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Releases: SkriptLang/Skript

Patch Release 2.10.2

01 Mar 18:41
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Skript 2.10.2

Skript 2.10.2 is here with some more bug fixes and some docs enhancements!

We would like to welcome two new additions to the team, who will be focused mainly on triaging issues and bug fixes:
Thank you to everyone who applied!

We are also updating our release schedule, which you can view here. To summarize the changes, we are introducing minor feature releases in April and October, which will be focused on additions and minimize breaking changes. This is to keep the update size more reasonable and to be quicker about responding to Minecraft's 'drops' update system. This means 2.11 will be next month, rather than in July.

As always, you can report any issues on our issue tracker.

Happy Skripting!


Bug Fixes

  • #7499 Fixes empty event requirement sections in the docs.
  • #7513 Fixes issue with getting blocks between two locations.
  • #7584 Updates the compass target expression's description to include 1.21.4 behavior changes.
  • #7591 Adds a vehicle class-info to allow event-vehicle to work properly.
  • #7603 Fixes a bad example in the text display alignment examples.
  • #7632 Fixes an internal test for dates that was intermittently failing.
  • #7641 Fixes issues with using various projectile entity datas, like fireballs and wind charges
  • #7646 Fixes decimal multiplication/division with timespans resulting in truncated values.
  • aliases#123 Fixes brick/bricks confusion with item names.
  • aliases#125 Fixes issue when checking whether an entity is a wind charge.

API Changes

  • #7470 Adds an Example annotation that can be applied multiple times, intended to eventually replace Examples. See PR for details.
  • #7558 Allows the test platform to run on a Spigot server. This is not supported and may cause test failures among the existing tests if used.
  • #7633 Improves the consistency and information provided by Skript's generated JSON documentation.

Click here to view the full list of commits made since 2.10.1


Help Us Test

We have an official Discord community for beta testing Skript's new features and releases.

Thank You

Special thanks to the contributors whose work was included in this version:

As always, if you encounter any issues or have some minor suggestions, please report them at
If you have any bigger ideas or input for the future of Skript, you can share those too at

Patch Release 2.10.1

01 Feb 20:14
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Skript 2.10.1

Skript 2.10.1 is here to address some of the most prominent issues reported with 2.10.0.

As always, you can report any issues on our issue tracker.

Happy Skripting!

Breaking Changes

There have been a few minor breaking changes:

  • When using "send" in the 'connect' effect, "server" is now a required keyword.
  • Removed the pattern "[a] %*color% %bannerpatterntype%"


Bug Fixes

  • #7450 Fixes an issue where tag lookups for the 'tag' expression would not check all possible tag sources.
  • #7455 Fixes an issue with the experimental queue serialization.
  • #7474 Fixes an issue where using 'or' in the 'is tagged' condition would not check against all tags.
  • #7503 Fixes an issue where getting or changing the name of a block did not work.
  • #7519 Fixes a syntax conflict between the 'send' effect and the 'connect' effect.
  • #7521 Fixes multiple issues with 'fishing' documentation.
  • #7525 Fixes an issue where the 'wearing' condition could check invalid slots, resulting in an exception.
  • #7527 Fixes an issue where checking whether something is tagged as a different type (e.g. check if an entity is tagged as a type of item) would result in an exception.
  • #7528 Fixes an issue where loot tables could not be serialized.
  • #7537 Fixes an issue where the 'for each' loop did not fully iterate over the elements.
  • #7540 Fixes an issue where some language entries could mistakenly be associated with non-Minecraft additions (e.g. custom biomes).
  • #7546 Removes the pattern "[a] %*color% %bannerpatterntype%" which caused significant parsing slowdowns in some Skript environments.
  • #7557 Fixes an issue where the tests could fail if a locale other than English was used.
  • #7559 Fixes an issue where some syntaxes contained "the" multiple times at the beginning.
  • #7570 Fixes an issue where date variables from older versions would fail to load on 2.10.0.

API Changes

  • #7526 Added support for regex-based highlighting for runtime errors.

