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SunoikisisDC Summer 2021 Session 12
Thursday July 1, 17:15-18:45 CEST
Convenors: Samuel J. Huskey (The University of Oklahoma)
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/CL-J-QSj4uA
Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aadsUJ2fGj6pp2GeM7FCLkxUqy_mLy1uvvxjM8ctEAk/
This session will begin with an overview of the two main components of the Digital Latin Library project (DLL): the DLL Catalog and the Library of Digital Latin Texts.
The first half of the session will focus on the evolution of the DLL Catalog. The original purpose of the DLL Catalog was to be a Linked Open Data hub, providing access to as many Latin texts as possible. However, a number of developments in the field and discoveries in our team's research during the first stages of the project prompted us to set a more modest goal of building authority and work records to facilitate connections between existing projects. Accordingly, this half of the session will describe the issues and challenges of implementing a comprehensive Linked Open Data catalog of texts, and it will detail the strategies and methods we have developed to accomplish our goals.
The Library of Digital Latin Texts (LDLT), the DLL's publishing wing, is an example of how the DLL Catalog can be used to facilitate the creation of new knowledge. Accordingly, the LDLT will be the topic of the second half of the session. The goal of the LDLT is to provide a platform for publishing new, peer-reviewed, born-digital critical editions of Classical, Medieval, and Neo-Latin texts. This part of the session will define what a born-digital critical edition is, at least within the scope of the LDLT. It will also demonstrate how such editions are openning new avenues for research and scholarship.
The session will conclude with an overview of current short- and long-term goals for the project.
- About the Digital Latin Library's Catalog.
- The DLL's Authority Records.
- Individual Records in the DLL's Catalog.
- The DLL's Library of Digital Latin Texts.
- Gudius: A blog post with an example of how the DLL hopes to improve upon traditional critical editions in print.
- Demster: Another blog post to show how the two part of the DLL's mission complement each other.
- Berners-Lee, Tim. 2006. "Linked Data - Design Issues". W3.Org. https://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html.
- Blaney, Jonathan. 2021. "Introduction To The Principles Of Linked Open Data". Programminghistorian.Org. https://programminghistorian.org/en/lessons/intro-to-linked-data.
- Cayless, Hugh A. 2018. "Critical Editions and the Data Model as Interface." In: Digital Scholarly Editions as Interfaces, pp. 249-263. Norderstedt: BoD. https://kups.ub.uni-koeln.de/9119/
- Monella, Paolo. 2018. "Why are there no comprehensively digital scholarly editions of classical texts?" In: Digital Philology: New Thoughts on Old Questions, pp. 141–159. Padova: libreriauniversitaria.it edizioni. https://iris.unipa.it/retrieve/handle/10447/294132/580748/monella2018why.pdf
- The Linked Open Data Cloud. https://www.lod-cloud.net/.
- "What Are Linked Data And Linked Open Data? | Ontotext Fundamentals". 2021. Ontotext. https://www.ontotext.com/knowledgehub/fundamentals/linked-data-linked-open-data/.
- "What Is Metadata? | Ontotext Fundamentals Series". 2021. Ontotext. https://www.ontotext.com/knowledgehub/fundamentals/metadata-fundamental/.
- "What Is Semantic Technology? | Ontotext Fundamentals". 2021. Ontotext. https://www.ontotext.com/knowledgehub/fundamentals/semantic-web-technology/.
- Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
- Cultural Objects Name Authority (CONA)
- Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
- Protégé: Graphical user interface for designing ontologies.
- JSON-LD Playground
In this exercise, you will manually create an authority record in JSON-LD for the Latin author Publius Ovidius Naso.
Go to https://catalog.digitallatin.org/authority-record/31097 and gather the following information:
- Authorized Name - Author Name Latin
- Author Name Abbreviation
- Author Name English
- Author Name Native Language
- Author Birth Date
- Author Death Date
- Perseus Name
- Floruit/Active
- Modern Geographic Identity
- Ancient Geographic Identity
- L(ibrary) o(f) C(ongress) Source
- Library of Congress ID
- VIAF Source
- L(ibrary) o(f) C(ongress) URI
- VIAF ID - PHI Number
- Stoa Number
- Wikipedia URL
- Wikidata URL
- WorldCat Identity
- Time Period
- DLL Identifier
- DLL Page Link
In addition, use https://viaf.org/ to look up Ovid's name in French, German, Italian, Spanish.
