Patch Release 2.10.1
Skript 2.10.1
Skript 2.10.1 is here to address some of the most prominent issues reported with 2.10.0.
As always, you can report any issues on our issue tracker.
Happy Skripting!
Breaking Changes
There have been a few minor breaking changes:
- When using "send" in the 'connect' effect, "server" is now a required keyword.
- Removed the pattern "[a] %*color% %bannerpatterntype%"
Bug Fixes
- #7450 Fixes an issue where tag lookups for the 'tag' expression would not check all possible tag sources.
- #7455 Fixes an issue with the experimental queue serialization.
- #7474 Fixes an issue where using 'or' in the 'is tagged' condition would not check against all tags.
- #7503 Fixes an issue where getting or changing the name of a block did not work.
- #7519 Fixes a syntax conflict between the 'send' effect and the 'connect' effect.
- #7521 Fixes multiple issues with 'fishing' documentation.
- #7525 Fixes an issue where the 'wearing' condition could check invalid slots, resulting in an exception.
- #7527 Fixes an issue where checking whether something is tagged as a different type (e.g. check if an entity is tagged as a type of item) would result in an exception.
- #7528 Fixes an issue where loot tables could not be serialized.
- #7537 Fixes an issue where the 'for each' loop did not fully iterate over the elements.
- #7540 Fixes an issue where some language entries could mistakenly be associated with non-Minecraft additions (e.g. custom biomes).
- #7546 Removes the pattern "[a] %*color% %bannerpatterntype%" which caused significant parsing slowdowns in some Skript environments.
- #7557 Fixes an issue where the tests could fail if a locale other than English was used.
- #7559 Fixes an issue where some syntaxes contained "the" multiple times at the beginning.
- #7570 Fixes an issue where date variables from older versions would fail to load on 2.10.0.
API Changes
- #7526 Added support for regex-based highlighting for runtime errors.
Click here to view the full list of commits made since 2.10.0
Help Us Test
We have an official Discord community for beta testing Skript's new features and releases.
Thank You
Special thanks to the contributors whose work was included in this version:
- @APickledWalrus
- @Burbulinis
- @erenkarakal
- @Fusezion
- @Moderocky
- @Phill310
- @ShaneBeee
- @sovdeeth
- @TheAbsolutionism
- @UnderscoreTud
As always, if you encounter any issues or have some minor suggestions, please report them at
If you have any bigger ideas or input for the future of Skript, you can share those too at