Click here to view the full list of commits made since 2.10.0


Help Us Test

We have an official Discord community for beta testing Skript's new features and releases.

Thank You

Special thanks to the contributors whose work was included in this version:

As always, if you encounter any issues or have some minor suggestions, please report them at
If you have any bigger ideas or input for the future of Skript, you can share those too at

Feature Release 2.10.0

15 Jan 22:36
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Skript 2.10.0

We are excited to share that Skript 2.10.0 is now available! It is one of our largest updates, with more than 150 new features, bug fixes, and API updates to play around with!

Below, you can familiarize yourself with the changes. Additionally, by clicking here, you can view the list of new syntax on our documentation site. As always, report any issues to our issues page!

Per our release model, we plan to release 2.10.1 on February 1st to address any immediate issues that are spotted with this release. Should it be necessary, an emergency patch release may come before then.

Happy Skripting!

Major Changes


Support for Minecraft versions below 1.19.4 has been dropped.
This means that 1.19.4, 1.20.6, and 1.21.3/1.21.4 are the only supported versions. Going forward, Skript will only support the three latest major Minecraft versions.
In addition, Skript now requires Java 17 to run. While most users are running Java 17 or newer, some may be required to update for this version.


Some addons may fail to load with 2.10.
Due to the removal of long-deprecated API, outdated addons may fail to load while others will print a warning on start up. In some cases, an addon may only need to be recompiled to work with 2.10.


Aliases are going away! Your scripts may break if you do not take action.
This means a lot of item names will be changing to match their in-game ids. In addition, categories and blockdata aliases will also be going away, replaced by tags and blockdata respectively.

rabbit's foot -> rabbit foot
gold helmet -> golden helmet
any sword -> tag "swords"
waterlogged oak stairs -> oak_stairs[waterlogged=true]

If you do not want to make changes to your scripts, the old aliases will be provided with each Skript release, so you can continue to use them if you prefer.
See this discussion for more details.

Minecraft Tags

Skript now supports the ability to use Minecraft tags (#minecraft:swords, #minecraft:logs, etc.). These are being introduced as a replacement for the current category aliases (any sword, any log) and should provide much more flexibilty. You can even create your own tags!

set {_tag} to tag "swords"
give the player a random item out of {_tag}'s tag values
if the player's tool is tagged as item tag "minecraft:piglin_food":
    send "Yum!"
register an item tag named "my_favorite_blocks" using oak log, stone, and podzol

Display Entities

The long-awaited support for display entities is finally here! 2.10 includes a lot of syntax for creating, manipulating, and using display entities.

spawn an oak log block display at player:
    set the display scale of the display to vector(1, 10, 1)
    set the display translation of the display to vector(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
    rotate display around its local y axis by 45 degrees
    set the view range of display to 2

More display syntax can be found on the docs.

Variable Starting Character Reservations

Some characters are reserved at the start of variable names. Users will receive a warning when trying to use them.
This is so that these characters will be available for special variable functionality in future versions.

The following characters are reserved:

  • {~variable}
  • {.variable}
  • {$variable}
  • {!variable}
  • {&variable}
  • {^variable}
  • {*variable}
  • {+variable}
  • {-variable}

Registration API (Preview)


This is a preview feature, meaning it is subject to breaking changes without a deprecation period.

This update includes the initial preview of a new Skript/Addon API, starting with addon registration and syntax registration.

The main Skript (JavaPlugin) class now has a new method, instance(), which provides access to the modern Skript class. This class contains the registered addons and the new SyntaxRegistry, which holds all of Skript's (and its addon's) registered syntax.

A tutorial with full usage information will be coming in the near future. For now, the full details are available at the pull request.

🧪 Experimental Features

Experimental features allow users to enable syntax on a per-script basis: some of these features are new proposals that we are testing, others may have unsafe or complex elements that regular users don't want.

Experimental features can be enabled by adding 'using %feature name%' at the top of a script.

Please note that anything marked as experimental is subject to changes in future versions.

