The repository of Stata command sftt.
sftt fits two-tier stochastic frontier (2TSF) models with multiple model settings.
sftt provides estimators for the parameters of a linear model with a disturbance that is assumed to be a mixture of three components: two measures of inefficiency which are strictly nonnegative and nonpositive respectively, and a two-sided error term from a symmetric distribution.
sftt can fit 2TSF models with distributional assumption. When using distributional assumption mode, this command is applicable to estimate models in exponential/exponential/normal specification following Kumbhakar and Parmeter (2009) and models in half-normal/half-normal/normal specification following Papadopoulos (2015).
sftt also fits models with scaling assumption following Parmeter (2018).
sftt sigs identifies the distribution of each component in the composite error term.
sftt eff decomposes the residual and generate measures of inefficiency.
We thank Alecos Papadopoulos for his amazing support.
Yujun Lian. Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University. Guangzhou, China.
Chang Liu (repo owner). Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou, China.
Christopher F. Parmeter. Department of Economics, University of Miami Miami, FL, USA.
This repository is mainly managed on Gitee, and mirrored on GitHub.