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Stefouch edited this page Aug 30, 2020 · 1 revision

Rolls for a random panic effect for the ALIEN roleplaying game. You must indicate your starting stress level.


!panic <stress> [-fixed|-f] [-nerves|-nerve|-n] [-min <value>]
Argument Description
<stress> Starting stress level.
-fixed|-f Forces a fixed number instead (doesn't add a D6).
-nerves|-nerve|-n Applies the Nerves of Steel talent (−2 to the Panic roll).
-min <value> Adjusts a minimum treshold for multiple consecutive panic effects.


  • !panic 4 → Rolls a D6 and adds 4 to the result, then returns the result from the Alien RPG's Panic table.
  • !panic 4 -nerves
  • !panic 8 -nerves -min 9
  • !panic 12 -f
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