For-Each Loop

A new kind of loop syntax that stores the loop index and value in variables for convenience.

This can be used to avoid confusion when nesting multiple loops inside each other.

for {_index}, {_value} in {my list::*}:
    broadcast "%{_index}%: %{_value}%"
for each {_player} in all players:
    send "Hello %{_player}%!" to {_player}

All existing loop features are also available in this section.

Enabling Flag

using for loops


A collection that removes elements whenever they are requested.

This is useful for processing tasks or keeping track of things that need to happen only once.

set {queue} to a new queue of "hello" and "world"

broadcast the first element of {queue}
# "hello" is now removed

broadcast the first element of {queue}
# "world" is now removed

# queue is empty
set {queue} to a new queue of all players

set {player 1} to a random element out of {queue} 
set {player 2} to a random element out of {queue}
# players 1 and 2 are guaranteed to be distinct

Queues can be looped over like a regular list.

Enabling Flag

using queues

Script Reflection

This feature includes:

  • The ability to reference a script in code.
  • Finding and running functions by name.
  • Reading configuration files and values.

Enabling Flag

using script reflection

⚠ Breaking Changes

  • Out-of-range dates will now return '0 seconds' instead of 'none' in the 'time since' expression:
if time since {_date} is less than 3 seconds:

# Previously, if {_date} was in the future, this would be false.
# Now, this is true, since `time since {_date}` evaluates to 0 seconds.

# These situations will not change:
# {_date} more than 3 seconds ago     -> false
# {_date} between 0 and 3 seconds ago -> true
  • The existing 'fish' event has been replaced by more specific and useful events.
  • The 'kill' effect now bypasses totems of undying.
  • For the 'script' effect, support for using 'skript %string%' was removed. Simply use 'script %string%' or 'skript file %string%'.
  • The 'future event-block' in the 'block break' event was removed. It did not work in many cases due to API limitations.
  • In the VariablesStorage class, the field 'databaseName' is no longer 'protected', and the constructor parameter now represents the database type rather than name. See #7074 for full details.
  • In the Skript class, the syntax element info getters (e.g. 'getStatements') now return unmodifiable collections.
  • Numerous API classes were deprecated, and many long deprecated API classes were removed. As a result, addons will need to be recompiled against 2.10 to work. See the pull request for full details.


Changes Since 2.10.0-pre1
  • #7333 Fixed multiple issues with and expanded the experimental Registration API.
  • #7340 Added support for using enchantment types with the 'type of' expression.
  • #7356 Improved compatibility with legacy/abandoned addons.
  • #7357 Fixed an issue where the documentation for the 'fishing' events was missing.
  • #7359 Expanded the 'value' expression to be used by addons.
  • #7363 Improved the safety of internal changing methods.
  • #7364 Improved the internal handling of potion effect types.
  • #7368 Fixed an issue where documentation collision checking always reported at least one collision.
  • #7370 Improved the documentation for the 'name' ex...
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Pre-Release 2.10.0-pre1

02 Jan 00:09
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Skript 2.10.0-pre1

Today, we are kicking off the new year with Skript 2.10.0 Pre-Release 1! As a pre-release, be warned that there may be bugs! We do not recommend running this version on your production servers. This release contains more than 150 new features, bug fixes, and API updates to play around with!

Below, you can familiarize yourself with the changes. Additionally, by clicking here, you can view the list of new syntax on our documentation site. As always, report any issues to our issues page!

Per our release model, we plan to release 2.10.0 on January 15th. We may release additional pre-releases before then should the need arise.

Happy Skripting!

Major Changes


Skript has dropped support for Minecraft versions below 1.19.4. This means 1.19.4, 1.20.6, and 1.21.3/1.21.4 are the supported versions. Going forward, Skript will only support the latest 3 major Minecraft versions.
In addition, Skript now requires Java 17 to run. While most users are running Java 17 or newer, some may be required to update for this version.


