


Listings of classes and ids are available under Listing command.

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