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SunoikisisDC Summer 2022 Session 11

Monica Berti edited this page Jul 7, 2022 · 20 revisions

Sunoikisis Digital Classics, Summer 2022

Session 11: Translation Alignment for Ancient Greek and Latin

Thursday July 7, 2022, starting at 17:15 CEST (for 90 minutes)

Convenors: Monica Berti (Universität Leipzig), Chiara Palladino (Furman University), David Wright (Furman University), and Tariq Yousef (Universität Leipzig)

Youtube link:



The goal of this session is to introduce and show recent developments in translation alignment techniques for ancient Greek and Latin.

The session presents the results of automatic translation alignment experiments on text corpus in Ancient Greek translated into Latin. We use a state-of-the-art alignment workflow based on a contextualized multilingual language model that is fine-tuned on the alignment task for Ancient Greek and Latin. The corpus is represented by the Digital Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (DFHG), which is the digital open version of the five volumes of the first big printed collection of ancient Greek fragmentary historians edited by Karl Muller in the 19th century. The collection gathers more than eight thousand quotations and text-reuses (fragments) of lost works written by more than six hundred authors ranging from the 6th century BC through the 7th century.

The model is fine-tuned on monolingual Ancient Greek texts, bilingual parallel datasets, and manually aligned sentences. The performance of the alignment model is evaluated on an alignment gold standard dataset consisting of 100 parallel fragments aligned manually by two domain experts, with a 90.5% Inter-Annotator-Agreement (IAA). An interactive online interface is provided to enable users to explore the aligned fragments collection and examine the alignment model’s output.

Seminar readings

Further reading

Other resources


Option 1) Use the Automatic Alignment Tool provided ( to automatically align a short sentence or text. You can select a short fragment from the DHFG corpus, a verset of the Bible, or a line of the Iliad among the resources provided. Evaluate the output of the automatic aligner: discuss why something is not aligned, why something may be incorrect or inaccurate, and so on.

Option 2) Work with a partner and align the same text manually on the Ugarit Editor ( You can follow the Guidelines provided in our resources, or make your own. After you complete the alignments, compare them and evaluate the agreement and disagreement. Why are there differences? How do Guidelines contribute to solving potential issues? Where did you have the most disagreement?

Sample Corpora