Addons will likely not initially work with 2.10!
Due to the removal of the deprecated Converter class, many addons will need to be recompiled (no code changes) to work with 2.10.
Addon developers should only need to re-build against 2.10 to fix this issue.


Aliases are going away! Your scripts may break if you do not take action.
This means a lot of item names will be changing to match their in-game ids. In addition, categories and blockdata aliases will also be going away, replaced by tags and blockdata respectively.

rabbit's foot -> rabbit foot
gold helmet -> golden helmet
any sword -> tag "swords"
waterlogged oak stairs -> oak_stairs[waterlogged=true]

If you do not want to make changes to your scripts, the old aliases will be provided along with each Skript release, so you can continue to use them if you'd like.
See here for more details.

Minecraft Tags

Skript now supports the ability to use Minecraft tags (#minecraft:swords, #minecraft:logs, etc.). These are being introduced as a replacement for the current category aliases (any sword, any log) and should provide much more flexibilty. You can even create your own tags!

set {_tag} to tag "swords"
give the player a random item out of {_tag}'s tag values
if the player's tool is tagged as item tag "minecraft:piglin_food":
    send "Yum!"
register an item tag named "my_favorite_blocks" using oak log, stone, and podzol

Display Entities

The long-awaited support for display entities is finally here! 2.10 includes a lot of syntax for creating, manipulating, and using display entities.

spawn an oak log block display at player:
    set the display scale of the display to vector(1, 10, 1)
    set the display translation of the display to vector(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
    rotate display around its local y axis by 45 degrees
    set the view range of display to 2

More display syntax can be found on the docs.

Variable Starting Character Reservations

Some characters are reserved at the start of variable names. Users will receive a warning when trying to use them.
This is so that these characters will be available for special variable functionality in future versions.

The following characters are reserved:

  • {~variable}
  • {.variable}
  • {$variable}
  • {!variable}
  • {&variable}
  • {^variable}
  • {*variable}
  • {+variable}
  • {-variable}

Registration API (Preview)


This is a preview feature, meaning it is subject to breaking changes without a deprecation period.

This update includes the initial preview of a new Skript/Addon API, starting with addon registration and syntax registration.

The main Skript (JavaPlugin) class now has a new method, instance(), which provides access to the modern Skript class. This class contains the registered addons and the new SyntaxRegistry, which holds all of Skript's (and its addon's) registered syntax.

A tutorial with full usage information will be coming in the near future. For now, the full details are available at the pull request.

🧪 Experimental Features

Experimental features allow users to enable syntax on a per-script basis: some of these features are new proposals that we are testing, others may have unsafe or complex elements that regular users don't want.

Experimental features can be enabled by adding 'using %feature name%' at the top of a script.

Please note that anything marked as experimental is subject to changes in future versions.

For-Each Loop

A new kind of loop syntax that stores the loop index and value in variables for convenience.

This can be used to avoid confusion when nesting multiple loops inside each other.

for {_index}, {_value} in {my list::*}:
    broadcast "%{_index}%: %{_value}%"
for each {_player} in all players:
    send "Hello %{_player}%!" to {_player}

All existing loop features are also available in this section.

Enabling Flag

using for loops


A collection that removes elements whenever they are requested.

This is useful for processing tasks or keeping track of things that need to happen only once.

set {queue} to a new queue of "hello" and "world"

broadcast the first element of {queue}
# "hello" is now removed

broadcast the first element of {queue}
# "world" is now removed

# queue is empty
set {queue} to a new queue of all players

set {player 1} to a random element out of {queue} 
set {player 2} to a random element out of {queue}
# players 1 and 2 are guaranteed to be distinct

Queues can be looped over like a regular list.

Enabling Flag

using queues

Script Reflection

This feature includes:

  • The ability to reference a script in code.
  • Finding and running functions by name.
  • Reading configuration files and values.

Enabling Flag

using script reflection

⚠ Breaking Changes

  • Out-of-range dates will now return '0 seconds' instead of 'none' in the 'time since' expression:
if time since {_date} is less than 3 seconds:

# Previously, if {_date} was in the future, this would be false.
# Now, this is true, since `time since {_date}` evaluates to 0 seconds.