Using the template below, turn that data into JSON-LD by inserting it into the @graph
segment. I have given you some hints in some places. You can use any text editor (e.g., Notepad, Atom, VS Code, etc.) to do this.
"@context": {
"@base": "https://catalog.digitallatin.org/",
"Abbreviation": "madsrdf:hasAbbreviationVariant",
"AlsoKnownAs": "madsrdf:variantLabel",
"AuthorizedName": "madsrdf:authoritativeLabel",
"BNE": "rdf:resource",
"BNF": "rdf:resource",
"BirthDate": "madsrdf:birthDate",
"CTS": "madsrdf:idValue",
"DLLid": "madsrdf:idValue",
"DNB": "rdf:resource",
"Date": "dcmi:date",
"DeathDate": "madsrdf:deathDate",
"EnglishVariant": "madsrdf:variantLabel",
"ExactExternalAuthority": {
"@id": "madsrdf:hasExactExternalAuthority",
"@type": "@id"
"Floruit": "madsrdf:temporal",
"FrenchName": "madsrdf:variantLabel",
"GermanName": "madsrdf:variantLabel",
"ICCU": "rdf:resource",
"ISNI": "rdf:resource",
"ISNIName": "madsrdf:variantLabel",
"Identifier": {
"@id": "madsrdf:Identifier",
"@type": "@id"
"ItalianName": "madsrdf:variantLabel",
"LCCN": "rdf:resource",
"LOC": "rdf:resource",
"LOCid": "madsrdf:idValue",
"LatinVariant": "madsrdf:variantLabel",
"Name": "madsrdf:PersonalName",
"NativeLanguageVariant": "madsrdf:variantLabel",
"PHIid": "madsrdf:idValue",
"PerseusName": "madsrdf:variantLabel",
"STOAid": "madsrdf:idValue",
"SpanishName": "madsrdf:variantLabel",
"TimePeriod": "dcterms:coverage",
"VIAF": "rdf:resource",
"VIAFid": "madsrdf:idValue",
"Variant": "madsrdf:hasVariant",
"Wikidata": "rdf:resource",
"WorldCat": "rdf:resource",
"dcterms": "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#",
"madsrdf": "http://www.loc.gov/mads/rdf/v1#",
"rdf": "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
"@graph": [
"@id": "https://catalog.digitallatin.org/dll-author/A5522",
"Date": {
"BirthDate": "",
"DeathDate": "",
"Floruit": ""
"ExactExternalAuthority": {
"BNF": "",
"DNB": "",
"ICCU": "",
"ISNI": "",
"LCCN": "[Insert "LoC Source" here]",
"LOC": "[Insert LofC URI" here]",
"VIAF": "",
"Wikidata": "",
"Wikipedia": "",
"Worldcat": ""
"Identifier": {
"CTS": "",
"DLLid": "",
"LOCid": "[Insert "Library of Congress ID" here]",
"PHIid": "",
"STOAid": "",
"VIAFid": ""
"Name": {
"AuthorizedName": "",
"Variant": {
"Abbreviation": "",
"EnglishVariant": "",
"FrenchName": "",
"GermanName": "",
"ItalianName": "",
"LatinVariant": "[Insert "Author Name Latin" here]",
"NativeLanguageVariant": "",
"PerseusName": "",
"SpanishName": ""
"TimePeriod": ""
Congratulations! You've created a graph database.😀
Now go to the JSON-LD Playground and paste your work (i.e., everything from the first curly bracket to the last one) into the window "Enter your JSON-LD markup here …" If you have succeeded, you'll be able to view your data in a variety of different serializations by clicking on the tabs below that window. Note that "Signed with RSA" and "Signed with Bitcoin" are not relevant to this exercise.
Finally, ponder the following questions:
- What are the potential uses for this information?
- What biases are evident in this data? How could those biases be moderated, if not removed altogether?
- What role, if any, do human judgment and expertise play in organizing, compiling, and publishing this information in this format?