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Initiative Tracker

Stefouch edited this page Aug 29, 2020 · 2 revisions

Initiative tracking commands. Inspired from the D&D Avrae Discord bot
To use, first start combat in a channel by saying !init begin.
Then, each combatant should add themselves to the combat with !init add or !init join.
To hide a combatant's HP, add them with !init add -h.
Then, you can proceed through combat with !init next.
Once combat ends, end combat with !init end.
For more help, the !init help command shows applicable arguments for each subcommand.

![init|i|initiative] <subcommand>
  • add – Adds a generic combatant to the initiative order.
  • attack – Inflicts damage to another combatant.
  • begin – Begins combat in the channel the command is invoked.
  • edit – Edits the options of a combatant.
  • end – Ends combat in the channel.
  • help – Gives help for a specific subcommand.
  • hp – Modifies the HP of a combatant.
  • join – Adds the current player to combat.
  • list/summary – Lists the combatants.
  • madd – Adds a monster to combat.
  • meta – Changes the settings of the active combat.
  • move/goto – Moves to a certain initiative.
  • next – Moves to the next turn in initiative order.
  • note – Attaches a note to a combatant.
  • previous – Moves to the previous turn in initiative order.
  • remove – Removes a combatant or group from the combat.
  • skipround – Skips one or more rounds of initiative.
  • status – Adds a generic combatant to the initiative order.

!init help <subcommand>

Gives help for a specific subcommand.

!init begin [-name <name>] [-game <game>] [-turnnotif]

Begins combat in the channel the command is invoked.

  • -name <name> – Sets a name for the combat instance.
  • -game <game> – Sets the game. If omitted, use the default set in the server's configuration.
  • -turnnotif – Toggles the notification of the controller of the next combatant in initiative.

!init add <name> [options...]

Adds a generic combatant to the initiative order.
Generic combatants have 3 life, no armor, and speed 1.
If you are adding monsters to combat, you can use !init madd instead.

Options Details
-p <value1 value2 ...> Places combatant at the given initiative, instead of drawing.
-controller <mention> Pings a different person on turn.
-group|-g <name> Adds the combatant to a group.
-hp <value> Sets starting HP. Default: 3.
-ar <value> Sets the combatant's armor. Default: 0.
-speed <value> Sets the combatant's speed (number of initiative cards to draw). Default: 1.
-haste <value> Draws more initiative cards and keeps the best one. The other are shuffled back into the deck before others draw their cards. Use this for special talents like Lightning Fast. Default: 1.
-h Hides life, AR and anything else.

!init join [options...]

Same as above, but you don't need to specify a name. The command will use your displayed name on the server. The command will be used in future updates in combination with character sheets.

!init madd <name> [-n <quantity>] [options...]

Adds one or more monster combatant(s). Same as !init add, but in addition you can specify a number of combatants with the -n <quantity> parameter.

!init next|n

Moves to the next turn in initiative order. It must be your turn or you must be the GM (the person who started combat) to use this command.

!init previous|p

Moves to the previous turn in initiative order.

!init move|goto [target]

Moves to a certain initiative. target can be either a number, to go to that initiative, or a name. If not supplied, goes to the first combatant that the user controls.

!init skipround|skip

Skips one or more rounds of initiative.

!init meta

Changes the settings of the active combat. See !init begin for the list of parameters to use.

!init list|summary [-private]

Lists the combatants. The parameter -private sends the list in a private message.

!init note <name> [note]

Attaches a note to a combatant.

!init edit <name> [options...]

Edits the options of a combatant. This command uses the same options from !init add with the following in addition:

Options Details
-name <name> Changes the combatant's name.
-max <value> Modifies the combatants' Max HP. Adds if starts with +/- or sets otherwise.

!init status <name> [-private]

Gets the status of a combatant or group. The parameter -private sends a more detailed status in a private message to the controller of the combatant.

!init hp <name> [value] [-max]

Modifies the HP of a combatant. If the value is omitted, instead prints the details of the combatant. Use parameter -max if you want to set the Max HP value instead.

!init attack|atk <damage> [-t|-target <names...>] [options...]

Inflicts damage to another combatant.

Options Details
-t|-target <names...> The target to inflict damage. If omitted, uses the current combattant. You can specify multiple targets by separating them with the | character. E.g.: -t Bob|Will|Smith
-ap [value] Armor piercing. Default is halved, rounded up. If a value is specified, instead decrease the Armor Rating by this value.
-ad Armor doubled. (E.g.: for Shotguns in ALIEN rpg.)
-ab|-bonus Armor bonus (applied after all other modifications).
-x|-degrade Wether the armor should be degraded. If omitted, uses the default from the game set.
-noar|-noarmor Skips the armor roll.
-h|-hidden|-private Hides the armor roll.

!init remove <name>

Removes a combatant or group from the combat.

!init end [-force]

Ends combat in the channel. The parameter -force forces an init to end, in case it's erroring.

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