# These situations will not change:
# {_date} more than 3 seconds ago     -> false
# {_date} between 0 and 3 seconds ago -> true
  • The existing 'fish' event has been replaced by more specific and useful events.
  • The 'kill' effect now bypasses totems of undying.
  • For the 'script' effect, support for using 'skript %string%' was removed. Simply use 'script %string%' or 'skript file %string%'.
  • The 'future event-block' in the 'block break' event was removed. It did not work in many cases due to API limitations.
  • In the VariablesStorage class, the field 'databaseName' is no longer 'protected', and the constructor parameter now represents the database type rather than name. See #7074 for full details.
  • In the Skript class, the syntax element info getters (e.g. 'getStatements') now return unmodifiable collections.
  • Numerous API classes were deprecated, and many long deprecated API classes were removed. As a result, addons will need to be recompiled against 2.10 to work. See the pull request for full details.



  • #5518 Adds support for obtaining multiple random numbers at once with the 'random numbers' expression.
  • #5601 Adds syntax for working with display entities. Involves spawning, translating, scaling, rotating, and many other interations with displays.
  • #6203 Adds a 'time until' expression along with a condition for whether a date is in the past or future.
  • #6419 Adds an expression for changing the custom chat completions of players.
  • #6427 Adds support for entity leashing events.
  • #6439 Adds a '/skript list' command which displays the current enabled and disabled scripts.
  • #6498 Adds support for teleport flags to the 'teleport' effect. Teleport flags allow retaining entity properties such as position and direction during a teleport.
  • #6532 Adds the entity potion effect event, which occurs when an entity gains or lose...
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Patch Release 2.9.5

02 Dec 00:30
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Skript 2.9.5

Skript 2.9.5 is here with a handful of new bug fixes. As always, you can report any issues on our issue tracker.

Happy Skripting!



  • #7232 Improved the documentation of the 'projectile hit' event to be up to date with the 'victim' syntax.

Bug Fixes

  • #7062 Fixed an error that would occur when attempting to place blocks between two points above the world limit.
  • #7120 Fixed an issue where various expressions (enchant effect, replace effect, vector expressions, etc.) would overwrite the indices of list variables used.
  • #7152 Fixed an issue where player skull textures would not immediately load on Paper (loading is now forced).
  • #7188 Fixed an issue where plural event values did not work with 'past' and 'future' time states.
  • #7195 Fixed a few Turkish language mistakes.
  • #7199 Fixed multiple issues with playing sounds on 1.21.3+.
  • #7202 Fixed an error that could occur when using invalid regular expression patterns in the split expression.
  • #7210 Fixed long overflow when performing arithmetic.
  • #7230 Fixed an issue that could occur when trying to grow new tree types (e.g. pale oak).

API Additions

  • #7120 Added a new 'Expression#changeInPlace()' method for changing the elements of an expression without changing the entire object. For example, this allows the values of a list variable to be updated while preserving the indices.
  • #7207 Updated the 'Arithmetics#exactOperationExists' and 'Arithmetics#exactDifferenceExists' methods to be public. They act as a safe way to check arithmetic operation existence during the registration period.

Click here to view the full list of commits made since 2.9.4


Help Us Test

We have an official Discord community for beta testing Skript's new features and releases.

Thank You

Special thanks to the contributors whose work was included in this version:

As always, if you encounter any issues or have some minor suggestions, please report them at
If you have any bigger ideas or input for the future of Skript, you can share those too at

Beta Release 2.10.0-beta1

02 Nov 00:19
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Skript 2.10.0 Beta 1

Skript 2.10.0 Beta 1 is here, ready for testing! This beta contains many new features, major changes, and bug fixes to improve the Skript experience, but we need to be sure they all work properly!

Below, you can familiarize yourself with the changes. As always, report any issues to our issues page! You can also use the #2-10-0-beta1 channel in the SkriptLang Testing Guild to talk about this beta.

Docs can be found here:

Happy Skripting!

Major Changes


Skript has dropped support for Minecraft versions below 1.19.4. This means 1.19.4, 1.20.6, and 1.21.X are the supported versions. Going forward, Skript will only support the latest 3 major Minecraft versions.
In addition, Skript now requires Java 17 to run. While most users are running Java 17 or newer, some may be required to update for this version.

  • Display entities! Try spawning them, rotating them, translating them, and everything else!
  • Animal husbandry syntaxes!
  • Get various sounds of blocks, entities, and items, like the footsteps sound of a given item!
  • Limit the number of variable backups created so you don't flood your hard drive!
  • And much more!

⚠ Breaking Changes

  • Out-of-range dates will now return 0 seconds instead of none in the time since expression:
if time since {_date} is less than 3 seconds:

# Previously, if {_date} was in the future, this would be false.
# Now, this is true, since `time since {_date}` evaluates to 0 seconds.

# These situations will not change:
# {_date} more than 3 seconds ago     -> false
# {_date} between 0 and 3 seconds ago -> true



  • #5601 Adds syntax regarding display entities. Involves spawning, translating, scaling, rotating, and many other interations with displays.
  • #6419 Adds the ability to set, add, or remove custom chat completions for players.
  • #6532 Adds the entity potion effect event, triggered when an entity gains/loses an effect.
  • #6768 Adds the piglin barter event (with barter input & output expressions).
  • #6780 Adds a config option for all operators to see information when a script is reloaded.
  • #6849 Adds a condition to check if an entity is saddled.
  • #6850 Adds an effect to tame an entity and a condition to test if an entity is tamed.
  • #6851 Adds a config option to limit the amount of variable backup files stored.
  • #6859 Adds expression to get the command of a command block, as well as a condition and effect to check and set the conditionality of a command block.
  • #6861 Adds an expression to get or modify the taming level of horses.
  • #6898 Adds an effect to immediately detonate a creeper, tnt minecart, primed tnt, firework, or windcharge.
  • #6912 Adds a section to filter lists, like the filter expression but with the ability to retain indices.
  • #6960 Adds a warning for unreachable code (for example, code following a return effect in a function).
  • #6970 Allows deleting/resetting the prefix/suffix of players.
  • #6997 Add an explicit sort order to the sort effect.
  • #7019 Adds an expression to get various sounds of entities, like their death sound, fall damage sound, or sound for eating a certain item.
  • #7040 Adds an expression to get various sound of blocks, like their break sound, footstep sound, or place sound.
  • #7045 Adds a last death location expression for players.
  • #7075 Adds an event for when blocks drop items when broken.
  • #7076 Adds an expression for the experience pickup cooldown of players, as well as an event for when it changes.
  • #7094 Adds an effect to open/close the lids of certain blocks, as well as a condition to check if a lid is open or not.
  • #7104 Adds a condition to check if a number in evenly divisible by another.
  • #7015 Adds syntax to get some client chat options on Paper servers, like if a player has chat colouring disabled.
  • #7110 Adds syntax related to animal breeding and age.
  • #7142 Adds test world, block, and location expressions for use in tests.
  • #7166 Adds a function to format a number based on Java's DecimalFormat system.

Bug Fixes

  • #6970 Improves the prefix/suffix expression to avoid LuckPerms errors.
  • #7023 Improve performance of book authors expression.
  • #7046 Fixes the piglin barter effect tests failing on Windows machines.
  • #7055 Fixes the inability to spawn chest boats.


  • #5518 Adds support for getting multiple random numbers at once.
  • #6203 Adds time until to the time since expression. Changes out-of-range dates to return 0 seconds instead of none.
  • #6741 Adds gamemodes to the invulnerable condition.
  • #6849 Adds support for wolf armor in the is wearing condition and the equip effect.
  • #6860 Supports wither projectiles in the 'charged' syntax.
  • #6867 Supports hiding/revealing all entities instead of just players.
  • #6900 Adds the ability to get all entities within a cuboid region (within two locations).
  • #6930 Adds the option to ignore trailing empty strings when splitting text.
  • #6958 Adds a warning when Skript is reloaded via /reload or similar means.
  • #6989 Adds a new option to the connect effect for transfering players between any two servers.
  • #7001 Allows the use of shortened timespan units in commands: /my_ban_command sovde 1y 2d 3s.
  • #7013 Adds more support for withers and wither skulls in the charge effect and condition.
  • #7030 Allows underscores in numbers for readability: 100_000_000.
  • #7041 Adds support for wolf variants.
  • #7073 Default names are now generated for enum values that are missing lang entries: Missing lang enum constant for 'teleport causes.END_GATEWAY'. Using end gateway teleport cause for now. This allows users to use some new Minecraft content without waiting for a Skript update.
  • #7126 Added special generated aliases for modded items. mod:item is accessible as mod's item or item from mod. This feature is not officially supported, as Skript does not officially support any modded platforms. Any reported issues with this feature are not guaranteed to be addressed.
  • #7130 Allows blockdata to be used as the filter for on click events.
  • #7113 Supports adding to and removing from metadata tag values.
  • #7115 Reduces delay before starting tests to 5 ticks instead of 5 seconds.

API Changes

  • #5552 Adds internal Skript API events, like script initialization and script load events.
  • #6873 Allows multiple return types in an ExpressionEntryData.
  • #6993 Skript Timespans now implement the full Java time API, making them compatible with external resources.
  • #7043 Exposes method to get the pattern strings of a property expression.
  • #7053 Adds support for asynchronous JUnit tests.
  • #7094 Explicitly add suppliers for EnumClassInfos.
  • #7016 Avoids sending join messages when testing to avoid complexities with mocking players.

[Click here to view the full list of commits made since 2.9.4](<

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Patch 2.9.4

01 Nov 21:14
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Skript 2.9.4

Skript 2.9.4 is here with even more bug fixes and early support for Minecraft 1.21.3. As always, you can report any issues on our issue tracker.

Happy Skripting!


Bug Fixes

  • #7141 Fixes leather horse armor being unequipable.
  • #7143 Fixed entries being case-sensitive, preventing using capital letters in entries like 'Usage: ' for commands.


  • #7163/#7176 Added early support for Minecraft 1.21.3 features

This includes: Pale Garden biome, creaking entity, baby squid entity, baby glow squid entity, baby dolphin entity

Click here to view the full list of commits made since 2.9.3


Help Us Test

We have an official Discord community for beta testing Skript's new features and releases.

Thank You

Special thanks to the contributors whose work was included in this version:

As always, if you encounter any issues or have some minor suggestions, please report them at
If you have any bigger ideas or input for the future of Skript, you can share those too at

Patch 2.9.3

01 Oct 23:03
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Skript 2.9.3

Skript 2.9.3 is here with even more bug fixes. As always, you can report any issues on our issue tracker.

We are also excited to welcome six new members to our team! These new members were selected from the numerous applications we received, and they have already been hard at work troubleshooting issues, patching bugs, and building new features. The full list of new members is as follows:

Happy Skripting!


Bug Fixes

  • #7024 Fixed an error that could occur when using invalid inputs in the 'look at' effect.
  • #7027 Fixed some bStats reporting issues from the recent changes.
  • #7031 Fixed formatting issues when reloading a directory.
  • #7036 Fixed numerous and/or warnings that occurred in the tests.
  • #7038 Fixed the within condition returning wrong values when negated and given a null input.
  • #7052 Fixed an issue where 'Dutch' was not one of the language options listed in the config.
  • #7056 Fixed removing entries from the hover list in a server ping event.
  • #7060 Fixed exponents capping at long max value.
  • #7066 Fixed an issue where the 'swim toggle' event could be cancelled. An error is now printed as cancelling it has no effect.
  • #7067 Fixed an internal testing issue with the parse structure.
  • #7082 Fixed an issue with modifying world times.
  • #7085 Fixed an error message that could occur from unregistered types in changers.
  • #7087 Fixed an issue where legacy materials were used in places they shouldn't.
  • #7091 Fixed a bug when setting the profile of a skull to an offline player without a username.
  • #7121 Fixed a redundant material namespace check.

API Updates

  • #6992 Removed the usage of Eclipse annotations package. The JetBrains annotations package is now preferred.
  • #7089 Introduced an official checkstyle for code formatting warnings.
  • #7095 Prevents delays from being used in the testing system (excluding JUnit).

Click here to view the full list of commits made since 2.9.2


Help Us Test

We have an official Discord community for beta testing Skript's new features and releases.

Thank You

Special thanks to the contributors whose work was included in this version:

As always, if you encounter any issues or have some minor suggestions, please report them at
If you have any bigger ideas or input for the future of Skript, you can share those too at

Patch Release 2.9.2

01 Sep 18:50
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Skript 2.9.2

Skript 2.9.2 is here with more bug fixes and a few minor additions and tweaks. As always, you can report any issues on our issue tracker.

Happy Skripting!



  • #6942 Added Dutch language support.
  • #7008 Added support trial spawners in the spawner type syntax.


  • #6984 Enhanced and expanded the BStats charts.
  • #7023 Improved the performance of the 'book authors' expression.

Bug Fixes

  • #5073 Fixed an issue where items did not work with the 'is of type' condition.
  • #6936 Fixed an issue with unreliable parsing of quotes in command arguments.
  • #6942 Fixed a mistake in the German language support.
  • #6982 Fixed some cases of incorrect word pluralization.
  • #6983 Fixed a faulty error message in the 'return' effect.
  • #6988 Fixed input validation errors that could occur with the 'hover list' expression on newer versions.
  • #6996 Fixed a concurrency issue with default variables.
  • #7018 Fixed the localization of the 'horse jump strength' attribute.
  • #7016/#7022 Fixed additional version support issues with the 'play sound' effect.
  • #7025 Fixed an issue with the 'vehicle' expression that could prevent Skript from loading on newer versions.

Click here to view the full list of commits made since 2.9.1


Help Us Test

We have an official Discord community for beta testing Skript's new features and releases.

Thank You

Special thanks to the contributors whose work was included in this version:

As always, if you encounter any issues or have some minor suggestions, please report them at
If you have any bigger ideas or input for the future of Skript, you can share those too at

Patch Release 2.9.1

01 Aug 18:32
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Skript 2.9.1

Skript 2.9.1 is here to resolve some of the most notable issues reported with 2.9.0. We will continue to assess stability and make fixes as necessary. As always, you can report any issues on our issue tracker.

Happy Skripting!



  • #6906 Added some additional spawn reasons from 1.21.
  • #6919 Added 'pufferfish' as an alias for the 'puffer fish' entity data.


  • #6854 Updated the display name of potion effect types from 'potion' to 'potion effect type'.

Bug Fixes

  • #6897 Fixed an issue where sorting the indices of a list with children caused an error.
  • #6909 Fixed an issue with Timespan#getAs(), which was breaking timespan arithmetic.
  • #6910 Fixed an issue where the 'play sound' effect would cause runtime errors on some server versions.
  • #6926 Fixed an issue where Skript could fail to start on some 1.21 server versions.
  • #6932 Fixed an issue with the SimplifiedChinese translation that caused a startup error.
  • #6947 Fixed an issue where the 'remaining air' expression would cause runtime errors.
  • #6948 Fixed an issue where using some events would cause parsetime errors.
  • #6949 Fixed an issue where reloading the aliases would not automatically regenerate missing aliases.

Click here to view the full list of commits made since 2.9.0


Help Us Test

We have an official Discord community for beta testing Skript's new features and releases.

Thank You

Special thanks to the contributors whose work was included in this version:

As always, if you encounter any issues or have some minor suggestions, please report them at
If you have any bigger ideas or input for the future of Skript, you can share those too at